The Random Crap Thread

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I often think about my personal pantheon. Men that I admire enough to establish as saints, and how I would represent abstract concepts. My goal is to someday paint, or build a model of a church, which will be *my* temple. The stained glass, and sculptures will all be of my aforementioned personal saints, and representations of those concepts.

As of today, I have decided that Mantracker will be my personification of death.

Man I am feeling a bit bummed/guilty since yesterday. I was on my way home from work and I saw a little baby bird that was hurt. It looked like it's leg and maybe its wing was hurt cause it kept falling over every time it stood up. But sadly I had walked to work that day and so I didn't have my car with me. I also didn't have any kind of box for it and I have a cat at my house that I figured may try to eat the bird. And on top of that I had to bee somewhere in less than an hour and I was going to be rushing to make it there. So in the end I left the bird and went on my way. But I still feel a bit guilty cause I should have done something but I couldn't think of anything I could have done but I still feel a bit guilty/bummed/wondering what happened to the bird. :(
I've started going by one of my middle names in select situations. "Kenmore." Someone at the fringe of my social circle approached me about it the other day.

"Why are you going by Kenmore now?"
"Just thought I'd try using one of my middle names for a while. It sounds more distinctive than 'Joshua.'"
"Oh. I didn't know it was a name. I thought it was an appliance."

I've gotten the appliance comment my entire life. But not knowing it was a name?! Come on!


Staff member
I've started going by one of my middle names in select situations. "Kenmore." Someone at the fridge of my social circle approached me about it the other day.

"Why are you going by Kenmore now?"
"Just thought I'd try using one of my middle names for a while. It sounds more distinctive than 'Joshua.'"
"Oh. I didn't know it was a name. I thought it was an appliance."

I've gotten the appliance comment my entire life. But not knowing it was a name?! Come on!

What I read.
Last night I dreamt that I saw a nuclear bomb detonate. I watched as the blast came towards us, looking thought the windows down at the surrounding woods as the white, glowing smoke moved through, enveloping everything. I wasn't afraid, but when I looked down at my three year old boy, I could see it was scaring him, so I reached out to try and comfort him, even as I watched the blast move through the room. I actually watched both of my arms disintegrate as I tried to reach for him.

I...I am not well rested today.

Even when you sleep - when you get some sleep - you don't really sleep...

A week or three ago I had a dream where one of my kids was missing his feet, and had scars going up his calves. We were at, of all places, a shoe store, and my wife was trying to find shoes that fit his stumps.

I woke up not really remembering whether he had feet or not, and I had to check to make sure all my kids were whole and well.

Gray hair is inherited - you get it from your kids.
I take comfort in the fact that I will go right to white like my grandma. I figure with two kids, I've got about three more years till I look like this guy.


Philosopher B.

We watched an episode of 'Gidget' in my TV History II class.

I'll never be the same.

Someone said the name 'Fred' somewhere near me in the last few days. I know this, because I suddenly had the urge to look up Fred Penner on Wikipedia. I did, and was surprised to find that he was still alive. Then I remembered that it was Mister Dressup who had passed away a few years ago.

Now I am remembering my afternoons watching Mister Dressup fondly. He is basically the only reason I started to draw when I was younger. On his show, he had a segment where he would lead viewers in drawing a picture. One day, I tried to draw my own picture. I loved dinosaurs at the time, so I drew a Woolly Mammoth. Not a dinosaur, but the difference didn't matter to me at the time.

I showed it to my mother, and she did what is typically the worst thing you can do with a child's drawing: tried to call it by what she thought it was. Luckily, she said "That's a beautiful elephant!" I thought "Close enough!" and pretended that she got it right, silently pledging to draw more recognizably from then on.

Childhood was great times. :)
I have this fucking chronic itch on the sole of me left foot.. there's nothing visible there, whatsoever, but about 5 times a day I get this annoying-as-hell itch that no matter how much I scratch (and believe me, I've scratched with even forks and nail clippers) won't go away. Then it disappears as mysteriously as it got there.

Am I going to have to cut my foot off?
That'd probably just turn it into phantom limb ache, and then you couldn't even scratch it.
Phantom Limb freak out. Back sometime during the interwar years, my great uncle had his arm ripped out by a cotton-gin. That he survived that in that time frame is one miracle. But the family buried the arm in a marked grave on the family plot, that was behind the house. About a week later he woke up screaming, in pain, demanding that his brothers go out, dig up the arm... Because the ants were biting it. They tried to tell him that it was just his imagination. He would not change his mind. So his 3 brothers go out and dig up the arm...
Opened the tiny casket and found it swarming with ants.
I want to invent a washer and dryer that calls you when your clothes are done. It'll play a simple recorded message of "hey bro, time to throw your stuff in the dryer."
My dryer does that. It's on the other side of a very thin wall from me, and when it's finished it yells "HEY, YOUR SHIT ISN'T REALLY DRY RIGHT NOW, BUT I'VE BEEN GOING FOR LIKE ... NINETY MINUTES. D-DY'WANNA HANG OUT MAYBE?"

Of course, when it happens at 2am it sounds a lot more like "BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT!"
Do these doodles ...

Look anything like me?

I've always had problems drawing pictures that look like specific people, so I figured I'd spend some time at that tonight. And drawing a picture of me is a lot safer than trying to draw a picture of anyone I like :p

I need to get back into sketching/doodling/drawing. I want to be better at it. All my other friends have a myriad of different talents, and the only one I've put any work into lately is writing ... and that hasn't gone anywhere.


Staff member
What in the freakin hell? I feel like I have a goddamn tapeworm today. In the past 2 hours I've had 1/2 cup of fried rice, kung pao tofu, and a banana, and I'm hungry again. :confused: You'd better quit bitching, stomach, because you're not getting anything else right now.
What in the freakin hell? I feel like I have a goddamn tapeworm today. In the past 2 hours I've had 1/2 cup of fried rice, kung pao tofu, and a banana, and I'm hungry again. :confused: You'd better quit bitching, stomach, because you're not getting anything else right now.
You are most likely one of the following;
a) hungry
b) pregnant
c) hosting a tapeworm
d) experiencing the the Mary Jane Watson munchies
e) eating Asian quisine


Staff member
What in the freakin hell? I feel like I have a goddamn tapeworm today. In the past 2 hours I've had 1/2 cup of fried rice, kung pao tofu, and a banana, and I'm hungry again. :confused: You'd better quit bitching, stomach, because you're not getting anything else right now.
You are most likely one of the following;
a) hungry
b) pregnant
c) hosting a tapeworm
d) experiencing the the Mary Jane Watson munchies
e) eating Asian quisine[/QUOTE]

e) .......damnit.

Kitty Sinatra

Oh, she's definitely pregnant. That's my guess.

(It's a tapeworm!)


Staff member
:laugh: No, it's actually gruebeard's. I finally agreed to marry him. Now excuse me, I have to go get the pot roast out of the oven.

Kitty Sinatra

Woot! I am gonna have a gorgeous wife and a baby (and pot roast!). This is the happiest day of my life.

Also, there's no question about where we're gonna live. I'm definitely moving to Cajunistan. Sure, I'll have to make sure no one ever knows I was cheering for the Colts, but that's a price I'll gladly pay for the absence of winter.


Staff member
We have winter! It's just a wussy little winter that barely gets off its feet. But enough posting, dear, go fix the gutters and mow the lawn.
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