Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Occasional Poster

I'm so sorry to hear that you feel that way Ame. I know I'm just an internet person, but you really seem like a perfectly nice and loveable person. I hope that you will feel better soon!
Thanks Cheesy...yeah, this is good, and we'll see if the fucktarded city and county D.A.s actually listen to this. I wondered whether the situation in L.A. prompted this, to be honest. But it isn't a change of policy; Obama has said this before, but Holder "discouraging" attorneys from prosecuting is a lot different from the actual practice of protecting patients. Many cops still don't give a crap.

I am about as safe as a patient can be, though, for which I am grateful. And that was really nice of you to post that story, Cheesy. :)
My account was hacked on WoW today and I logged in after work to find all of my characters emptied, everything sold and my Guild Bank empty as well :( Poor guildies :(


Staff member
Well, this is the semester. It's the one that tests my resolve.

I don't have a nightmarish child... a few bratty, obnoxious ones, but nothing completely unbearable, behavior-wise.

But the smaller school where I tutor individually is another story. It's a charter school for low-income and orphaned kids, mostly. There's a foster care center almost right across from it, actually.

So I get to overhear things like, "I was supposed to get a new mom and dad this year, but I don't think I will..."


"Mommy's new boyfriend was being mean to her, so we're leaving town." Yeah, apparently her boyfriend threatened to kill them, and now they're living with an aunt up north indefinitely.. or that's what the teacher told us.

And my supervisor tells us, "If you care too much, go into social work." I'm required by law to report any possible abuse, but that's about all I'm supposed to do. I couldn't imagine getting involved with every problem like that.

My account was hacked on WoW today and I logged in after work to find all of my characters emptied, everything sold and my Guild Bank empty as well :( Poor guildies :(
File a ticket as soon as possible, and you have a decent chance of getting most or possibly all of your stuff back.

The last GM in our guild got his account hacked, lost all his stuff, had the guild bank raided, and then the guild got disbanded (by the hacker). He contacted Blizz immediately (and in the mean-time, we restarted the guild), and they gave him back around 80% of his stuff, and almost all the gbank stuff.

Oh, and get an authenticator. :p

---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 PM ----------

CG, it is because of stuff like that that I respect enormously folks who teach at schools for students from low-income/impoverished families.


Staff member
I hate course work, with a HUGE passion, and yet here I am PAYING to go to graduate school and take 3 classes per semester because I couldn't find a weather forecasting job, and it doesn't look like I'll be able to get the grades I need to stay on track to graduate (unless I'm really lucky). Fuck the job market, fuck classes, fuck paying for it all. I just want to get out into the world and do what I'm now qualified to do (which happens to also be what I want to do for the rest of my life).
But the smaller school where I tutor individually is another story. It's a charter school for low-income and orphaned kids, mostly. There's a foster care center almost right across from it, actually.

So I get to overhear things like, "I was supposed to get a new mom and dad this year, but I don't think I will..."
My thoughts are with you. I don't know that I could handle that. Talk about gut wrenching.

I'm glad I get to work with circuits and programs. If they get emotional, I chuck 'em in the trash and start fresh.

They've learned to survive in this environment, and this is simply their life - but it's so heart rending to know that they should be having the life that you try to give your own children, and not the one that they are living.

I hate course work, with a HUGE passion, and yet here I am PAYING to go to graduate school and take 3 classes per semester because I couldn't find a weather forecasting job, and it doesn't look like I'll be able to get the grades I need to stay on track to graduate (unless I'm really lucky). Fuck the job market, fuck classes, fuck paying for it all. I just want to get out into the world and do what I'm now qualified to do (which happens to also be what I want to do for the rest of my life).
The job at my kitchen table is still open, if you're looking ... :p

Seriously though. I hope things go better. I can only imagine how disheartening it must feel to know what you want to do, be entirely qualified to do it, and then have the world tell you to gtfo.


