Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Fuck fuck crappity fucking crap. Goddamn motherfucking assholes. I voted for Trutanich, that slimy douchestick. Ass-sucking bait-and-switcher.


(The guy quoted at the end is my friend who runs the only dispensary I go to. It's a model of safe, compassionate access which has been around for many years, and Barry is a model of a law-abiding MMJ activist. I knew he was going to protest there and they probably picked him to interview because he looks like a regular guy and not a dumbass pothead.)

Oh, and anyone who wants to argue about legality and so forth with me? Pick your moment. This isn't it.

I am charlie, and the kid is my computer science class. Apparently I'm making a B in it, but I still feel like it could be a trick.

You guys made me go check my credit card interest rate! Whew. I'm not getting screwed. You had me worried, though. Really.
It's a good time to check. As far as I can tell they are almost randomly jacking up interest rates to obscene levels, hoping customers won't notice (and I bet many don't).


Holy crap! Evidently, I won't be using my Mastercard much any more. Viva Visa!


Staff member
Blech. The LSU/Florida game approaches. Better get any weekend provisions I need on Friday. On Saturday my town will be chock full of tailgaters, I won't be able to escape our damn school colors anywhere, and the air will smell like light beer and chicken fingers until Monday afternoon.


Staff member
O, I shall. Jeez, I've been really bleak about this whole damn weekend. Oh well... the game's the perfect excuse to keep the fella in all day. :unibrow:
So, I took a new job about a month ago.

It's a good job...the department is full of socially awkward programmer types, so I don't have to justify my existence to some type-a personality marketing dumbass.

Everyone here understands the nature of the business: Some weeks you might work 60 hours to meet a deadline. Some weeks, you might not have any work at all. You're not expected to invent work to 'look busy'. The other day I saw one of my co-workers playing Aion at his desk, and nobody cared.

I got a $7500/year raise when i took the job, which is a mighty fine raise indeed.

They have flex time here, so i can come in early, work through part of lunch, and leave at 3:30 pm so that I can make sure I'm on time to pick up all the kids from school.

I gave up an office to take the job, and now I'm in a cubicle, but there are only 4 of them. they're 6 feet tall, and all spaced so that nobody can sneak up behind you while you're working..."for maximum privacy" my boss says.

So, why is this a rant?

The guy in the cubicle behind me.

Every 10-15 minutes he takes a huge deep breath and lets out the most emo sigh in the world. You can hear it throughout the entire office. It sounds like he just got bad news, and his life has sucked so bad up until this point that he can't even get angry about it. All he can do is sigh this huge martyr sigh. The kind of sigh that screams "please ask me what's wrong so I can tell you my troubles, going on and on with my litany of pain and disappointment until you claw your eyeballs from their sockets in agony."

I swear to god that i just want to hand him a razor and say "look, dude, if life sucks so bad, just go ahead and take care of business."

But I know it's not because he's depressed. He's been doing it the entire month I've been here. And he's an upbeat guy, and not any kind of Debbie Downer at all. It's just some kind of behavioral quirk.

But jesus fuck is it annoying.

The god damn thing just chewed through my headphones cord! I kept telling it to not fuckin' do that and tried to scare it off when it did but just now as it was laying on my stomach as I watched Hulu it fuckin' bit right through the thing.

I'm [---] this close to leaving the door open and letting the damn thing just be someone else's problem.

Why did my roommate have to get a fuckin' cat? I hope he dosen't mind me having my speakers back on my computer and us competing for sound again, 'cause that's the way it's going to be from now on.

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------

Now I can't even punish it!

I put it in the bathroom (after making sure the toilet and stuff was closed so it couldn't drown or anything) and the insufferable meowing is so sad sounding that I know I won't last 5 minutes before letting it out.

The god damn thing just chewed through my headphones cord! I kept telling it to not fuckin' do that and tried to scare it off when it did but just now as it was laying on my stomach as I watched Hulu it fuckin' bit right through the thing.

I'm [---] this close to leaving the door open and letting the damn thing just be someone else's problem.

Why did my roommate have to get a fuckin' cat? I hope he dosen't mind me having my speakers back on my computer and us competing for sound again, 'cause that's the way it's going to be from now on.

