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Congrats, Ravage! :D


*starts running around wildly, flailing his arms* IHAVEADATEIHAVEADATEIHAVEADATEIHAVEADATEIHAVEADATE!!
Another awesome weekend, and the possibility of a relationship in the near future (6 hour drive makes it long distance, but not the hard to manage kind).


Staff member
Yay, ravage!

As for me, I had a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic weekend. Lewis Black was hilarious, Biloxi was really fun (I learned how to play craps! ^_^), and our hotel room had a beautiful view of the beach.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am prepared for the week. :)


Staff member
GOD I'm so happy. I'm walking on goddamn air. Does anyone want some of this excess happiness? I want to hug each and every one of you fuckers. ^_^



So, some short details: we went for coffee (Second Cup) and talkd for a good two hours, mostly about language and language barriers and such. At one point, she went to the bathroom, so I pulled out my little writing notebook (for ideas) and started playing the word game I play to pass the time. When she came back, she was curious, so I explained it and she started playing along, too. So, somehow, my being a logophile and hopeful teacher helped!

Although, I'm not sure if there's any mutual romantic interest. When we were both leaning in to play the word game on my notepad, I totally admit to getting butterflies and all that. And again when our hands brushed when she took our coffee cups out of my hands to throw them out, herself. Or at the end of the night after walking her home (just a hug, no kiss or anything).

...but, we talked about some things to do, such as go to the zoo or go ice skating in the winter. :D


Staff member
Way to go, Nick! :) I hope you guys get to go out again soon. May I ask about the word game you play? I'm intrigued.


I'm not sure if it has a name, but basically, it's this:

Write down a word. Using just the letters from that word, and only using them once each, in any combination, try to come up with as many words as you can.

For example, tonight I tried "sensations" (it was on the order board). So, I had some silly things like "ass" and "snot", but Sachiko came up with a great one: "session". I found "seasons", as well.


Staff member
That's a great game! I love it! I thought it might be the one where you write down a simple word and change one letter to make it a new word as many times as you can.
If I learned anything from watching Nana, it's that women named Sachiko will steal your husband.

Keep an eye on your husband, Nicky.

And I suggest going for a hug/handhold/legtouch/shouldertouch sometime soon with her, before you venture too far into The Dreaded Friend Zone.


My wife's surgery got bumped to next Friday. If all goes well, she'll be able to enjoy a peaceful Thanksgiving!
This might be nothing to you folks, but in the 6 hours since my first post has been up, I've had 24 unique visitors.

I am excited for this blog business.


It may not be epic but I am really happy right now. I am caught up with my school work, amazing, I get to go home this weekend and I have a friend so awesome that she is willing to drive 55 following me on the interstate in case my tires fall off. I am a happy makare today.


It may not be epic but I am really happy right now. I am caught up with my school work, amazing, I get to go home this weekend and I have a friend so awesome that she is willing to drive 55 following me on the interstate in case my tires fall off. I am a happy makare today.
Tire iron. Solution.


So...we're going to play pool tomorrow night.

*ahem* Excuse me a moment.


*flails his arms, accordingly*


Staff member
All RIGHT, Nick! Remember it's ok to make some friendly contact to show you're interested. ;) Have a wonderful time.


Finally finished a couple of chapters in the story which were giving me a bit of trouble - specifically, Chapters 31 and 32, which involve an epic space battle featuring fleet-level technosorcery, kilometres-tall transforming mecha done Lovecraft-style, and a discussion of the disadavantages of having a weapon of mass destruction as an ex-boyfriend. I felt that the existing gratuitous nineteenth-century literary references, shapeshifting, cannibalistic assassins, and lesbian cyborgs were providing insufficient crazy, you see, and not even the incident in which a universe-crushing invasion fleet was obliterated via the judicious application of badly-translated Swahili was doing the job.

Bonus - now I'm up to 122,000 words. After that, a mere 1,500-word essay should present no problem, right?


Staff member
Guh, that sounds awesome. I'm actually about to post a pic of my dinner that I FINALLY got to cook! :D Did you make yours or get em from someplace?
I fuckin' made 'em. They were so great.

I ate way more than my share but it makes up for my shitty lunch of donuts and coffee.
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