Staff member
Thanks, steinman. Yeah, I know this might sound callous, but I generally try not to pity people I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm proud, but if I was going through a truly horrible situation, I wouldn't want pity. Everyone has their stuff to deal with, and treating them differently than you would any other person doesn't seem helpful.

It doesn't mean I don't treat them kindly or lend an ear. It just means that, when it comes to school, I don't want to go easy on them. They deserve to be challenged.
Thanks, steinman. Yeah, I know this might sound callous, but I generally try not to pity people I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm proud, but if I was going through a truly horrible situation, I wouldn't want pity. Everyone has their stuff to deal with, and treating them differently than you would any other person doesn't seem helpful.

It doesn't mean I don't treat them kindly or lend an ear. It just means that, when it comes to school, I don't want to go easy on them. They deserve to be challenged.
Ugh. I really, really don't know how best to start looking for schools to do my PhD work at and I'm just to tired of school to even want to look right now.
Ugh. I really, really don't know how best to start looking for schools to do my PhD work at and I'm just to tired of school to even want to look right now.
Do you have to do it right now? Can't you take some time to not think about it for a while? Especially since you just moved and all. (How's the new place, by the way?)
Dear television networks/iTunes.

I am one of the very few people on earth right now perfectly willing to pay $3.50 per episode of television. First of all, I would like this price lowered if you could, but that is not why I'm writing.

I am writing with a piece of advice. And here it is: If you do not make finding and getting content easy and timely, I will look elsewhere. There are other avenues for watching your show, some of them you won't like. I am already waiting a day to download my favorite shows after their air date. When you make me wait two, you do not get $3.50. Instead, Megavideo gets another hit.

You can keep trying to shut down streaming sites, and prosecute torrenters, but you have no sympathy from me if you cannot commit to an alternative.

Ugh. I really, really don't know how best to start looking for schools to do my PhD work at and I'm just to tired of school to even want to look right now.
Do you have to do it right now? Can't you take some time to not think about it for a while? Especially since you just moved and all. (How's the new place, by the way?)[/QUOTE]

I don't but damn it weighs heavily on my mind. I have so much annoying crap to do to wrap up my masters and then I have to get all my languages (German, French, Greek and Hebrew) out of the way THEN I have to get my PhD anditjustmakesmyheadandwallethurt.

Dammit. I just want to teach people about the things I love.

The new place is great. It's so much bigger it's weird. It's not just 2 or 3 steps from room to room and we painted it and sold our old furniture and are buying some new stuff... it's fantastic. Bad idea to move in the middle of our semester but it was worth it. Thanks for asking :)
I am currently going through my 'I am leaving this place in the morning' ritual. The ritual consists of surfing the web, watching movies, snacking, and packing at an alarmingly slow pace.

The week and a bit home has been great. I've gotten to reconnect with some old friends, and spend some time with my brother. I didn't get much writing done, but that's not entirely surprising. It was a holiday after all. I did generate an idea for another story though, so I've been taking notes down about that here and there as ideas hit me. I had been searching for a good non science fiction/fantasy concept, and this might be a good one.

Tomorrow, I'm off to a small town to visit a good friend/distant cousin of mine for an evening, before moving on to visit another friend. The bus company in this province is terrible, and if I go that route, I'll end up at my friend's house at six in the evening, with only two hours to hang out. Plan B involves hitchiking, something I've never done before. I could possibly end up there much earlier, but I'm never comfortable asking favors of people, much less strangers. I know people do it all the time, and it's something I've always wanted to do. I just don't really like that I'm going to do it tomorrow.

Just a general ramble tonight, then. In a few days, I'll be back in the city where I live and work. It's been a good vacation, but I can't help but think of all the things I didn't get to do while home. I won't have so much as a day off (in all likelihood) until January 6th, when I get back, but the heavy work will mean I'll be in a better place financially. Maybe I'll even be comfortable enough to drop off the map for a while ...

