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Man I've shoveled the snow four times in 2 days. And that's not counting the couple times my dad did it.

Snowytimes yeah.

Kitty Sinatra

. . . Jet Grind Radio (only worth about $8) . . . GTA 2 (only worth about $6) . . . Spawn: In the Demon Hands (worth about $20) . . . Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (which is worth about $33 itself). . .
Do you just know the prices of these things? How? Why? :p
. . . Jet Grind Radio (only worth about $8) . . . GTA 2 (only worth about $6) . . . Spawn: In the Demon Hands (worth about $20) . . . Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (which is worth about $33 itself). . .
Do you just know the prices of these things? How? Why? :p[/QUOTE]

I collect classic video games. I knew that Marvel vs Capcom 2 was worth something for sure and I was pretty sure Spawn was worth a few bucks but just to be sure I called my brother and had him double check the going rates.
Just officially accepted the offer of admission to the University of Michigan's biomedical science PhD program. In a nutshell, this means I get to condense everything I've been doing for the past few years of undergrad--coursework, research, and working full time--into doing a my doctorate in a subject I'm intensely interested in, and getting paid FAR better in an area with a lower cost of living.

Since most people don't really seem to care about the details of the research, suffice to say that I'll be able to put around $800-1000 per month of my stipend into savings. While doing science. I may have to work 60+ hours a week in the lab at times, but I don't care...I do more than that already, and I can't wait to experience me some authentic midwestern winter.
Ow. My cheeks are sore as hell today. It must've been from smiling and laughing so hard from the AWESOME DATE I had last night!

Let's put it this way:
-Met at 7:30 at a COMIC STORE! where she bought a Batman comic I recommended
-We for some beers at one of my fave nearby bars (The Green Room)
-Conversation did NOT stop at any moment as we discussed anything and everything.
-Didn't actually part ways until about 11:30. Would've been sooner, but we purposely missed about half a dozen trains to keep kissing. :)

*ahem* Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to walk around all day with a big, dopey grin on my face.


Ow. My cheeks are sore as hell today. It must've been from smiling and laughing so hard from the AWESOME DATE I had last night!

Let's put it this way:
-Met at 7:30 at a COMIC STORE! where she bought a Batman comic I recommended
-We for some beers at one of my fave nearby bars (The Green Room)
-Conversation did NOT stop at any moment as we discussed anything and everything.
-Didn't actually part ways until about 11:30. Would've been sooner, but we purposely missed about half a dozen trains to keep kissing. :)

*ahem* Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to walk around all day with a big, dopey grin on my face.

-Met at 7:30 at a COMIC STORE! where she bought a Batman comic I recommended
-We for some beers at one of my fave nearby bars (The Green Room)
-Conversation did NOT stop at any moment as we discussed anything and everything.
-Didn't actually part ways until about 11:30. Would've been sooner, but we purposely missed about half a dozen trains to keep kissing. :)
-Found out she's a man; that's why my cheeks and mouth are sore this morning.

my work here is done. muahahhahhahahahhahahahahaha!


Staff member
GO NICK!! You da man, baby!

---------- Post added at 10:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 AM ----------

Remember in my rant about the guy going on vacation and my stressing about having to do his job and mine and everything was messed up? Well, I worked everything out yesterday and things went swimmingly this morning and everyone is very impressed and happy. ALSO, they are very unhappy at the way that the guy left me in the lurch and how he did things all private in his login and the public versions I work from are completely wrong. I took a lot of heat yesterday for the reports being borked up and today they realize there's nothing I could have done. In fact, they are impressed I did as well as I did yesterday.

All that stress had me freaking out.
i just found out that I am employee of the month!............for April of last year. Apparently they got behind on sending out notices and so they just got around to letting people know. But on the plus side I get a $25 gift card and a laminated certificate of appreciation.
Payroll screwed up my first week of pay of the year, by not paying me for 25 hours work. I had brought it up, and let people persue the problem at their leisure, which means shit didnt' get done.

Today the money was deposited in my bank account, which is awesome, because I was getting strapped for cash, and was quite nearly to the point where it was time to rock the boat.
I scored a 239 on my shooting certification today. Which makes me the second best shot in town...copwise anyway. It's also not bad because my certification comes up in the middle of fucking winter too. It's a hell of a lot harder to shoot when it's fucking cold.
I imagine it's harder to do anything requiring manual dexterity when it's cold outside. I know my tinwhistle playing goes all to hell on cold days.
Second date tonight! What UP! *holds his hand up high*

She's coming over here. I'm gonna cook a nice, healthy dinner and then we're gonna watch some movies. Not sure what we'll watch yet, but I rented some new stuff from work that's coming Tuesday (Where the Wild Things Are, 2012 and Ponyo). Or we might watch a bunch of the BluRays that I've been buying but haven't watched yet. know. We might not even make it to watching movies. *keeps holding his hand up high*
I scored a 239 on my shooting certification today. Which makes me the second best shot in town...copwise anyway. It's also not bad because my certification comes up in the middle of fucking winter too. It's a hell of a lot harder to shoot when it's fucking cold.
I imagine your best shooting thug does not stand up well against your worst shooting Mountie at a competition.
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