[Movies] Talk about the last movie you saw 2: Electric Threadaloo

Shutter Island was amazing. I recommend it super highly. Scorcese is a master. Leo and himself should make movies forever. Great score that makes an impact. Every performance was superb.

Pride and Prejudice (2005) was also pretty good. I was a little colored from seeing it right after reading the book for the first time, so it seemed to move REALLY fast. There were still a lot of gorgeous shots and great acting. Although the final scene is unforgivably terrible.
Watched the '86 musical version of Little Shop of Horrors as well as Rocky Horror, both for the first time in at least 12-13 years. Didn't enjoy Rocky Horror as much as I remembered, but Little Shop was still fun.

Now I'm going to watch Star Wars.

Philosopher B.

The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It

A made-for-TV movie thingy in four parts that stars John Cleese as a descendant of Sherlock Holmes. It was retarded, but good retarded. Cleese is always good for a laugh, plus he wrote some of it. I was surprised how many of the actors I recognized; in addition to John Cleese and Connie Booth, I saw Burt Kwouk from Last of the Summer Wine, the sister neighbor from Keeping Up Appearances, and the guy who played Marcus Brody in the Indy movies.

The one thing that really bugged me, though, was the quality of the DVD. It looked like it was recorded from a VHS tape (including telltale picture blips). Aside from that it was worth a watch.

Kitty Sinatra

I've been watching an old, black and white British TV series of Sherlock Holmes. It really quite fun. The mysteries are solved in short order (an episode's only a half hour), but the interaction between Holmes and Watson is really well done, and while it's not really comedy the show is full of humor of all sorts, from the clever to the absurd and even a trace of slapstick. It's quite enjoyable.

But it too has shows film artifacts - the blips and lines and what not.
Watched the '86 musical version of Little Shop of Horrors as well as Rocky Horror, both for the first time in at least 12-13 years. Didn't enjoy Rocky Horror as much as I remembered, but Little Shop was still fun.
Honestly, Rocky Horror isn't that good of a movie. Seeing it at a midnight screening, however, is an absolute blast.


Staff member

I loved the original book by James Gurney, but apparently I either need to find the rest of the books. That, or the book went through Adaptation Decay to the max, because instead of an interesting, fantastic adventure into a world where humans and dinosaurs live side by side, we have a crappy story with crappier story line, inconsistencies up the wazoo, CGI that make Leisure Suit Larry look realistic - and a gay British dinosaur. A. Gay. British. Dinosaur. I kid thee not.
Watched Inglorious Basterds last night. The best way I can describe it is that it was 2 and a half hours of intense dialogue with about 20 minutes of balls to the wall violence. I don't think there was a single point in the movie that was supposed to make you comfortable or relaxed.
Watched Paranormal Activity. Weird story on how I got it, though. I had it in my queue and deleted it as I figured it'd freak me out too much. A week later I was adding movies to my queue and verified it was not in there. Thursday guess what shows up in my mailbox? Yup, Paranormal Activity. And to make things weirder all my notifications from Netflix go into my inbox but the notification for PA went to my junk folder so I had no advanced warning it was showing up. And to top it off all the other movies were deleted from my queue. That was the only movie in there.
Anyway, I wasn't impressed with the movie. I hate movies where stupidity drives the plot. Micah has video evidence of paranormal activity and doesn't think to share this with the world? Doesn't want to get an expert in to deal with the demon as he thinks he can beat it himself? I thought the actiny was laughable at best. By the time we got to the end there was no surprise. A&E's Paranormal State is spookier than this movie. Of course I might be singing a different tune at 3 am.
Watched the '86 musical version of Little Shop of Horrors as well as Rocky Horror, both for the first time in at least 12-13 years. Didn't enjoy Rocky Horror as much as I remembered, but Little Shop was still fun.

Now I'm going to watch Star Wars.
I've never understood the allure of Rocky Horror. I can't get past how bad, raunchy, and poorly made the film is. Some of the songs are catchy (I have Hot Patootie on my play list), but never enough to make up for the rest of it. The alien spin at the end of the film makes me wonder if the writer is capable of any creative thought. And while I think Tim Curry is a master of the art, seeing him in lingerie only makes me cringe.