Here's to a great whirlwind tour of a finale to my 2 week vacation!


owwie aw aww. Thumbs are NOT supposed to bend that way :hurt:
ouch, that sucks man. If you dislocated it bad enough then go to a doc. Don't do like I did and just wrap it. my thumb still hurts about a year after.
Small rant but still:

I fucking hate when I'm talking about a band I like on Facebook, in WoW or something like that and someone not initially in the conversation pipes up with "how can you admit to liking (band name)?"

Because, fuckhead, I know what music I like and there's more to music than the bands/genres you like. If you don't like the band I'm talking about that's cool, but don't barge into my conversation with nothing to contribute but a challenge of my tastes based on ridicule. You're more than welcome to ask what specifically I like about the band, but otherwise you're just being a dick.


Staff member
Jeez. It's one thing for someone in a conversation to say that that don't care for something, but "how can you admit?..." That the kind of bullshit thing someone says when they choose music and movies based on how impressive it will make them look, not how much they really enjoy it.

Obnoxious. Enjoy your damn stuff. :)
Since starting my consulting gig at the university, I'm reminded of one thing I apparently had forgotten. I really, really, fucking hate, hate, hate, the smell of mice! Which is to say the smell of mouse shit and piss, which is all mice really smell like. Perhaps there's a pleasant musky aroma under that, but you'd never know because of the FUCKING SHIT AND PISS SMELL!!!

And I have yet to even SEE a mouse, I just get the whiffs while walking down the halls.

Though the lab across from where I'm working has a big dish of root beer candy outside, so that's cool, I guess.
owwie aw aww. Thumbs are NOT supposed to bend that way :hurt:
ouch, that sucks man. If you dislocated it bad enough then go to a doc. Don't do like I did and just wrap it. my thumb still hurts about a year after.[/QUOTE]

No, they certainly are not. :devil:

/Shego mode.
Well, doctor says it's decently dislocated alright. Plaster for a couple of days, and bandages for a week after that...Then we'll see. GBah. Typing is awkward without my good thumb.
12.72 in the bank, BUT i get paid in like 6 days. This weekend is going to suck though. I hope I don't have to film over this weekend as well because I just won't have the gas money. I have to go to austin tomorrow, so that's like 5 bucks in gas right there.

eh, could be worse though. Worst case scenario I go over a little and they put it on the credit card and I'll just pay that off when got the money. Worse things have happened.


Staff member
Dear Coworker who used the printer:

Do you REALLY have to bathe in that God-awful cologne? You've been gone half an hour and it's still lingering. You. Smell. Terrible. I promise you that you will die alone unless you stop alienating people with that garbage. MY EYES HURT. GRAGH I can understand a little spritz, but it was literally giving me a sore throat just being near it when you stood by me. Gross. Wash it off!
I was almost caught today.

Some pissy girl was using the printer and as soon as I came near she started coughing, making retching noises, and trying to breath in small bursts.

Obviously the cologne I'm wearing isn't enough, I may have to wear more next time, or add something new. Maybe wash the grave dirt off better tomorrow morning, but water just makes my skin rot faster.

It's so tough being a zombie in this zombiphobic society. And to think I'm just trying to make enough to pay the witch doctor to return me to life so I can join the society that spurns me.

I hate my death.

I was almost caught today.

Some pissy girl was using the printer and as soon as I came near she started coughing, making retching noises, and trying to breath in small bursts.

Obviously the cologne I'm wearing isn't enough, I may have to wear more next time, or add something new. Maybe wash the grave dirt off better tomorrow morning, but water just makes my skin rot faster.

It's so tough being a zombie in this zombiphobic society. And to think I'm just trying to make enough to pay the witch doctor to return me to life so I can join the society that spurns me.

I hate my death.

Almost looks like it should be posted on My So-Called Undeath. It's the enhanced-reality blog that ties into the book Generation Dead and it's sequel, Kiss of Life.

We also apparently get icons next to something when you link to Amazon.com.


Good god. If you and your idiot friends dont shut the fuck up. I swear i am going to go upstairs and bludgen each and every one of you to death. Its past midnight and i have work tomorrow. GRAAAAAARGH.
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