Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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That's no reason to get kicked out. Are they telling you that you have to go and that's why? Don't you have a lease or something? With the cleaning I could maybe understand them talking to you about it, but they can't kick you out for not being the maid. Fight it.
I'm not on the lease, one of my other roommates' name is. I'm not going to bother fighting it because I've wondered for the last while if I should just live on my own, anyway.

Wasabi Poptart

TNG - have you tried getting help for your depression? Maybe your college has a counselor you can talk to. Or you may want to look into what mental health services are available in your area. You might be able to find counseling or other help that is free or with payments on a sliding scale.

I'm sorry if this has been suggested to you before, but you really sound as though you need help.
I think that'll only make you feel worse about life, honestly. Stay if you can.
I could not disagree more. Living on my own was a complete turnaround for me. Especially if you're not happy with the people you live with which I wasn't. Currently I'm forced to have a room mate. Which, hopefully, will soon be rectified. Stupid Force housing.
I'm getting kicked out. Again.

This time, these roommates have two reasons:
1) I don't do my share of the cleaning. I'm tidy and I clean up after myself, do most of the dishes, but when it comes to sweeping, mopping, dusting, etc? Unless it's something very noticeable, I don't tend to do it. Which probably why I do the dishes most times: because that's a big, obvious thing.

2) Anti-social. A lot of times, I just hang out in my room on my computer. While I've been depressed the last few weeks, I've been even less social, to the point of coming in and not saying anything. In the last week, the depression has been even worse as a result of school.

I brought on myself. I'm pretty much convince that I'll be spending the rest of my life alone, anyway. I should stop kidding myself.
Dude, back in the days when I had roommates, I would've killed for roommates who did the dishes and kept to themselves...Instead, I had slobs who kept me up all hours of the night. Heh.
Extended rant: In August, repeat: AUGUST, I made plans with a girlfriend of mine to go to my alma mater's homecoming. ALL 5 years of college I dated my ex, and I couldn't wait for my friends to meet my new boyfriend. So, I snatched up one of the last hotel rooms available in a 30 mile radius, paid for it (non-refundable), and will get some money back from my friends when we get there....

We have a dog who is very neurotic, so we need somewhere to board her. Where he is from, there are many people who could have taken care of her... my family is not really a dog loving family...

I leave after school today for this "fun" vacation, and YESTERDAY the boyfriend started looking for places to board her. Surprise surprise.... everything is really expensive. BUT I called, yes, me....., the vet clinic I had my first job, and they charge ALMOST HALF of what everyone else does... Glee, no? Well, the dog has to be up to date on her shots, which she is not.... and I have been suggesting he take her for MONTHS... and now he can't afford to take care of shit he's had more than two months to take care of.

Since we've been living together in April, we haven't spent any time apart (I don't hang out with friends much), and I don't mind the weekend away, but the WHOLE POINT OF ME TAKING A FUCKING PERSONAL DAY AT WORK was so my old friends could meet him!!!!!!!!!!!

So, not only are we getting a two bed hotel room for TWO people, I have to deal with being SO FUCKING ANGRY THAT I FEEL LIKE VOMITING

So, once again, fuck you, boyfriend.


Staff member
I'm with Tin; those assholes don't realize what they have. My roomates in college were always compulsively neat but noisy and brainless. I'd rather have a nice, quiet mess.


Part of the ongoing problem with them has been that, honestly? When it came to arguments or ANYTHING, they would pull the martyr card.

In other words, no matter what it was, THEY were the victim. My cat escaped and I'm pissed off that my one true companion in the last 5 years might never come back? Suddenly, they're prisoners in their own house because I'm telling them to be more careful (the little shithead is an escape artist, so you basically have to treat it like you assume he's going to try running out the door).

My depression? I'm not being friendly enough.

One of the last times I did yoga (in the living room, using the only TV in the house; early in the morning before they got up), one of them came down for breakfast, then came back a little while later and said "You're STILL doing yoga?" (this is an hour & ten minute long workout and a damn good one). I really felt like I was taking up their space and haven't done yoga since.

When they had a small party once, I get home and Diomedes is outside (when they told me they'd keep him in my room) and the house reeks of cigarette smoke (something that they know, they KNOW I can't handle the smell of; they smoke outside). And then get mad at me for being anti-social because I want nothing to do with the party at this point.

Not to mention the times I've mentioned "Hey, those movies I rented from work? Why don't we watch [insert movie here] when I get home?" I come home and they're already halfway through watching it.

I wonder if the age difference has a part to play in it, given that they're only early 20s and I'm 31.

So you know what? Fuck them. I either need to live on my own or find better roommates. For now, I'm going with the former.


Staff member
They're that much younger than you? Age doesn't always matter, but in this case it probably very much does. Plus, age difference or not, they sound like dicks.
They're bullying you. Stand up for yourself. It's your fucking yoga workout and if they don't like it, they can stay asleep!


That's okay. The joke's on them.

When I first moved in, I paid first and last month's rent. Since I'm getting little to no notice, I texted J that I'd like that $600 back. I think it's only fair. Besides, I'm going to let them keep the cheap-ass computer chair, cheap bookshelves and TV, since I won't need them.