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------

Now I can't even punish it!

I put it in the bathroom (after making sure the toilet and stuff was closed so it couldn't drown or anything) and the insufferable meowing is so sad sounding that I know I won't last 5 minutes before letting it out.
Bitter apple spray. You get it at the pet store. Spritz your cords, and kitty ceases taking interest. Non-toxic and everything.
My roommate said some people use hot sauce to prevent this kind of thing. Sounds a lot more fun :flame:

eh, whatever. Jeff has it in his room now, and says he can fix my headphones.

Time to figure out how to do shit with CSS pages for my computer science labwork.

The god damn thing just chewed through my headphones cord! I kept telling it to not fuckin' do that and tried to scare it off when it did but just now as it was laying on my stomach as I watched Hulu it fuckin' bit right through the thing.

I'm [---] this close to leaving the door open and letting the damn thing just be someone else's problem.

Why did my roommate have to get a fuckin' cat? I hope he dosen't mind me having my speakers back on my computer and us competing for sound again, 'cause that's the way it's going to be from now on.

---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:34 PM ----------

Now I can't even punish it!

I put it in the bathroom (after making sure the toilet and stuff was closed so it couldn't drown or anything) and the insufferable meowing is so sad sounding that I know I won't last 5 minutes before letting it out.
Bitter apple spray. You get it at the pet store. Spritz your cords, and kitty ceases taking interest. Non-toxic and everything.[/QUOTE]

Unless your cat is like my dog was, and starts to like the taste. :eek:rly:
Gosh darnit. I went to the Ikea todaty to pîck up some lights for in my new glass cupboard...thingie...thing.
Anyway, I was thinking they seemed more expensive than they ought to be, so I double-checked, and it turns out that 12 out of the 13 I bougt, aren't the ones I need, but the coloured versions instead. So now I can go back tomorrow and pray they'll exchange them (they will, but I doubt they'll refund the white ones I bought for the price of the coloured one -_-)

---------- Post added at 09:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 PM ----------

Gosh darnit. I went to the Ikea todaty to pîck up some lights for in my new glass cupboard...thingie...thing.
Anyway, I was thinking they seemed more expensive than they ought to be, so I double-checked, and it turns out that 12 out of the 13 I bougt, aren't the ones I need, but the coloured versions instead. So now I can go back tomorrow and pray they'll exchange them (they will, but I doubt they'll refund the white ones I bought for the price of the coloured one -_-)

This is what I bought:

This is what I needed:



Staff member
Stupid Friday television shedule. There are 11 shows on tonight I want to watch. 9½ hours of programming. *sigh* Yes, I know I can catch most of these shows online later, but I prefer to watch TV sitting in my recliner, not at my computer desk. (*grr* secondary rant, Flash video is so inefficient, it should not take as much resources as it does. If it worked as well as VLC or even WMP, then online video would always be smooth on my netbook.)

Tomorrow night? [Strike]One[/strike] Two hours of TV (oops, almost forgot the Good Eats 10th Anniversary special is on), and half of that isn't even in prime-time. I don't think I'll ever understand TV scheduling.


Staff member
Vittu saatana perkele jumalauta! Mokomat kilinperseitä hässivät Finnkinon paskahousuidioottihaisunäädät!! Jumalauta niillä on kieli niin syvällä Emmerichin perseessä että se luikertelee suusta ulos, ne abortoidut lampaansikiöt mällikastikkeessa, VITTU!! Efektimyllytykset ja muut rahanmankujatuotokset tuodaan heti kun ne vielä ruskeina pullahtaa ulos perserei'istä, mutta kunnon komediaa ei sitten voida tuoda ajoissa Suomeen jos ollenkaan!! Voi helvetin kuustoista!!

Phew... that helped. Oh, and those who wondered... Zombieland ain't gonna come to Finland before the 15th of vitun January! I am... slightly miffed, and needed to vent.

I seriously recommend that you do not try and translate my rant above. I cursed like a one-eyed carpenter.
Stressing out about the dispensary thing. I'm going to have to stop by my place tomorrow and see what I can do (which might involve stocking up, something I really can't afford right now).

