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Staff member
That...looks...GREAT! I love your new haircut! :) Are you gonna miss your dreads, though? Seems like you've had em for a while.
I love you hair cut but this reminds me of how much I miss my husbands long hair. I understand why he cut it...but I still miss it. :(
Wow. Nice cut.

With a few exceptions, I like short hair on men better, I must say.
I think a little longer hair may suit him best, if it's not so curly it grows in volume and not in length. But there's only two things that can tell us if that's true: Time or photoshop.


Staff member
So yesterday I went and worked from home because there was nothing going on here (and my boss was out of the office). Since I didn't have much to do I figured I'd just VPN in and check things out while I played EvE.

I keep a change bin on my desk which I fill up over the course of the month and then turn it in to buy lunch or soda, whatever. Lately it seems I've not been saving as much and thought, "Hmmm. Someone might be dipping in." I don't mind if people get change and I tell them to go ahead - just replace some if they use it. So far it's worked out well and a few mornings I've come in and found a dollar bill or two as people got change. But I was kinda of curious.

Anyway, yesterday I wen home and VPNed in and then I had an idea: Why not turn on my webcam and watch my cube?

For about an hour and a half there was nothing...then I watched one of my coworkers enter my cube, pick up my change bin and damn near empty it out. I clicked the "Take Photo" button and have a great picture of it (which I won't post here because it shows his face).

This morning I came in and sent him an email. It read:


I don't mind that people use the change from my bin and am glad it was there when you needed it. Please remember, though, that I would like people to replenish occasionally if they can. I use this money to buy soda & stuff, too.
Almost instantly I got an email back from him:

I remember that you had once said that you had change on your desk somewhere but have never used any. If I ever do I will be sure to kick back in! :)
To which I replied:


There's no reason to lie. I'm not mad and I'm not telling you you can't borrow change from me if you need it. God knows there are times I'm staring at that pack of honey buns and short a nickel! I understand that sometimes this stuff happens. But it's not fair to me or anyone else if one person cleans it out and doesn't help fill it up.

[Attached Photo of said employee]
Here's me with the offending change receptacle.

Wow. Nice cut.

With a few exceptions, I like short hair on men better, I must say.
I think a little longer hair may suit him best, if it's not so curly it grows in volume and not in length. But there's only two things that can tell us if that's true: Time or photoshop.[/QUOTE]

What about magic? :humph:[/QUOTE]

Magic doesn't exist anymore. It was bought by Adobe, bringing us to item number two of my very short list of items.
Cheapo defeated.

+27 exp.

---------- Post added at 11:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 AM ----------

Wow. Nice cut.

With a few exceptions, I like short hair on men better, I must say.
I think a little longer hair may suit him best, if it's not so curly it grows in volume and not in length. But there's only two things that can tell us if that's true: Time or photoshop.[/QUOTE]

What about magic? :humph:[/QUOTE]

Magic doesn't exist anymore. It was bought by Adobe, bringing us to item number two of my very short list of items.[/QUOTE]

Huh. I guess that's what I get for not following the Narnia market.


And I just made myself wish for a picture of the various Narnia characters working at the NYSE.


I've mentioned in the past that I was dissatisfied with my job and that the management had become increasingly crazy with how they managed. We're bleeding money all over the place. It's at the point where if they don't have serious changes in the next few months they will have to close the doors by the end of the year. And to make matters worse my industry has 'closing' costs. When you have a landfill, even if you close down due to financial failure, you must still 'cap' the landfills that you own, which costs millions. The CEO is really the main problem. He's an addict and as a result he's having a hard time controlling his emotions, usually rage, he can't remember anything he says, he refuses to admit he's wrong about things, usual user issues.

Last Thursday there were some issues where he didn't come in and since I needed him to be there to finish my work for the day I decided to take some PTO and go home. Before I left I was talking to the CFO about how the whole thing was crazy and how things aren't going to get better.

Yesterday morning he called me into my office and immediately started screaming at me, he was leaning over his desk in an attempt to intimidate me, and then said I was being a bitch. I tried to explain to him that his attitude was going to run off a lot of employees and naturally he said that if people don't like it they can fuck off.

So that's where the win comes. I left his office and then wrote and distributed my 2 week notice. It's incredibly freeing. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about work, but just about anything will be better than working there. I have a archaeology job that might happen in July (it's academic so you never know if the funding is going through). Now I have 2 weeks to to figure out what to do. I have some money saved up so I can live off that for a few months and I'll probably just do temp work until July.
After three years, I stepped into a barbershop yesterday...
Well, there goes any chance of me recognizing you if I see you around Ann Arbor.

And now for my version of an epic win: As someone who refuses to discuss his problems or ask for help with anything, last night I talked to my wife about a pretty big issue I've been trying to deal with on my own. I still didn't ask for help, but even talking about it was a big step for me.

