Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Losing as in, "has cancer", losing as in "is moving far away", losing as in "I think he had an affair with my girlfriend", losing as in "we're going to have to put him down, he's just too old", or...?
Losing as in 'he's a muslim, his parents found out I'm an agnost/atheist, we're not allowed to hang out anymore and he doesn't want to go against his parents'
BAH! My buddy MK screwed me in RISK. I eliminated Nick R. and took his cards, which let me expand a decent amount. I made sure not to get too greedy though and spread myself too thin. Then MK turns in cards and takes over my strongest area leaving me with 3 counties populated with 4 armies across all of them. He could have probably eliminated me, but instead left that task to the other Nick who is going to turn in cards on his turn and take me out and get my cards and probably win pretty easily at that point.

I even tried e-mailing MK and getting into contact with him for an alliance, because the two of us could have EASILY taken out Nick and Gabe before turning on one another.

He basically took me out of the game, and isn't even going to win because of it. GRHABNIGSBNKDHNIESANGVBIEns;kjngen;

Warning: Incoming bawww
To counter all of those annoying people with partners talking about how exhausting their sex life is :-P

So, yeah, just spent a whole night talking to the girl I'm still sort of in love with (damn you feelings, go away, I want to just like her as a friend!), about how she didn't really love her last (only serious) boyfriend, but she just stayed with him because it was expected from her, he was away from home alot, and it was therefore easier for her just to stay with him than leave him; how she's not really looking for someoen right now because she doubts love can actually be that strong; and that if she does fall in love, she hopes it's with someone like me, but definitely not me. Grmbl.
Whatever group of idiots designed this "enterprise level version control system" please go shrivel up and die. My version control for tonight consists of putting my work on a network drive, emailing the team lead and letting him take care of it. -Adam
Once you're stuck in that mindset to a girl, don't expect to get out bubbles.. Really. Get rid of those feelings. It's for your own good.

Try acting less gay, that helps too. So I've heard, heh.
Oh, I'm fully aware. I've told her I had a crush on her, she doesn't mind and just hopes it goes away quickly, adn I hope so, too, since I'm certain I won't ever get anywhere if I were to try. I'm not trying. Seriously. Emotions don't suddenly go away just 'cause you want them to, though, and I prefer the smitten-and-turned-down thing I have now over the desperate-for-affection-and-lonely thing I had going a few months ago. We'll get to positive feelings in a while :-P

And I'd say I only act gay like this on the 'net, but I'd be lying. This academic year, so far, I've kissed...6 guys, and 0 girls. DAMMIT IM DOING IT WRONG.
Once you're stuck in that mindset to a girl, don't expect to get out bubbles.. Really. Get rid of those feelings. It's for your own good.

Try acting less gay, that helps too. So I've heard, heh.
Oh, I'm fully aware. I've told her I had a crush on her, she doesn't mind and just hopes it goes away quickly, adn I hope so, too, since I'm certain I won't ever get anywhere if I were to try. I'm not trying. Seriously. Emotions don't suddenly go away just 'cause you want them to, though, and I prefer the smitten-and-turned-down thing I have now over the desperate-for-affection-and-lonely thing I had going a few months ago. We'll get to positive feelings in a while :-P

And I'd say I only act gay like this on the 'net, but I'd be lying. This academic year, so far, I've kissed...6 guys, and 0 girls. DAMMIT IM DOING IT WRONG.[/QUOTE]

Well, that or you're doing it right and you're just not ready to face it. :eyebrows:
I'm quite sure about my sexuality, really. I'm bi with a (strong) preference for women. And I know, but kissing girls isn't a good way to get girls to fall for you either, is it :-P
OOOOOhhh ok, upon a 2nd look at the board and the turn history, it turns out MK didn't screw me over. Gabe just deployed all of his 35 armies to one area and tried to completely take me over, falling just short.

MK just captured territory from gabe, that gabe took from me.

MK is actually in an alright position because he turtled a lot, so even though he does not own a lot of territory, he has mostly 4-8 armies in them. Gabe has a lot, but it's all 1s and 2s except for a 6 and a 7. Nick is still probably in the best position. He can still turn in cards on his turn, take me out and stop. He'll still have maybe 25 armies positioned in the south part of the map. Next time he goes he can turn in the cards he got from me and put 30 some odd in the northrn part of the map and just close in on MK from both sides.
I'm quite sure about my sexuality, really. I'm bi with a (strong) preference for women. And I know, but kissing girls isn't a good way to get girls to fall for you either, is it :-P
I can not disagree more with this post. (The kissing thing. We don't know each other well enough for me to speculate about the rest.)
You know why I hate my 3 day weekends? Because each and every time I get a day off my girlfriend goes fucking insane.