If I have to go to all Vicodin, all the time, I doubt I'll be functional enough to admin here anymore.


Staff member

Are you drinkin' yet?
Juuust got up from a little nappy so I don't get too tired at the show, and I just brushed my teeth. So unless I want a coconut-listerine-ish cocktail, I'm gonna have to leave my rum alone for a little while.



Staff member
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTkhpTZuCXY&feature=PlayList&p=F4FD9898B0D6AA49&index=0"]Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning[/ame]

The intro of the Finnish sci-fi parody of Star Trek and Babylon 5, made with a shoestring budget (playlist found under that link).

Medieval Market of Turku... uuuhhh... I think this was 2007. Yours truly also passes by :D

And now for some Disney:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atPdQKpcKDM&feature=related"]Hercules: Nollasta pollaan (Zero to Hero)[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GALI8WYupnE&feature=related"]Mulan: Teistä vielä miehen minä teen (I'll Make A Man Out of You)[/ame]

Nyt on aika töihin
joka mies kun käy
Kutsu koski miestä,
sitä vain ei näy

Teitä surkeempaa oo nähnyt en,
ja tiedän sen on nähty tuo
Teistä viel miehen näin minä luon

Rauha metsän suuren,
voima tuo on kun
Keskus vahva taidon,
jonka luo on sun

Teitä surkeempaa oo nähnyt en,
ja tiedän sen on nähty tuo
Teistä viel miehen näin minä luon

Ei tämä jäbä henkee saa
Olis edes äidin ruokaa
Rumba tämän käyrän kyllä nostattaa
Tää jätkä on tosissaan
Minua hän ei kai huomaa
Ehkä vielä joskus uimaan opitaan

Niin kuin mies
kuin joki, voima se meissä virtaa
Niin kuin mies
on juuret syvällä niin kuin puun
On tuli sisällä vailla vertaa
Me liikumme yössä hiljaa
niin kuin kuu

Aika kohta loppuu
sanat nää mä jaan
Toiset teistä sortuu,
jäädä pois ne saa
Sovi taistoon et laisinkaan
Silmistäin sä pois jo mee
susta lain miestä en minä tee

Niin kuin mies
kuin joki, voima se meissä virtaa
Niin kuin mies
on juuret syvällä niin kuin puun
On tuli sisällä vailla vertaa
Me liikumme yössä hiljaa
niin kuin kuu

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnXByn9AlCg&feature=related"]Lion King: Tunnetko jo rakkauden (Can You Feel the Love Tonight)[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN4cLlIKnoA"]Loituma: Ievan polkka (aka "Leekspin")[/ame]
The Finnish trad polka that collected some Internet fame as "Leekspin". The band - Loituma - sing in a pretty heavy Eastern Finnish accent. Savo, I think.

How's that for starters?
WTF is this doing in the rant thread? I had a perfectly legitimate rant and you guys are burying the shit out of it.

new rant


Staff member
WTF is this doing in the rant thread? I had a perfectly legitimate rant and you guys are burying the shit out of it.

new rant
But... but... CajunGal wanted to hear some Finnish, and I thought it didn't warrant a new thread and... and...

Please don't kill me...


Staff member
Sorry, Zen. :( I read yours, and I hope you find some way to not have to take vicodin. *hug*

thanks, nr ^_^
Stressing out about the dispensary thing. I'm going to have to stop by my place tomorrow and see what I can do (which might involve stocking up, something I really can't afford right now).

If I have to go to all Vicodin, all the time, I doubt I'll be functional enough to admin here anymore.
Will we at least get drug-addled ramblings? I loves me some drug-addled rambling.

On a rant note: they decided to update the networks, but not notify everyone. So not only am I working late, but I've been offline for the last two hours, meaning it's going to be like an hour of synchronizing things before I can go back to work. Yay.


Staff member
Meh, it's okay. I'm just stressed and really sick ("me" sick, not normal sick) right now.

I'm sorry, both for acting like a douche and to hear that you're under stress. Just wanted to letcha know we're sending positive energy your way and thinking about ya.
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