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

Watched Inglorious Basterds last night. The best way I can describe it is that it was 2 and a half hours of intense dialogue with about 20 minutes of balls to the wall violence. I don't think there was a single point in the movie that was supposed to make you comfortable or relaxed.
Hands down I consider I.B. to be Tarantino's masterpiece. I watched a Brad Pitt interview that came with the DVD and he made the comment that Ad libbing on set would have been a sin against the script. I have to agree, as it has some of the best writing ever in a film. Christopher Waltz was amazing. Absolutely fucking amazing. I don't think I've ever been so drawn to a villain like that. Just the level of charasmatic evil in his dialogue delivery. Absolute joy to watch, with the opening scene being my favorite.


Watched Batman vs Dracula. As cheesy as the title suggest it was actually quite the entertaining flick.
Its well Batman vs Dracula. Involving the Penguin and Joker and some treasure hidden in Gotham's cemetery.

I actually preferred The Batman remake of seasons 1-5 over the new Brave and the Bold one.
New Hope and Empire down, going to watch Jedi tomorrow.

I've decided if I ever have kids, I will show them the SW movies in this order. The new movies will come after the original 3.


Couples Retreat.

Pretty funny at parts. Although watching a gorgeous tropical backdrop in 1080p makes you wish you weren't in your living room.
Couples Retreat.

Pretty funny at parts. Although watching a gorgeous tropical backdrop in 1080p makes you wish you weren't in your living room.
Yeah, that movie seriously struck me as more of an advertisement for Hawaii than an actual story.

I rewatched (500) Days of Summer and Public Enemies this weekend and reaffirmed my love for both.

I sat up late last night/early this morning watching this epic. It is the first time that I remember watching it past the race since I was a kid. Awesome film, it has to be one of the best remakes ever. My main complaint is pretty minor. The director handled the sweeping vistas and large crowds/pageantry better than most... but his shooting and editing the quiet scenes with only two actors was pretty bad. It looked as though they filmed the reaction shots and cuts to the different actor on different days, and some time it seemed like those shots were on different sets.
Shutter Island

Definitely one of Scorcese's best. I liked it better than The Departed. It's not as good as Goodfellas, but not much is.
DiCaprio was fantastic. The mood and look of everything was just great. There were tense moments that didn't use cheap scares.
Tremendous. I really see DiCaprio picking up a Best Actor nom next year.

Best movie of 2010 thus far!


For this week and weekend I downloaded:

Dead Snow
The Crypt
Angels and Demons (God help me if it's as bad as the book)
Rec 2
I saw Shutter Island, but let me note something: I've read the novel. Seeing it through that lens, it's a pefect translation of the novel but I never want to see it again. I can respect the genius craftsmanship of the film that Scorsese pulled off, but I didn't enjoy it.

Philosopher B.

New Hope and Empire down, going to watch Jedi tomorrow.

I've decided if I ever have kids, I will show them the SW movies in this order. The new movies will come after the original 3.
Yeah, that's definitely how I'd do it.

Edit: Recently, for a paper, I re-watched the highly overrated and fundamentally flawed snooze-fest An Inconvenient Truth. Multiple times. By the time I was done the paper, I wanted to shoot myself in the neck.
Going to catch a double feature of Shutter Island and The Crazies tonight. Looking forward to both.

Shutter Island was really something else and the Crazies was competent and quite enjoyable. I enjoyed my evening.
How can a "filmfanatic" not enjoy a movie that is a "perfect translation" of an acclaimed novel and has "genius craftmanship"?
I suppose it is a little hard to describe, but the proceedings of that film just felt clinical. As I noted, I had read the book, so that might have influenced my experience. I've talked to other people who've seen it and they've enjoyed it. I just was not able to get into the story itself while watching, instead only able to appreciate how well this adaptation was put together.

Alex B.

