The Random Crap Thread

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Make out a long chart with very strong inheritable diseases along one side of the family, really really nasty stuff, then have them suddenly stop. See if the teacher notices and if they press the issue claim that member of the family was adopted thus the entire exercise was worthless.

Kitty Sinatra

I like that idea.

Also, perhaps you could add Bruce Banner into the tree. Then, later hint that she wouldn't want to make you angry, she wouldn't like you when you're angry.

Or throw some unrelated serial killers in there, see if she notices.
or just throw some weird random diseases on there. Make sure to know what they are, though.

Here's a few that I found on a quick search:

Pemphigus Vulgaris: An IMMUNE condition. Occurs btw middle and old age, unknown etiology, potientially fatal. Initial lesions on oral mucosa then spread and become generalized. Blisters, crusts, bullae, malaise, pain, chewing and swallowing difficulties, foul smelling discharge from skin, inc WBC.

Tay Sach's disease is a progressive genetic disorder that causes destruction of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Most common form begins with infants between 3-6 months of age with weakening of muscles.

Fifth's Disease (erythema infectiosum)- a virus that causes a red rash on kid's faces that looks like their cheeks had been slapped.

Raynaud's Disease- causes certain parts of your body like feet and hands to feel numb during colder weather.

Dupuytren contracture is a progressive contracture of the palmer fascia. It causes the fourth and fifth fingers to flex. It is an autosomal dominant trait and occurs mostly in MEN OVER 50, SCANDINAVIN OR CELTIC DESCENT. associated with DIABETES,GOUT,ARTHRITIS and ALCOHOLISM.

Paget's disease is a skeletal bone disorder where there is excessive bone resorption. The cause is unknown, could be viral. Usually affects pelvis, long bones, spine ribs & cranium. INITIAL manifestations - bone pain & fatigue. (This was in my practice questions)
or just throw some weird random diseases on there. Make sure to know what they are, though.

Here's a few that I found on a quick search:

Pemphigus Vulgaris: An IMMUNE condition. Occurs btw middle and old age, unknown etiology, potientially fatal. Initial lesions on oral mucosa then spread and become generalized. Blisters, crusts, bullae, malaise, pain, chewing and swallowing difficulties, foul smelling discharge from skin, inc WBC.

Tay Sach's disease is a progressive genetic disorder that causes destruction of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Most common form begins with infants between 3-6 months of age with weakening of muscles.

Fifth's Disease (erythema infectiosum)- a virus that causes a red rash on kid's faces that looks like their cheeks had been slapped.

Raynaud's Disease- causes certain parts of your body like feet and hands to feel numb during colder weather.

Dupuytren contracture is a progressive contracture of the palmer fascia. It causes the fourth and fifth fingers to flex. It is an autosomal dominant trait and occurs mostly in MEN OVER 50, SCANDINAVIN OR CELTIC DESCENT. associated with DIABETES,GOUT,ARTHRITIS and ALCOHOLISM.

Paget's disease is a skeletal bone disorder where there is excessive bone resorption. The cause is unknown, could be viral. Usually affects pelvis, long bones, spine ribs & cranium. INITIAL manifestations - bone pain & fatigue. (This was in my practice questions)
Make ONE ancestor have all of these.
or just throw some weird random diseases on there. Make sure to know what they are, though.

Here's a few that I found on a quick search:

Pemphigus Vulgaris: An IMMUNE condition. Occurs btw middle and old age, unknown etiology, potientially fatal. Initial lesions on oral mucosa then spread and become generalized. Blisters, crusts, bullae, malaise, pain, chewing and swallowing difficulties, foul smelling discharge from skin, inc WBC.

Tay Sach's disease is a progressive genetic disorder that causes destruction of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Most common form begins with infants between 3-6 months of age with weakening of muscles.

Fifth's Disease (erythema infectiosum)- a virus that causes a red rash on kid's faces that looks like their cheeks had been slapped.

Raynaud's Disease- causes certain parts of your body like feet and hands to feel numb during colder weather.

Dupuytren contracture is a progressive contracture of the palmer fascia. It causes the fourth and fifth fingers to flex. It is an autosomal dominant trait and occurs mostly in MEN OVER 50, SCANDINAVIN OR CELTIC DESCENT. associated with DIABETES,GOUT,ARTHRITIS and ALCOHOLISM.

Paget's disease is a skeletal bone disorder where there is excessive bone resorption. The cause is unknown, could be viral. Usually affects pelvis, long bones, spine ribs & cranium. INITIAL manifestations - bone pain & fatigue. (This was in my practice questions)
Make ONE ancestor have all of these.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, I would spread them out to my grandparents and parents and then list them all next to myself as already having been diagnosed with them too.


Staff member
I'm turning it in all normal and boring because I don't want any trouble *grumble grumble"*. In about 30 seconds...
I just found out a friend of mine just got married. We used to be best friends growing up but sadly due to life we kind went our different ways. We haven't even talked for over a year but still it was cool to hear that he got married.
At 30 years old I'm still getting carded... For video games.

I had a gift card to Best Buy, so I decided to give Fallout 3 a try. The lady at the register actually carded me. I couldn't stop laughing the whole time. I'm sure it's their policy or something, but it's kinda odd since I don't even get carded for booze anymore.
At 30 years old I'm still getting carded... For video games.

I had a gift card to Best Buy, so I decided to give Fallout 3 a try. The lady at the register actually carded me. I couldn't stop laughing the whole time. I'm sure it's their policy or something, but it's kinda odd since I don't even get carded for booze anymore.
Are you sure it wasn't to offer you senior citizens discount? 30 is pretty old.


Staff member
I've never been carded. Never. Not a single time. Zero, nada, zilch, naught times. Apparently I look older than I am. When I was 17 I was told I looked like I was in my late twenties. I despair to think what I look like now, being 27 next month.
Even when I was under age I was never carded for a game in fact the only time I think I was ever carded was recently when I was at Best Buy buying Dragon Age.
This just seems weird to me. Hulu has Robotech up, but they just recently posted a kind of redone version. Super Dimension Fortress Macross. It's still in english and everything, but it's I guess supposed to appeal to the...shall we say anime purist? It keeps a lot of the original names and stuff, like the guy is no longer Rick Hunter but some Japanese name that I can't remember right now. Roy Foker is, I swear, Roy Fucker and Rick no longer calls him bro, but sempai.

So I mean all the changes are just in the audio really, but it still just seems weird to have both shows up there. I mean, is there really that much of a demand, and even a division between people who want to watch robotech, but half want to watch the one that they saw as a kid and others are the kinds of people who dig it when an anime has their characters use Japanese words every now and again even though the rest is in English.

I'm not complaining, mind you, just trying to figure out the decision behind the move. I mean, I'd understand if this was the original Japanese audio and everything because some people prefer that.
Man it just seems my list of webcomics I follow just keeps getting larger and larger. I just found The Dreamland Chronicles yesterday and after about 3 hours I managed to get through the archives. I must say I am really enjoying the story so far and I can't believe it took me this long to start reading it.
I just cut my daily list down from 50+ comics to 20, and re-organized them so I don't open up the 3 days a week comics every day. Dreamland Chronicles is good, but I excluded it because the pacing is more suited to a long reading, rather than a new page a day.
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