The Random Crap Thread

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I only have 3 problems with Bill and Ted's Bogus journey.

1) They beat up a woman and take her clothes to gain an audience with God
2) I don't know why Death has to come back with them to the living realm
3) Why have two smaller stations if you're just going to combine them into one big station ~10 minutes later? Then when he saves the princesses he's two little ones again. Pick one and stick with it.

Other than that it's a perfect movie.
Every time I read the title of that thread that says underage drinkers get their license taken, some little part of my brain tells me that sentence doesn't work... I guess it's because, in Spain, you can't legally drive a car if you are underage.


Staff member
The Bill and Ted movies are enigmas. At first you're like, "This looks so stupid." Then you start watching it, and you're like, "Yep, about as stupid as you thought it would be." Then you're all done, and you're like, "WHOA, that was awesome! Let's do it again!"
I have discovered that I am a serious lightweight when it comes to alcohol. Two glasses of Vodka last night, and the brain-to-mouth filter was down. Granted, that doesn't take a lot to happen anyhow: any level of excitement can punch large holes in that filter, but it's embarrassing how little it took to make me tipsy.

"Goodnight, pretty girl."

Really, Rob? REALLY?
you are supposed to drink shots of vodka. not glasses. Now, there's your problem.

I'd get sh!t-faced if I drank 2 glasses of liquor too. That is with me having a high tolerance.
I get slightly drunk with just a beer, but I have to get really wasted to tell girls they are pretty. Probably one of the reasons I never get laid.
I'm not afraid to admit I could easily be a cock-based defacer. Back in art school, a game we all used to perpetuate on each other was to deface each other's drawings with dicks in the most innocuous of places.
My random crap, I now have a RoadRunner living on my front yard. It's pretty cool. And my dog does not chase him. That is kinda too bad, I want to see some acme action out my kitchen window.
We went to the park recently to feed the ducks. My husband was looking out over the pond whe he sudden broke out laughing in the psychotic way he does when he find something really immature and hilarious.

Someone had drawn a 20 foot penis in the ice.

We took pictures but none came out to great. I'm looking for the best one now.

EDIT: Here we go!

I'm not afraid to admit I could easily be a cock-based defacer. Back in art school, a game we all used to perpetuate on each other was to deface each other's drawings with dicks in the most innocuous of places.
I didn't do the penis game, though some friends did. I liked to wait until a friend nearly finished/did finish a drawing, and once they turned their head away I'd sketch a top hat floating Michigan J. Frog style over said character.
Wanted: Unique, but non-boring web domain that doesn't sound unprofessional. Will be complicated by the fact that I want to use my name, but haven't decided on a name to use professionally from here on out.

"Joshua Thompson" sounds too plain. "Joshua A. K. Thompson" sounds better. But I think "J. A. Kenmore Thompson" might be the name I want to go with. But that doesn't lend itself to a domain name, and admittedly sounds a little bit stiff. And there's also the problem that if I used either "Kenmore" or "Joshua" in the domain name, I'd basically be married to that for all time (unless I chose to pay for a new domain)

So I'm considering just something with "Thompson" in it. "" makes me smile, but is childish-ish. My friend jokingly suggested "" in the style of an attempted viral marketing campaign. leaves my options completely open, but I don't want to be associated with the other "Jack Thompson."

Domain names are too difficult. I'm essentially trying to brand myself, and I don't know the first thing about what I'm doing.
Wanted: Unique, but non-boring web domain that doesn't sound unprofessional. Will be complicated by the fact that I want to use my name, but haven't decided on a name to use professionally from here on out.

"Joshua Thompson" sounds too plain. "Joshua A. K. Thompson" sounds better. But I think "J. A. Kenmore Thompson" might be the name I want to go with. But that doesn't lend itself to a domain name, and admittedly sounds a little bit stiff. And there's also the problem that if I used either "Kenmore" or "Joshua" in the domain name, I'd basically be married to that for all time (unless I chose to pay for a new domain)

So I'm considering just something with "Thompson" in it. "" makes me smile, but is childish-ish. My friend jokingly suggested "" in the style of an attempted viral marketing campaign. leaves my options completely open, but I don't want to be associated with the other "Jack Thompson."

