The Random Crap Thread

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Last night I dreamt that I saw a nuclear bomb detonate. I watched as the blast came towards us, looking thought the windows down at the surrounding woods as the white, glowing smoke moved through, enveloping everything. I wasn't afraid, but when I looked down at my three year old boy, I could see it was scaring him, so I reached out to try and comfort him, even as I watched the blast move through the room. I actually watched both of my arms disintegrate as I tried to reach for him.

I...I am not well rested today.
Tonight I dreamt I wrestled the fat guy form Little Britain, who was dressed in a red suit and tried to ruin a drawing I was doing at my old school playground.

Not as dramatic, but I've woken up with a little taste of blood in my mouth because of how much I pressed my teeth against each other in stress.
Last night I dreamt that I saw a nuclear bomb detonate. I watched as the blast came towards us, looking thought the windows down at the surrounding woods as the white, glowing smoke moved through, enveloping everything. I wasn't afraid, but when I looked down at my three year old boy, I could see it was scaring him, so I reached out to try and comfort him, even as I watched the blast move through the room. I actually watched both of my arms disintegrate as I tried to reach for him.

I...I am not well rested today.
Creepier. Coincidence of course, but still.


Staff member
Last night I dreamt that I saw a nuclear bomb detonate. I watched as the blast came towards us, looking thought the windows down at the surrounding woods as the white, glowing smoke moved through, enveloping everything. I wasn't afraid, but when I looked down at my three year old boy, I could see it was scaring him, so I reached out to try and comfort him, even as I watched the blast move through the room. I actually watched both of my arms disintegrate as I tried to reach for him.

I...I am not well rested today.
Oh God, that's terrible. :(
I just wish I could shake it. I don't usually have really graphic or memorable dreams. Watching my hand disappearing down to bone, and then that going as well, as I reached for my son wasn't something I was mentally prepared for.

Stupid, self-destructive mind.
Cross-post between the "Funny Pictures!" thread and "Random Crap" thread, because I want to share this thing with everyone.

I saw this ad as a poster in a hotel around town, and thought it was one of the better print ads I've ever seen (especially considering that it's local). Recently I had a conversation about good ads with a friend, and I desperately searched for this online. Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found. Making use of my recently-learned Harass Strangers Via Unsolicited Emails To Get What You Want technique, I emailed the Newfoundland Liquor Corporation to ask if I could get a digital copy to share through my blog and Facebook.

Here it is. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Joke explanation/exposition inside, for those unfamiliar with Newfoundland
I once met a few Ontarians who were surprised when they discovered that neither myself or my Newfoundlander friends were very good swimmers. Their logic was that if we lived on an island, it would make sense that we would swim a lot. This, of course, does not take into account the fact that we are an island in the North Atlantic, where ten minutes in the water in the 'wrong' time of year could kill you, and ten minutes in the 'right' time of year is at best 'uncomfortable.'

Add to this the fact that we have an impossibly rocky shoreline that would kill swimmers and surfers alike, were they to venture into the water anyhow, and the idea of a Newfoundland Surf Team takes on an absurdly comical flavor.
Last night, A good-looking young woman asked me if I liked breasts or legs. I told her what I really like is a shaved snatch.

Now I'm no longer welcome at KFC!


Staff member
God, I hope Easter is over soon. The delectable Easter morsel known as the Mignon egg, a real egg shell filled with mouthwateringly good almond and nut nougat, will then be out for another year - and yours truly will be safe from egg binges. Truly, the deliciousness of this treat is like Rayne Summers's addiction to Cadbury eggs.
God, I hope Easter is over soon. The delectable Easter morsel known as the Mignon egg, a real egg shell filled with mouthwateringly good almond and nut nougat, will then be out for another year - and yours truly will be safe from egg binges. Truly, the deliciousness of this treat is like Rayne Summers's addiction to Cadbury eggs.
I had to look those up to see what they looked like. Those are pretty awesome! I wish we had something like that.
All we get are Cadbury Eggs, which is practically raw sugar syrup in a milk chocolate (blah!) shell.


