The Random Crap Thread

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Staff member
Well, the ball went pretty great last night. Momma looked beautiful in her gown, the band was great, and the anthem wasn't butchered. ^_^ I just can't talk now.


For several weeks these two hawks have been copulating on the roof of the building next door. It's right outside my window so I can see basically everything. I'm not sure if I should be repulsed. I mean, I'm kind of happy for them. I kind of want to go out there scream, "Hell yeah, throw down you two!"
That cave was all over the news down here a while back. People kept comparing it to Superman's Fortress of Solitude. Which made it that much more awesome.


Staff member
Stupid stupid.... stupid.

ARGH. Fella's ex-gf tried to friend him on facebook. I'm sure that she thinks bygones are bygones and that we could all be best pals again (weirdly enough, we all used to kinda hang together online). But noooope, if I never hear from her again, it'll be too soon. I hope she doesn't keep on trying to friend him even though he ignored her. She has this thing about guys--for a while, it was "fate" that she end up with this one guy, but before that, it was "fate" that she and Jake should be together... lotta fate flying around and being awful fickle about this girl's romantic life. :eyeroll: Knowing her, she scared some guy off, and now she's looking to sink her claws back into him.

You know, logically, I know I have nothing to be jealous about. I trust him completely, and that is ALL that matters... officially. But knowing she might still have designs on him puts me in a fighting mood.... I'm ashamed that I still get this pissed at her after so much time has passed, and I'm not going to share the details of exactly WHY here... but damnit. Bitch better watch herself.

And just for the record, he dislikes her as much as I do. I don't want to keep two people who could be totally amicable and non-romantic around one another from being friends. We DO NOT LIKE this girl, and I can't believe she's back after something like... 4 freaking years. Grrrr, angry Cajun blood boiling.

Philosopher B.

Challenge her to a ukulele duel. Loser leaves the country and never returns.
I'm not going to share the details of exactly WHY here

It's too much, too much crap. But to give you an idea of what we're dealing with---she thinks she's magic. She's pretty much ripped her spiritual beliefs from The Craft. It caused problems.[/QUOTE]

Did she pull a bunch of flowers out of her ass at a party you were throwing, because I tried that once and the kids parents were mad at me for like ever.

Kitty Sinatra

Then I'll marry her.

(because husbands don't really to listen to their wife anyway)
(because husbands don't really to listen to their wife anyway)
Funny story about that. I was watching a recorded lecture by Wade Davis (noted anthropologist, and real-life Indiana Jones), and he was talking about a group of indigenous people somewhere in South America. They have a rule that in order to qualify for marriage, the husband and wife aren't allowed to speak the same language.


Today at lunch I discovered that my friend Shannon makes the Wah Wah sad trombone sound in real life. Whenever part of her story was a bummer she said, wah wah. It cracked me up.


This just seems weird to me. Hulu has Robotech up, but they just recently posted a kind of redone version. Super Dimension Fortress Macross. It's still in english and everything, but it's I guess supposed to appeal to the...shall we say anime purist? It keeps a lot of the original names and stuff, like the guy is no longer Rick Hunter but some Japanese name that I can't remember right now. Roy Foker is, I swear, Roy Fucker and Rick no longer calls him bro, but sempai.

So I mean all the changes are just in the audio really, but it still just seems weird to have both shows up there. I mean, is there really that much of a demand, and even a division between people who want to watch robotech, but half want to watch the one that they saw as a kid and others are the kinds of people who dig it when an anime has their characters use Japanese words every now and again even though the rest is in English.

I'm not complaining, mind you, just trying to figure out the decision behind the move. I mean, I'd understand if this was the original Japanese audio and everything because some people prefer that.
Robotech was a fairly infamous chop-job of no less than three series, including the original Macross, with a script pretty much rebuilt from the ground up. Among other things, it coined the term 'macekre', after Carl Macek, the producer. Despite the fact that it played a big role in introducing anime to the US market, a lot of purists get very annoyed by it.
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