Domain names are too difficult. I'm essentially trying to brand myself, and I don't know the first thing about what I'm doing.
I like "J. A. Kenmore", without the Thompson... But, of course, the Thompson is the only part of your name you are sure you want to use!

Curiously though, I was just thinking about my decision of signing my work as a writer as Carlo E. Gallucci because without the "E", that's also my father's name. And, while I didin't have many problems with people telling him he wrote nice newspaper articles, I would like to not have us confused in my professional future...


Staff member
I just saw that Dante's Inferno commercial in HD. I never noticed that Beatrice does this little hurky jerky look down/gasp when the smoke envelopes her before. Loves me some Bill Withers though.
"Trying to Become a Scotch Drinker" Journal

Day 2:
Tried Scotch again. It wasn't as bad as my attempt last night, but it still feels like a bail of wheat punched me in the head and then pissed in my open mouth. To call this an 'acquired' taste is an understatement. I'm sure it would be easier to acquire a taste for dog urine.

Yet, I soldier on ...
Wanted: Unique, but non-boring web domain that doesn't sound unprofessional. Will be complicated by the fact that I want to use my name, but haven't decided on a name to use professionally from here on out.

"Joshua Thompson" sounds too plain. "Joshua A. K. Thompson" sounds better. But I think "J. A. Kenmore Thompson" might be the name I want to go with. But that doesn't lend itself to a domain name, and admittedly sounds a little bit stiff. And there's also the problem that if I used either "Kenmore" or "Joshua" in the domain name, I'd basically be married to that for all time (unless I chose to pay for a new domain)

So I'm considering just something with "Thompson" in it. "" makes me smile, but is childish-ish. My friend jokingly suggested "" in the style of an attempted viral marketing campaign. leaves my options completely open, but I don't want to be associated with the other "Jack Thompson."

Domain names are too difficult. I'm essentially trying to brand myself, and I don't know the first thing about what I'm doing.
Might want to avoid the whole "Jackin' more" domain name...
"Trying to Become a Scotch Drinker" Journal

Day 2:
Tried Scotch again. It wasn't as bad as my attempt last night, but it still feels like a bail of wheat punched me in the head and then pissed in my open mouth. To call this an 'acquired' taste is an understatement. I'm sure it would be easier to acquire a taste for dog urine.

Yet, I soldier on ...
You are obviously a communist.

Scotch is delicious. Scotchy scotch scotch.

I love all Whiskeys... Bourbon and Scotch included. They are the nectar of the gods.
I'm trying :(

I'm new to Whiskey at all right now, though. I spent about three months getting used to rum, which I can now drink straight without a problem. So far in Whiskey I've had two glasses of Jameson, a glass of Jack Daniel's, and now two glasses of Johnnie Walker Black Label taken straight.
I'm trying :(

I'm new to Whiskey at all right now, though. I spent about three months getting used to rum, which I can now drink straight without a problem. So far in Whiskey I've had two glasses of Jameson, a glass of Jack Daniel's, and now two glasses of Johnnie Walker Black Label taken straight.
I find your lack of faith disturbing.

---------- Post added at 01:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 AM ----------

Watching Episode 4.

"Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise."

Really, Obi Wan? Then why can't they hit the broad side of a barn, or an oversized freight ship? I'm amazed the Death Star could hit Alderaan, quite frankly.
A friend and I played Superman 64 last night. At first it didn't seem that bad. Then one of the challenges involved walking forward. Through switching off, we managed to get through all of the timed challenges. Then the second level was designed to screw you over, since the robots that you had to fight exploded and hurt you upon defeat. Also, the boxes that you needed to open to get through the level exploded upon opening. They were cardboard boxes.

I'm thinking maybe you had to lift a robot, fly up, and then throw it to be outside of the blast radius. Will maybe experiment with it later.

edit: Lex Luthor's chuckle when you lose eventually becomes the reason you keep playing. Best part about that game.
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