Conquest is up.

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Any way we can make donations to nations so they wont attack?

I would like a diplomatic way to resolve some fights. :)
Yes, I would very much like "mercy" funds directed to my palace... so that I may collect extra cash before I slaughter it's population anyway! :twisted:
I some how knew you were going to say that.
Consider that those who do NOT pay the mercy tribute, will have their beautiful women added to my blood harem, their men made into eunuch quadriplegics then hung by chains and hooks as living artwork, and finally the children fed till they're fat and then used as human shields on my next raid to demoralize the defending forces.



I prefer fountains of blood with red trees growing in the distance. Their leaves covered in wonderful brown/red gore of those who would oppose me. Priests in red robes, carrying curved instruments and giving out my daily commands of fire and blood. The deafening screams of the dying made into musicals so those who follow me can dance the night way, leaving bloody foot prints across white marble ball rooms paid by those who fear me of every moment of their soon to be culled lives.

Yes..I can see a bright future for my young. They will have plenty to eat and their bellies will never be empty.
Yes..I can see a bright future for my young. They will have plenty to eat and their bellies will never be empty.
Dear dear Ravage, your dreams of lordship and conquest are admirable, yet sadly, far from within your grasp as long as I draw breath. Future? Your only future is one of empty coffers and a slaughtered populace. :twisted:


My dear Shegokigo...You do bring a pleasant smile to my cold face. I would never dream of taking anything from such a devoted artist such as yourself. I would like to admire your work and watch your talent grow.

But hear me......My children will eat. I would hate for them to discover the fine taste...of your art...and come to me, begging for more. I could never say no to their rows of toothy grins.

When we are both ready, maybe we can work on canvas of skin together and paint the sky with nightmares.

Until then, continue with your splendid horrors and I will continue with my songs of screams. I believe we both have much work to do. :D
Hm, then I shall observe your works with great interest in the coming weeks Ravage... we shall see where your art falls on my pallette... perhaps I'll find it to my tastes....


maybe ravage and shego are a pair matched in hell?

Time to go set one of them on fire and see
Is there a way to turn off PM notifications when I get attacked? It gets kind of annoying logging in and having to delete 15-20 messages.


Staff member
Is there a way to turn off PM notifications when I get attacked? It gets kind of annoying logging in and having to delete 15-20 messages.
I have been looking for that very thing. I have a note in to the programmer but no response.
Heh. I struck a nerve or something? I've received 15 private messages saying you've attacked (and completely destroyed my troop reserves by the way) every time.
You must be obsessed with me.
I feel like I either need to ask you out, or get a restraining order.


you have troops left.

---------- Post added at 01:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Also? I'm on the troll team. Reasoned civil logical moves are expressly forbidden.

Change spy turns to 0. Attack turns to 0.

The cost is men and spies.

Us turtle people won't spend turns on anything other than recruiting.

Alternately lower recruitment from 1 to .1 or less, and raise recruitment turns to 2 or 5...

Just some thoughts...


Change spy turns to 0. Attack turns to 0.

The cost is men and spies.

Us turtle people won't spend turns on anything other than recruiting.

Alternately lower recruitment from 1 to .1 or less, and raise recruitment turns to 2 or 5...

Just some thoughts...

I agree that attack turns cost too much. Make them 1 turn that way people still have to pay a little for trying to take each others gold. Spying 0 turns.

lowering recruitment would help curb the top builders but it would make it extremely hard for the littler villages to build up to anything.

Good thoughts Stienman :uhhuh::thumbsup:
I will take the fact that you continue to hit me as relief that I reciprocate.
Well I think I'm done with Conquest anyway. Even if you weren't beating me into nothing every few hours I'd never be able to catch up size wise to everyone else. I'll just focus my attentions to Army System for right now.


yeah, I kinda gave up when I realized it was crowding out more important PM messages
As far up the ladder as I am. I have to say, this really doesn't have the appeal I had hoped for. Pretty much if I don't simply build troops and defence every turn I have, I get beaten pretty badly and have to spend more turns getting my troops back. You can't attack because even slightly defended nations take more of your troops than you take from them. So it just becomes a "build troops, buy armor, train defence, build troops" kind of thing.


Staff member
Lowered the Spy cost to 5 from 50. Lowered the attack rate to 1 turn and raised the recruit to 3 turns.

Should I reset or just let it fly and see how it happens? I don't want it to be impossible to build but I don't want turtling. It's a very fine line I be walkin'.
Lowered the Spy cost to 5 from 50. Lowered the attack rate to 1 turn and raised the recruit to 3 turns.

Should I reset or just let it fly and see how it happens? I don't want it to be impossible to build but I don't want turtling. It's a very fine line I be walkin'.
Honestly, with the new rules in place, it'd be impossible for anyone to catch the numbers Rove/Hylian/Stein and I are running so most likely a good reset is in order.
For fairness a reset would probably be good. So if you do decide to reset, give us some warning and a couple hours that way I can have fun just wasting my people attacking.
Yes, it's basically impossible for me to do much at this point as it is. Everyone with a troop count even close to mine seems to be in my nation, so I'm kinda forced into getting troops and money all the time.


Staff member
Okay, here's what's going down. I'm going to reset in a little while so waste away. While we're at that and you're attacking like mad monkeys I'm dicking around with the XML and I am going to be trying some stuff to disable those fucking annoying emails they send out.

I found in the code where it is but unless I do it right it'll cause SQL errors. I fully expect to break shit and I hope to keep it contained to conquest. I'll keep going back & forth between the editor and the boards to see what the effect is. If I break conquest let me know and I'll try something different.

---------- Post added at 09:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 PM ----------

Someone successfully attack me. I think I fixed the emails!

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ----------

C'mon! I sold all my armor!
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