Rant V - The Drama Strikes Back

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Wasabi Poptart

My dogs are being put down today.
I'm sorry, Dave. Another friend of mine had to put one of her dogs down earlier this week because she couldn't afford a surgery the dog needed (the dog already had 3 surgeries in the last 5 months). It's a terrible situation to be in.
My dogs are being put down today.
I'm so sorry, Dave.

Kudos to you for being man enough to take such a hard step. I can tell you all sorts of tales of owners who abandoned their sick pets when they became too much of a burden.

You're doing the right thing, and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I am on the verge of tears.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore. This is the fourth fight we had today...his mood swings are unpredictable and it's always my fault.

Why did he change so suddenly?

I'm just so tired of fighting.


Staff member
I am on the verge of tears.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore. This is the fourth fight we had today...his mood swings are unpredictable and it's always my fault.

Why did he change so suddenly?

I'm just so tired of fighting.
1) Is he going through stress at work?
2) Is this a new development?

He needs to get seen by a therapist or doctor. I know it'll be hard getting him to go, but catch him in a lucid time and let him know how it's making you feel.

Wasabi Poptart

And if it is really bad, pack some things for you and Jet and get out of there. You don't deserve to feel like everything is your fault and your son shouldn't have to be in a hostile environment either.
I am on the verge of tears.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore. This is the fourth fight we had today...his mood swings are unpredictable and it's always my fault.

Why did he change so suddenly?

I'm just so tired of fighting.
I don't know you, him, or the situation well enough to give any advice, but my prayers are with you.




Staff member
So sorry about your dogs, Dave. :\

Littlesin, this isn't the first time you've mentioned your bf losing his temper. Are you ok?


Cant sleep clowns will eat me
Cant sleep clowns will eat me
Cant sleep clowns will eat me
Cant sleep clowns will eat me
Cant sleep clowns will eat me
So sorry about your dogs, Dave. :\

Littlesin, this isn't the first time you've mentioned your bf losing his temper. Are you ok?
A few days later, I'm fine, he's being less dickish because I blew my top. I let my parents have the baby for a few hours, came home ,sat down quietly and waited.

The minute he tried to stir up shit I just flipped my friggin' lid at him. Maybe I was mean, maybe was unnecessarily loud...but god damn it he has toned it down since.

So, yeh, I'm okay.
Go LittleSin. And make sure it stays under control, somewhat. If things get worse, it could really become very problematic. :-(

In my personal rant, spent €240 (say, $400) on board games today. Way too much.
First day back at work after two weeks off. Didn't get enough sleep last night, and my schedule for the next two days is as follows:

Work 8-4
Supper with Friend 5-6
Work 8-8
Work 8-4

That's right. 28 hours of work.



Hours? Days? Weeks? Months?

These are all strange terms for me. :(

Five. Goddamn. Years. Since the last time, that is.

And counting. :(


why don't you just go to a milf bar or something ? :)
Because I'm afraid of what I'd [STRIKE]catch[/STRIKE]pick up?

Plus, I've never been great with approaching women, most especially in a bar. I've never done the one night stand thing before and...well, let's put it this way. Of the two women that I've been with (as far as going all the way and not just making out or everything but penetration), they were both 3-year relationships.
I just found out my son has moderate allergies to dogs and cats. We have 3 dogs and 2 cats that we've had for between 6 and 11 years and don't know what we're going to do. I don't like the idea of drugging the dude up, but it will be hard to find homes for five older critters.
I don't know anything about medicines or allergies even for that matter, but I don't think anti-histimines are really "drugging someone up", are they? A lot of people use it to deal with allergies without being zombies like on ADD meds.


Staff member
I don't know anything about medicines or allergies even for that matter, but I don't think anti-histimines are really "drugging someone up", are they? A lot of people use it to deal with allergies without being zombies like on ADD meds.
I suppose it's a matter of having to take a pill every day for reasons that could be controlled environmentally. You have to continue taking these medicines before they work effectively.

One thing you can do is make sure you bathe/brush the animals frequently to control the dander that gets into the air. Other than that it's a straight up decision as to whether kid+drugs > pets.


Staff member
My sister used to have to get an allergy shot every month and took some medicines on the side. She didn't LOVE it, but she functioned just fine. It was temporary, too. Most of her allergic reactions got much milder as she grew up.
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