This weekend was of course worse than the usual bullshit.

Columbus day started off with the normal waking up early to make her and her daughter breakfast. Toast and Tea for her and hard boiled eggs and orange juice for her daughter. Since her daughter was working hard on finishing up an essay I call up to her asking if she wants me to bring her breakfast up to her.

Her response is a concise and bizarre "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"

And of course when I refuse to bring it up a little while later I get tossed out of the house for being a self entitled jackass.
***Warning this post includes medical prognostication (as further testing is required at this point).***

So, about ten years ago my fiance started noticing some serious problems with her health. Symptoms were all over the map, psychological, neurological, rapid and unexplained weight loss, the inability to lose weight when on a strict diet with exercise, almost constant pains that seemed like menstrual cramping, forgetfulness, fatigue, depression, anxiety, insomnia, frequent confusion, dizziness, the whole nine yards. House would have loved this case. Chase would have just chalked it up to her being fat.

The doctors at the time started out with a diagnosis of depression and anxiety and prescribed her meds for both. A few years later (about four years ago) they added insomnia and ADD to the list, so they prescribed her meds for both of those (Adderall and Ambien). Now, depression and anxiety she has a much longer history of, so I'll throw those two out of the list; but the rest of the symptoms pretty much all cropped up suddenly ten years ago, and went largely untreated until four years ago. The doctors ten years ago suggested all of the nice little changes to sleeping habits that work for some people (change your environment, change your mattress, change your pillow, try herbal supplements, etc.), but didn't prescribe anything, and they all kind of wrote the rest off as her being fat.

However, the problem she had wasn't really ADD. I have ADD. I have trouble concentrating when I don't have a chemical stimulant in my system. I have to concentrate really, REALLY hard in order to focus my attention, and even then I can only focus on one thing at a time. When I have some form of stimulant I can multi-task with the best of them (well, the best of them that aren't on speed or crank).

Her problem wasn't that she couldn't concentrate. Her problem was that she felt like she was getting stupider instead of smarter. She had trouble completing sentences not because her attention wandered off, but because she couldn't remember the words she was looking for. For someone who spent years in the chess club and used to be able to predict moves 6 to 10 decisions out and suddenly went down to 1 or 2 moves, this was incredibly frustrating. Add to that the fact that she would frequently become incredibly confused about a task she was working on even though it was the hundredth iteration of that same task.

Now, because she's been on Adderall (and more recently the generic equivalent, for which the bottle actually reads simply, meth amphetamine) and Ambien, and because one and or both of those meds can have an affect on her liver, her doctor has been ordering regular blood tests for the 4 years that she's been taking them, and has been seeing possibly concerning information regarding liver function. Almost every time the test results came back, the nurses would ask her how much she had to drink and how often. She would reply (quite truthfully, we don't fuck around when it comes to health questions) that she has maybe one or two drinks every three or four months. and every time the nurses would seem shocked, but not really go into any further detail.

Recently, her doctor ordered an ultrasound of her liver, and results just came back. She has to go in on Thursday because they believe they have found fatty infiltration of the liver caused by Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis, or NASH. Hence the reason for the nurses' drinking questions, ninety percent of the time they see these infiltrations, they are a result of alcoholism.

So now, not only was the meth causing even more problems for her sleeping, and a giant pain in the ass to get on a monthly basis (MMA patients and others who have been/are on Adderall can probably understand this pain. The scrip has to be hand written, can't be faxed in, can't have any pre-authorized refills, etc.); it may not even have been any use at all, because she may not have ADD! Now, I'm not really mad at the doctors, I don't think I have a reason to be (I'm pretty exhausted so I may be angry with them later), I'm more mad at the situation. But for fuck's sake, couldn't you have ordered this test earlier in the four year course of her meth prescription?!
A friend of mine from work just found out that her boyfriend is cheating on her again. She's a wreck. Which means I'm in a sad mood as well.

Wasabi Poptart

I just found out that my parents aren't able to come out for Christmas this year. Flying the 4 of us back east isn't an option either. :(
Around May I purchased two large appliances from a major home/garden store... we'll call them Mowe's.

I have YET to receive a bill. I made the purchase on my Mowe's credit card with no interest for a full year. I don't know what to do. I'm starting to lose sleep over this, but at the same time I am afraid to call and be slapped with a catchup of the monthly payments I haven't received bills for....

Gah!!!! What do I dooooo???
Are you saying the purchases never showed up on your credit card?