Watched Dance of the Dead last night, which a friend of mine did a little work on. It's a surprisingly fun little zombie movie, though a little clunky at the beginning before the action starts. It had some genuinely clever moments and shots, even if the script could have been better.
Saw Shutter Island last weekend. A tremendously good film. Just fantastic. Easily the best of the year so far.


Shutter Island was a good film. Not one I'd probably see again though.

Watched 2012 in high def 1080p. Man that movie looks better on blu ray. Sure it may be a shitty disaster flick but I'd recommend renting it on Blu Ray.

Philosopher B.

Last two movies I saw in film class:

On the Waterfront

There was one scene I didn't particularly appreciate, and there was one bit I laughed at (the kid who killed the pigeon) but overall it was pretty good. Maybe it was just the settings I saw it in, but the music seemed to overtake the film too much at certain points.

Rear Window

Holy fucking balls. This movie had me on edge. I thought I was going to piss. I need to get this shit on DVD and watch it again, it was that rad. I loved the sound in this. With the constant hum of traffic, muffled voices, rain, it was atmospheric as all get-out. The set and cinematography were awesome, too. There was one shot I really loved, when L.B. Jefferies was talking to someone, and you can see people doing shit in their window through his window. And of course Jimmy Stewart is the coolest dude in cinema history.

I am embaressed to have seen Disturbia before this. This puts that shee-it to shame, for real yo. I nearly gnawed my arm off.

Last 2.2 movies I saw...

Inglourious Basterds
When the movie would decide to STFU and get on with it, it was pure Tarantino awesome. But the conversations just went on and on and on and on and on well past the point of tedium. It happend so often i would wander off to find something else to do until I heard something other than two or three characters going yak yak yak around a table.

Speed Racer
Oh lord, this was awful. Practically to the point of causing me physical pain. Totally incomprehensible in every way. After about 20 minutes I couldn't stand anymore and I pout it right back in the mail to Netflix. If they showed this at Gitmo, it could be considered a war crime.

Shaun of the Dead
Fortunately i had this one on standby after bailing on Speed Racer. Much better choice. And just damn funny. Who among us hasn't been so hungover that they wouldn't notice the zombie apocalypse upon first waking up?
Last 2.2 movies I saw...

Inglourious Basterds
When the movie would decide to STFU and get on with it, it was pure Tarantino awesome. But the conversations just went on and on and on and on and on well past the point of tedium. It happend so often i would wander off to find something else to do until I heard something other than two or three characters going yak yak yak around a table.
The conversations were the point of the movie. That is what makes Tarantino's movies awesome.
Last 2.2 movies I saw...

Inglourious Basterds
When the movie would decide to STFU and get on with it, it was pure Tarantino awesome. But the conversations just went on and on and on and on and on well past the point of tedium. It happend so often i would wander off to find something else to do until I heard something other than two or three characters going yak yak yak around a table.
The conversations were the point of the movie. That is what makes Tarantino's movies awesome.[/QUOTE]

Even for a Tarantino movie, the conversations ran on far too long. At least for my taste they did.

Alex B.

Speed Racer
Oh lord, this was awful. Practically to the point of causing me physical pain. Totally incomprehensible in every way. After about 20 minutes I couldn't stand anymore and I pout it right back in the mail to Netflix. If they showed this at Gitmo, it could be considered a war crime.
Nonsense. Speed Racer is a lot of fun. There are a few things I'd cut, but I enjoyed it, and if I were a kid I'd think it was the most awesome thing I'd ever seen.


Staff member
I haven't seen it (Speed Racer), but if the trailers are representative, I'd have to agree with DA. It looks really stupid, and all the CGI looks horrible.
in this thread, darkaudit has absolutely no idea about the concept of tension. but, he's in luck, michael bay is here for him to make sure he doesn't have to listen to any silly characters talking in phrases more complicated than "nooooooooooooo" or "optimuuuuuuuuuuuuuus" ever again!
There is tension, and there is GET ON WITH IT! Inglourious Basterds strayed into the latter far too often for my liking. But I would still recommend this movie without hesitation.