The Random Crap Thread

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They're filming some scenes from Mirrors 2 at the Louisiana State Museum. I was there to research a project, and I got to see a few scenes get shot. "The girl from even stevens" is in it, my classmates told me... though I have no idea who or what they're talking about.

If you see this movie ever, the department store scenes were shot in the lobby of the museum. I was disappointed, because at first I thought it was a movie about evil mannequins. They were set up all over the place.
Theres a hot cosplayer girl in my master's class. She sent me pictures of her dressed as Leia, and Sailor Mars, the doctor from Planet Terror and the bride.

I now can't even speak to her because I'm so terribly anxious fearing i'll sound stupid!


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My laptop got updated drivers for the touchpad. Now I can do all sorts of cool multi-touch stuff. Before all it could do was pinch-zoom. Now it can do two-finger scrolling, and three-finger forward/back in my browser, and more stuff I don't care about. Awesome.

EDIT: Re-read that and it comes across as sarcastic. I actually love the new scrolling and forward/back stuff. I just don't care about rotation or PowerPoint controls.


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It's one o those mornings. I hate everything and everyone, except the person who comes up to me with a cup of coffee. And that person will not arrive. Blast this early morning shift.

Occasional Poster

Folding laundry, ironing shirts, drinking some leftover red wine, watching season 2 of Mad Men... Quite the thursday afternoon. :)

In an hour I'm off to one of the student pubs. We're having a collaboration of four student pubs where we'll stay two hours at the first pub, two hours at the second et cetera. One free drink per pub. It willl be nice to get to know more people than just our regulars. It's going to be an awesome night! :D


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Damn... I definitely need to go an' sleep now. I saw ElJuski's signature about Love in the Time of Sausage, and the next thing I knew I was singing about Love Sausage - to the tune of Love Boat.

And I'm not even drunk.

Me think me go sleepies now, bye bye.

The Loooooove Sausage... will be making another ruuuuunnnn... The Looooove Sausage...


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Saw my aunt today--the one who lost her husband last year. She's been doing better, but I still feel so sad for her. I cried for her tonight when I got home with mom, and she was, of course, a good mom and sat me down and told me a bunch of stuff I already know but needed to hear: How unpredictable life is, how we should never have regrets and always remember how lucky we are to have one another, even for a little while.

I love my mom and whole family. I still hurt so bad for Nanny. She'll have these moments where her eyes flash, and we know she's back at that beach watching them try to bring him back. It's a pain I can only imagine.

There have been a lot of deaths I could see coming--great grandparents... a grandpa who smoked since he was 10, an alcoholic uncle, a severely depressed aunt... but this was completely shocking.

Seeing Nanny and my 2 cousins today was hard, because I know how rough days like this are for them. I'm glad we all have each other.

Anyway... I hope everybody had a nice day with someone that they care about.

Also, another lesson relearned today: You never know when someone needs to hear something good about him/herself. So if you think something good about someone, just say it. It felt great to make someone smile today.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.


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I was meeting with my best friend today for lunch, and while we were walking to the place of eating, we discussed something that two academic geeks (well, a geek and a beefy geek) normally do: politics and eating babies.

What made this particular discussion laughable was that while we were talking about nutritional value of babies and how many of them Stalin really ate, we walked by a pregnant woman who gave us the most creeped-out look imaginable.

So we went our merry way and my friend came up with probably the most creepiest baby dish imaginable: a baby stuffed with carrots. "To prevent leaking", he said.

"This is so going to Halforums", I said to him. And he smiled like someone who had just pressed the button to blow up a planet.

I've been trying to get him to come here, but he fears his unique blend of snarkiness and misanthropy will be lost here.


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I hate to break it to you, Seej, but no, he doesn't. Like I said, he's buff. He doesn't need suspenders or something.

I've been trying to get him here but he's not too keen on the idea for some reason.

Also... you can always pull my suspenders ;)


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I have been having flippin' weird dreams lately. Aside from the ones I've been glad to have forgotten, I had one where I was in a survival horror game. I don't play survival horror games, unless you count Left 4 Dead. It must have been from watching Spoony review horror movies and games.

Anyway the rough idea in the dream is that a kid is playing at a friend's house, when suddenly the boy starts speaking in an adult voice. The kid tells his friend's father that it's the kid's future-self, and convinces him that something bad is going to happen and that he needs to protect the child and the book. Then as friend's-dad is getting ready to protect the boy, weird stuff starts happening with the scenery, and suddenly it's outside in a swampy woods, and a stereo-typical voo-doo lady is there with a burly assistant. Then the zombies show up, everything goes badly, and the adults die, but hiding nearby is a child, who sees a book laying on the ground nearby. Kind of like, "congratulations, you won by dying a horrible death and letting the child go unnoticed." and that's the general theme of this dreamed game idea. People get sent to the past to die at the hands of monsters in order to preserve children who will pass down the book.

Why am I dreaming about a game I'd never play?


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Most likely for the same reason I had a H1N1-vaccine-caused-fever-induced dream about the electric guitar duel to the death with Eddie Riggs (aka CGI-animated Jack Black).

I just added another stretch of pavement to my highway to hell. I'm playing these crazy cat videos and laughing at how my three cats are reacting to them. :twisted:
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