Like, you bought something on a card, but it never showed up on the balance?

Or more like:
I signed papers to buy something on a loan, and the bills have never arrived?

It's not clear based on your message.
Are you saying the purchases never showed up on your credit card?

Like, you bought something on a card, but it never showed up on the balance?

Or more like:
I signed papers to buy something on a loan, and the bills have never arrived?

It's not clear based on your message.
Sorry... brain fried.

I bought a washer and dryer using their credit card (the only thing I should have a balance on), but they have never billed me... it's been months.

This isn't the first time I've used it either. My mom needed a new washer/dryer so I let her use my card to buy one, and she paid it off within a few months, so I know they are supposed to send the bill ASAP.

But they haven't yet!!!!!!


Staff member
Drat, short on cash and no PayPal... I can't donate to Halforums even though I wants to :(

And I have too little trust in US postal services to send some dough via snail mail.
Are you saying the purchases never showed up on your credit card?

Like, you bought something on a card, but it never showed up on the balance?

Or more like:
I signed papers to buy something on a loan, and the bills have never arrived?

It's not clear based on your message.
Sorry... brain fried.

I bought a washer and dryer using their credit card (the only thing I should have a balance on), but they have never billed me... it's been months.

This isn't the first time I've used it either. My mom needed a new washer/dryer so I let her use my card to buy one, and she paid it off within a few months, so I know they are supposed to send the bill ASAP.

But they haven't yet!!!!!![/quote]

Well, if you bought something on a card it should have shown up on the card balance within a couple of business days, or a week at most. If it hasn't shown up on the card balance, and it's been months, they likely messed something up. If you're that worried about it, you could call them, but that would pretty much guarantee that they'd rectify the mistake and you'd need to start paying. That would be the ethical thing to do, in any case, though I'm sure the prospect of getting free appliances is a large temptation--especially since I know washers and driers arent cheap!

That said, I once bought a jacket at a local festival, and the $70 charge never showed up on my credit card. This was about 6 years ago. I didn't have a way to contact the vendor to find out what the deal was, so I just ended up with a free jacket.

Now if you're saying you never received a credit card statement at all, you probably should call the credit card company and make sure they have your correct billing address and find out what your balance is. Even zero balance cards usually produce a monthly statement. Its possible that they've been billing you, and you haven't been receiving the credit card bills (for whatever reason) and now you are months delinquent.
This is going to be an odd, bragging rant but here I go. But I'm going to justify it by thinking about how most people on these forums are pretty normal folks who actually have relationships with the opposite sex and can understand my current issue.

My new girlfriend is ridiculous in bed. I mean, completely ridiculous. I've only been in a handful of sexual relationships so my comparison doesn't exactly have a large cross section to draw from. To put it bluntly, this girl wants on my jock all the time. All the God damn time. I've never been with someone this demanding sexually. And don't get me wrong, it's awesome but it's only been about two weeks since we first had sex and it just hasn't stopped. She wants it 3-4 times a day. I've never been with anyone like this before.

I feel like such a douchefaced asshole typing this.
Marry her. Problem solved.
What's the old adjudge...

"Women marry men and get upset when they don't change. Men marry women and get upset because they do."
Thanks, Tin! Looks like I need to make a phone call soon....

I was hoping that they would have been sending them... the mailing address has been the same for YEARS and they didn't have trouble sending my mom the statements...
Mom had some friends over tonight. One friend has more than a decade of schooling, years of experience as a psychologist, then a minister, then a prison chaplain. We talked, and it got very personal.

I lost my shit.

Weeping in front of six people (two of which are strangers, three of which I don't know that well, and the last being my mother) isn't the most fun I've had in a while, although it's certainly given me some stuff to think about.


I'm getting kicked out. Again.

This time, these roommates have two reasons:
1) I don't do my share of the cleaning. I'm tidy and I clean up after myself, do most of the dishes, but when it comes to sweeping, mopping, dusting, etc? Unless it's something very noticeable, I don't tend to do it. Which probably why I do the dishes most times: because that's a big, obvious thing.

2) Anti-social. A lot of times, I just hang out in my room on my computer. While I've been depressed the last few weeks, I've been even less social, to the point of coming in and not saying anything. In the last week, the depression has been even worse as a result of school.

I brought on myself. I'm pretty much convince that I'll be spending the rest of my life alone, anyway. I should stop kidding myself.
That's no reason to get kicked out. Are they telling you that you have to go and that's why? Don't you have a lease or something? With the cleaning I could maybe understand them talking to you about it, but they can't kick you out for not being the maid. Fight it.
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