Hey Guys

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Staff member
I am North_Ranger.

One of the mods.

The pantsless one.

The weird Finn.

The one who will whip you with your own spine if you mistake him for a Swede.


I am North_Ranger.

One of the mods.

The pantsless one.

The weird Finn.

The one who will whip you with your own spine if you mistake him for a Swede.
Oh, so here we are again? You have a problem with Swedes? You want to take this outside?


Hello. My name is Lord Ravage.

I like wine, games, movies and long walks on the beach in the moon light.


My name is callistarya (kah-list-ah-rI-yah). Just in case you want to mouth the name. I'm quiet lovely on the lips.


and I'm pretty sure I invented the whipping people with their spines circa Image comics forums there, NR. So I might have to sue you for patent infringement. (do they have lawsuits in Sweden?)


Staff member
and I'm pretty sure I invented the whipping people with their spines circa Image comics forums there, NR. So I might have to sue you for patent infringement. (do they have lawsuits in Sweden?)
Fine, fine... I'll just make them eat mämmi and listen to Finnish 80s songs.


Staff member
I'm Greendog, and am in no way related to Baerdog7, no matter how many times you poke me.
But if you keep poking Beardog7, you'll create something related to both of you.

(because that's where babies come from. I know, because I asked Yahoo Answers.)

Also, I'm fade. I'm the smartest guy you know, and I'm not afraid to admit it. Damn good looking, too.
I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the waiter that spills wine on your lap! I am the floss that's stuck between your teeth! I am....

Nah, it's just me.
Hi, I'm an innocent 17 year old girl, lost in this big thing called the Internets. I'm not sure what's going on here, could anyone help me? :eek:
Well, this place is shaping up nicely.
I'm Espy. I'm a smoker and a mod or something. Either way, I bring your daily ban-hammer and I wear pants, clearly making me the superior mod.
Hi, I mostly lurk, unless something needed to be said that wasn't already.

I should probably locate some type of avatar in the future.


Staff member
I am the Gas Bandit. I have never met you before, but I hate you regardless. if I met you in public, I'd still hate you. I probably wouldn't hate you any more than how much I currently hate you, because I don't think that would be humanly possible. I'd like to break a lamp on your face.
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