Staff member
HELL YEAH it's fair! You should also hide open cans of anchovies in their closets.

---------- Post added at 09:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

...naw that's mean... but I think it's a funny prank. :evilgrin:

---------- Post added at 09:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 AM ----------

...I just realized how much of my own roommate baggage I'm bringing into this conversation. :p

Occasional Poster

Thank you TNG for making me appreciate how great my roommate is, I'm so lucky. I hope that your situation will improve when you move out of there!



Going to view this place shortly. Fortunately, it's not very far from where I'm living now (less than 5 KM away), a bit closer to school and only slightly farther from work. Spoke with the woman on the phone and she said everything is furnished and I can move in right away, if need be.

Really, REALLY hoping I don't have to look any further because I just want to get this done and over with so I can go back to stressing about school.

Wish me a LOT of luck, guys!

I mean...

Good luck. :)
Eff that, both of you move to Louisiana. It's nice and waaaarm. We've got seafooooood. We've got accordions that aren't used for polkaaaas...[/QUOTE]
And Mardi Gras! And Hurricanes!!!! I've always liked hurricanes in spite of the destruction they are capable of causing. I guess I am a weather nerd :)


I've always wanted to go to Lousiana, to be honest. Well, specifically New Orleans. I blame playing the first Gabriel Knight game for that obsession. ;p

---------- Post added at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:58 PM ----------

And Gusto, if I moved to Waterloo, I don't think I'd ever be sober again, would I? :p
My parents and I drove through Louisianna last Christmas on our way down to Houston to visit my Bro & his family down there.

On the way back, we stopped for the night at the Hampton Inn in Covington, LA. I didn't know at that point that you lived there, Vyta.



The area was great. Near a school I could've applied to, very near a subway station that put me closer to York.

But it wasn't a bachelor or 1-bedroom apartment.

It was a shared accomadations with at least four people.


The area was great. Near a school I could've applied to, very near a subway station that put me closer to York.

But it wasn't a bachelor or 1-bedroom apartment.

It was a shared accomadations with at least four people.

Did you ask if the voices count?
The voices, man. The ones in your head that tell you to do things like push old ladies and take small objects from your local pharmacy without paying for them. You know, the voices.

You guys all have the voices too, right? :suspicious:
Nick. I don't know what I'm doing in January, but I have very much been considering Toronto. At least for a little while.

We should hang out.


Staff member
ARGH! Optical mice do not work that way!!! This is why newspapers are currently in a state of FAIL, they don't do any fact checking.

"Look on the bottom of your computer mouse. If it has a light on the bottom, it is a laser mouse (and not a mouse with a track ball). A laser mouse needs a solid-color surface to work smoothly, because it tracks by light. When tellers complain that their mouse cursor is often erratic, it is because the mouse is confused by the logo of a multicolored mouse pad. A wood-grain surface can give the mouse the same conflicting signals. Experiment with different colors of heavy card stock."

:mad2: I know it's just "Hints from Heloise", and not a tech column, but seriously, if you're going to give advice to readers, make sure you check to see if your information is even remotely correct. I can overlook calling LEDs "lasers" as a generic term but, seriously, there is no world where a logo on a mousepad confuses optical mice. A mouse pad covered in oily hand-salsa can sure cause problems. A highly polished wood grain desk can throw off most mice because of the shiny surface. However, mice don't really care if a surface has a color or pattern to it, as long as it's clean and matte finish.


ARGH! Optical mice do not work that way!!! This is why newspapers are currently in a state of FAIL, they don't do any fact checking.

"Look on the bottom of your computer mouse. If it has a light on the bottom, it is a laser mouse (and not a mouse with a track ball). A laser mouse needs a solid-color surface to work smoothly, because it tracks by light. When tellers complain that their mouse cursor is often erratic, it is because the mouse is confused by the logo of a multicolored mouse pad. A wood-grain surface can give the mouse the same conflicting signals. Experiment with different colors of heavy card stock."

:mad2: I know it's just "Hints from Heloise", and not a tech column, but seriously, if you're going to give advice to readers, make sure you check to see if your information is even remotely correct. I can overlook calling LEDs "lasers" as a generic term but, seriously, there is no world where a logo on a mousepad confuses optical mice. A mouse pad covered in oily hand-salsa can sure cause problems. A highly polished wood grain desk can throw off most mice because of the shiny surface. However, mice don't really care if a surface has a color or pattern to it, as long as it's clean and matte finish.
Maybe it's just the lack of sleep talking, but when I read the words 'optical mice', I immediately thought of a pair of small rodents peering out of someone's eye-sockets. Huh.
That's okay. The joke's on them.

When I first moved in, I paid first and last month's rent. Since I'm getting little to no notice, I texted J that I'd like that $600 back. I think it's only fair. Besides, I'm going to let them keep the cheap-ass computer chair, cheap bookshelves and TV, since I won't need them.
It is imperative that you take an upper-decker as you're leaving the apartment for the last time.
I woke up this morning after yet another night of not sleeping well feeling like I was going to have a shitty day.

I fucking hate when I'm right.
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