Wasabi Poptart

After three years, I stepped into a barbershop yesterday.


Epic win because no more background itchiness, no more hair everywhere, and I can shower fifteen minutes before going to bed again!

Second epic win is: I graduate next Wednesday with my B.Sc. in cell/molecular biology!

Third epic win is my graduation present to myself. Will post pictures in about two weeks!
Your haircut looks great! Though I have to admit you were one of the only people I ever saw with dreds and thought they looked good. Congrats on your graduation, too!
Dear Enresshou,

I hope you don't have a dog, he's likely to bite you the next time you come home.

The "do" looks good. I guess you had to go that short to get rid of the dreds.


Staff member
Must be something in the air.

A few weeks ago:

Just now:

For the record, I HATE it. I will never do it again.
Heh. Last year I let my wife convince me to stop growing out my hair and go back to shorter hair. I liked it for a month, and then I wanted to start growing it again.
I've been wanting to cut my hair, but just can't seem to pull the trigger. It's about halfway down my back at the moment, so I at least need to trim off a foot or so.
Sparhawk: probably about 3 or 4, but yeah; my head feels WAY lighter now.

Silver Jelly: for the moment, I'm content with my hair being short. I'll probably end up growing it out again, though, since I liked how it looked long without dreads (although it is so curly it grows in volume, not length, for a while):
I'm not in a rush, though, since--to compensate--I'm going to go and get a tattoo a week from Sunday.

Cajungal: Thanks! And I will miss them a bit (I really missed them at the metal concert I went to on Sunday, which is when I had them cut), but so far the bonuses are outweighing the drawbacks. I REALLY love showering just before bed.

Littlesin: thanks, and I understand. My girlfriend's a bit torn right now, too, since she's never seen me without dreadlocks...why did your husband cut them (if you dont' mind me asking)?

Tinwhistler: nah; to each their own. I liked the dreads because I felt they framed my face well, but my ex hated them. Although, speaking of 'old', my dad's reaction was "FINALLY!!!!"

Dave: I wanted to donate them to Locks of Love, but no luck. Good to know they won't be put to waste!

Fun Size: hey, I forgot you were in the area! Just so you know, man, I'm going to be throwing a housewarming BBQ for me and several of the other grad students I know. You're more than welcome to attend (and the same goes for any other forumites who might happen to be in the area, too!). I'll be moving there on May 4th.

Wildsoul: awww, thanks :) And thanks for the congrats for the graduation too!

Sixpackshaker: I don't have a dog, but my buddy has two dogs. One (a functionally retarded Brittany spaniel) will love me no matter what; his tiny chihuahua mix is probably going to be terrified of me all over again.

North Ranger: They didn't so much as "scream" when they were cut as "gasp as the souls they'd devoured leaked their way out and turned to dust on the wind".

Fade: you look...VERY familiar for some reason. When were you in San Francisco, again?


Staff member
Good lord, man... I know this is going to sound more offensive than complimentary, but you had the long, shiny, flowing locks of an old-timey actress. Please take that the right way... you do not look like a lady.

---------- Post added at 04:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:55 PM ----------

Also, Fade, I'm so sorry you don't like your haircut. That's an obnoxious feeling--waiting for it to get back to the way you like it. I think it looks nice; you pull off both looks very well IMO. But I hope it grows back soon.
Sorry, but I've got one too.

I know this is going to sound more offensive than complimentary, but...
... While rapidly scrolling through this thread and past that picture, I wondered why someone posted a picture of Michael Jackson.

I'm sorry. :(
Silver Jelly: for the moment, I'm content with my hair being short. I'll probably end up growing it out again, though, since I liked how it looked long without dreads (although it is so curly it grows in volume, not length, for a while)
Maybe you could try and see if you like something longer than now but not as song as in the picture... of course, the feaseability (What's that word again?) of this may depend on how much it has to grow to start gaining length and not volume.

I don't know, I just like the possibility of people trying hairstyles. Between my baldness and my extremely curlyness, I have very few options that don't look completely awful...
Enresshou: My hubby cut off his hair for two reasons. 1) The baby was coming nd he heard that babies pull hair. :p 2) Three weeks before I was due he was laid off his job. He decided lonf hair would be frowned upon in a job hunt so he sheared it off.

atleast it's better then the cut he got theday before our wedding.

I am taking a pretty girl to a ball.

I think. She asked me to go. Does that mean it's a date? Pretty sure it does, especially since she asked me to go at the end of what I know was a date. Although, I guess then she would be taking me. But ... no matter. Now, to dry clean my suit, buy that tie that I still do not own, pay for the tickets to the ball, and ... damn. Women are expensive.

But they are soft. And warm.
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