Conquest is up.

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Does that mean a reset? I've been working on some things in hopes of being able to do something and I don't want to waste my time if it's going to be reset.
I hope not - once I get to ( pinky at mouth ) one meeelion soldiers ( pinky down ) then I'm going to just go for money without armor or weapons and see who can take me down first.

Should be worth several million by then...



Staff member
Yeah, but the number of soldiers alone would set your offense and defensive numbers too high to be attacked anyways, so it would be pointless.

we would just get failure rates and be wiped. Better to just let you sit at the top and keep turtling, no one will be high enoguh for you to attack anyways, effectively removing you from the game.
Vycos is right behind me, and should drive me down to a level where others can profitably attack.

But you may be right. We'll see soon enough.



Staff member
I won't reset unless there's a call for it. Even though I think I could even out the offense/defense a bit better.
I say just keep tweaking the current system, give an advance notice (maybe a month) to declare a "winner" before a full restart.


Staff member
Vycos is right behind me, and should drive me down to a level where others can profitably attack.

But you may be right. We'll see soon enough.


uhhh....860k vs 220k? That is 1/4 of your strength, and thus, my point. you cannot even attack him. Like I said, just ignoring you at this point would, unfortunately, remove you from the game completely since you cannot even attack down.
Vycos is right behind me, and should drive me down to a level where others can profitably attack.

But you may be right. We'll see soon enough.


uhhh....860k vs 220k? That is 1/4 of your strength, and thus, my point. you cannot even attack him. Like I said, just ignoring you at this point would, unfortunately, remove you from the game completely since you cannot even attack down.[/QUOTE]

"Right behind" is relative - he's only 2 days behind me at most.

Turns out that spies don't get gold, even if you've got over one million of them...

They will drain your gold but will not flee if you don't have gold to give.

Unless you mean they don't generate gold like soldiers do.[/QUOTE]

I was hoping that when you spied on someone the spies would sneak some gold if they were otherwise successful, but they don't. Had to fire all my spies though so they wouldn't eat the gold I was going to make.

I now have 8 million gold, and should be making about 18 million a day until someone reduces my troop levels.

I'm having a hard time resisting the impulse to recruit though - I get 10k troops each time I recruit.

Turns out sitting on a huge pile of 18 million gold isn't as comfortable as scrooge mcduck portrayed in my youth.

Le sigh.

The only reason I've stopped adding troops is because vycos has decided to grind me down to dust. I may have to start selling my gear just to get weak enough so he'll stop attacking me.


Too late
Can't wait to buy a whole bunch of New Weapons1

---------- Post added at 10:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 AM ----------

Wow Dave. Now that is a selection of weapons.
Did you change something Dave? All my weapons got switched to +1 and I have an insane amount of offense right now.
Also, steinman quit your complaining. You call for attacks, I attacked and got completely wiped out:

Your attack raid has succeeded and 19216 troops have been lost collecting 0 gold

I'm torn on that. I've worked pretty hard to get the weapons/armor and training that I have. I guarantee you I'll be attacking more now. But even then, steinman is pretty untouchable.

Vycos appears to have a good deal of weapons and/or training. He might pose the only threat to steinman, but he's been too busy wiping out someone under him.

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

Perhaps just a troop wipe? If you do that, though, seems only fair to allow steinman to re-equip since he removed everything to allow people to attack him.


Staff member
It's a total wipe or nothing, which is the issue.

---------- Post added at 10:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 AM ----------

Okay, so here's the deal. These are the changes I made and why.

1) Changed troop recruitment from 3 to 10. I did this because people grew WAY too fast and turtling was rampant. Right, Steiny?

2) Added a ton of new weapons/armor/offense/defense categories. I did this because I felt the choices were light.

3) Offensive stuff (weapons and troops) are 4x cheaper than Defensive stuff (armor and fortifications). I did this because I want this to be a bloodbath with as little turtling as possible. If nothing else, nobody can go less than 60 troops so even if people keep getting beaten down there's a chance they could break out.

4) Spies now have 0 upkeep. Buy as many as you want. They won't cost you extra. Because I lowered the amount of money you'll be getting this was necessary.

I think that's all I did but I got interrupted making this post so I'll go back in and take a look to make sure I didn't miss anything.

I just hope I didn't skew it too far so that it's not fun just getting pummeled on.


Also, steinman quit your complaining. You call for attacks, I attacked and got completely wiped out:

Your attack raid has succeeded and 19216 troops have been lost collecting 0 gold

That happened to me too.



I put in a lot of time to build up too :( (since I was attacked a few times and lose a lot) I hate to lose it all. I don't even play Army anymore.

I will be one of the few not playing if there is a reset.


Staff member
I'll leave it for a time then. I think I'll get rid of all my stuff, too and get beaten down to 60.
I would lower the number of turns to get money a little bit. Maybe to 6? This would encourage (and enable) people to get some armor and weapons despite not being able to get lots of troops to earn tons of cash.


Staff member
Those who had more than 10,000 troops now find themselves at 10,000 even. Everyone that had a high fortifications and offensive army have found themselves at level 5 in each.

So I can do a soldier reset. I just have to go into the SQL and change the values.

Let's see how this evens out.
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