Staff member
Yeah, those DO sound delicious, but I also love Cadbury eggs. And I'm not that partial to milk chocolate, either. I think part of it is the novelty of them. It's such a neat idea for an Easter candy! I've got one in my purse right now, actually...perhaps I'll eat it. :D
Last night I dreamt that I saw a nuclear bomb detonate. I watched as the blast came towards us, looking thought the windows down at the surrounding woods as the white, glowing smoke moved through, enveloping everything. I wasn't afraid, but when I looked down at my three year old boy, I could see it was scaring him, so I reached out to try and comfort him, even as I watched the blast move through the room. I actually watched both of my arms disintegrate as I tried to reach for him.

I...I am not well rested today.
Oh God, that's terrible. :([/QUOTE]

Roast Beef and I have had similar dreams to you, Fun Size.
I've been transforming pictures of people form my class into meme pictures, and while most don't get them, they keep asking me to do new ones...

Philosopher B.

So I was counting the ones in my wallet. And somehow my finger got cut, because all of a sudden, I noticed there was blood on the money I was counting. At first I was really pissed, partly because I had cut my finger and I didn't even know how (I'm still not sure; I guess maybe I scraped it), and partly because there was now blood all over my goddamn one-dollar bills.

It turns, out, though, that blood comes off of money really easily.
So I was counting the ones in my wallet. And somehow my finger got cut, because all of a sudden, I noticed there was blood on the money I was counting. At first I was really pissed, partly because I had cut my finger and I didn't even know how (I'm still not sure; I guess maybe I scraped it), and partly because there was now blood all over my goddamn one-dollar bills.

It turns, out, though, that blood comes off of money really easily.
Wait... you... laundered money? *calls FBI*

Kitty Sinatra

I feel kinda sorry for poor philosopher B. The smallest bill my wallet ever sees is a fiver.


Staff member
Went to Taco Bell for dinner I ordered a burrito and some nachos and they gave me nineteen sauce packets and three sporks to go with it. :twitch:

Kitty Sinatra

Yeah, the 19 sauce packets was a message that she was 19 and wanted to get messy with you. The 3 sporks, well, I don't know.


God, I hope Easter is over soon. The delectable Easter morsel known as the Mignon egg, a real egg shell filled with mouthwateringly good almond and nut nougat, will then be out for another year - and yours truly will be safe from egg binges. Truly, the deliciousness of this treat is like Rayne Summers's addiction to Cadbury eggs.
I want that! and I want it now!


Staff member
Yeah, those DO sound delicious, but I also love Cadbury eggs. And I'm not that partial to milk chocolate, either. I think part of it is the novelty of them. It's such a neat idea for an Easter candy! I've got one in my purse right now, actually...perhaps I'll eat it. :D
The thing with milk chocolate is that you have to know how to make it properly. Finnish milk chocolate is awesome, thanks to a less-creepy-and-more-professional chocolateer by the name of Karl Fazer (pronounced FUH-tzer, not 'phaser' ;) ) who set up a candy company in the late 19th century (actually the very same that makes my current addiction). Swiss is good, too. But I've tasted Cadbury's milk chocolate when I was in Ireland. In all honesty, it tasted like someone had eaten the chocolate and then vomited it up.

Next time I was in contact with my folks, I asked them to send a care package containing chocolate (along with cans of pea soup, but that's another story).
So this woman I went out with a few times last year shows up where I work today (which is in a college library, so it's not actually that creepy or stalkery - she had her kids with her and she was doing her classwork). She had stood me up, gave me a weak excuse as to why, then a few weeks later when I called her, her phone was disconnected. I figured that was that, especially since instead of running into her every day or so, I suddenly didn't see her at all for the next 11 months. So after she prints out her work, she goes, "Hey, why haven't you called me?" I said, "Because last time I did, your phone was disconnected, and I haven't seen you for most of a year." She goes, "Oh, really? Well, here's my cell number," and wrote it down and gave it to me. As she was leaving, she said, "Call me," and I said, "We'll see."

I don't think I'm going to. I haven't been seeing anyone in the meantime, but going to round two on something that really wasn't there in the first place seems like a stupid idea. Then again, I've been plenty stupid before and will surely be stupid again.
Pffft, shes got kids man. Who wants to deal with that?

As for my random thought, why is the 7th dungeon so much easier than the 6th in Legend of Zelda? I mean 6 has wizrobes, like likes and those things that stun you all in the same room. Level 7 is mostly boomerang guys, the eye blob boss and dadongo (sp?) bosses. Most of the boss monsters you can just skip, too.
Eh, her daughters are nice enough. I wound up helping one with her homework after I finished checking our electronic resources to see how many links were no longer current.
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