Damn, that really sucks :-( Both/all of them? Why?My dogs are being put down today.
Damn, that really sucks :-( Both/all of them? Why?My dogs are being put down today.
I'm sorry, Dave. Another friend of mine had to put one of her dogs down earlier this week because she couldn't afford a surgery the dog needed (the dog already had 3 surgeries in the last 5 months). It's a terrible situation to be in.My dogs are being put down today.
Dude I am so so sorry.My dogs are being put down today.
I'm so sorry, Dave.My dogs are being put down today.
Damn, that really sucks :-( Both/all of them? Why?My dogs are being put down today.
1) Is he going through stress at work?I am on the verge of tears.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore. This is the fourth fight we had today...his mood swings are unpredictable and it's always my fault.
Why did he change so suddenly?
I'm just so tired of fighting.
I don't know you, him, or the situation well enough to give any advice, but my prayers are with you.I am on the verge of tears.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore. This is the fourth fight we had today...his mood swings are unpredictable and it's always my fault.
Why did he change so suddenly?
I'm just so tired of fighting.
Cant sleep clowns will eat me
Cant sleep clowns will eat me
Cant sleep clowns will eat me
Cant sleep clowns will eat me
Cant sleep clowns will eat me
A few days later, I'm fine, he's being less dickish because I blew my top. I let my parents have the baby for a few hours, came home ,sat down quietly and waited.So sorry about your dogs, Dave. :\
Littlesin, this isn't the first time you've mentioned your bf losing his temper. Are you ok?
Ah to be young and able to measure their "when I'm gonna get some" time in hours instead of days...at least 6 more hours before i get some. G'damn it
Because my wife of 16 years might not understand.why don't you just go to a milf bar or something ?![]()
Because I'm afraid of what I'd [STRIKE]catch[/STRIKE]pick up?why don't you just go to a milf bar or something ?![]()
Because my wife of 16 years might not understand.why don't you just go to a milf bar or something ?![]()
Ah to be young and able to measure their "when I'm gonna get some" time in hours instead of days...[/QUOTE]at least 6 more hours before i get some. G'damn it
I suppose it's a matter of having to take a pill every day for reasons that could be controlled environmentally. You have to continue taking these medicines before they work effectively.I don't know anything about medicines or allergies even for that matter, but I don't think anti-histimines are really "drugging someone up", are they? A lot of people use it to deal with allergies without being zombies like on ADD meds.