Conquest is up.

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dave you cheating bastard :|
No, that's me. I felt sorry for Dave all alone there, and I wanted to try out a different play style.

I'm not considering knowledge that each character has in the other's decisions (which is too bad, because Status Quo knows something Stienman could really use...)

But if it's not allowed to have alts play, let me know.



Cuyval Dar

No, that's me. I felt sorry for Dave all alone there, and I wanted to try out a different play style.

I'm not considering knowledge that each character has in the other's decisions (which is too bad, because Status Quo knows something Stienman could really use...)

But if it's not allowed to have alts play, let me know.




Oh well. I'll remove all the weapons, armor, and spies from Status Quo and let everyone pick at him until he's gone.

Everyone attack this guy:

He's got about 1k gold, and an attack and defense rating of 124. Keep in mind that you may be too strong to attack him, so he'll mostly hang around to help out newbs. (easy newb target!)


---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 PM ----------

oh you little shit.

This just got real


I'm just starting at the top of the "richest" list and working my way down. Apparently my scouts won't let me attack Odie anymore - he's too weak, and at the time you were the next highest.

I see you aren't as rich as you used to be though, so I suppose I'll be moving on to more fertile land...



Oh well. I'll remove all the weapons, armor, and spies from Status Quo and let everyone pick at him until he's gone.

Everyone attack this guy:

He's got about 1k gold, and an attack and defense rating of 124. Keep in mind that you may be too strong to attack him, so he'll mostly hang around to help out newbs. (easy newb target!)


---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 PM ----------



I'm just starting at the top of the \"richest\" list and working my way down. Apparently my scouts won't let me attack Odie anymore - he's too weak, and at the time you were the next highest.

I see you aren't as rich as you used to be though, so I suppose I'll be moving on to more fertile land...



I suppose I'll be moving on to more fertile land...
Well, apparently you are the richest person I can attack. Everyone else is either too weak (it won't let me attack them) or in the Users nation, which I also can't attack.

So... yeah. Sorry.

Nothing personal, of course, it's just business.


How do I join? I don't see any link... it could be my exhaustion or the beer...

---------- Post added at 09:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 PM ----------

Ignore. Found it. Wife is demanding time though so I might not dig in till tomorrow.
@espy Click Community up there and join a nation (mods rule! everyone else drools!)

@Stienman justgotreal


Staff member
How do I join? I don't see any link... it could be my exhaustion or the beer...

---------- Post added at 09:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:24 PM ----------

Ignore. Found it. Wife is demanding time though so I might not dig in till tomorrow.
Break the bad, smoking baby. Break the bed.
@phil - hey, you spent all your money? What gives! I wasn't done bleeding you.

Oh well. Guess I'll have to go down the list.




---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

@TinWhistler - You don't bleed gold as easily as phil. You cost me 14 troops and I got less than 200 gold.




Staff member
Ooookay... somehow I fear this is gonna be a source of some bad, bad blood between forumites.

There might be a feud, even.


Staff member
dave you cheating bastard :|
Oi! What? I've been in a DJ meeting for an hour and a half and then had to set up my fantasy football schedules. If I were cheating I'd not be in the shithole of a hurt locker that I'm currently in.

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

There's another similar game coming out soon. And there's no God damned nations. It's every person for themselves.

I'm going to build this one up a lot more before I set it loose.

Cuyval Dar

Oi! What? I've been in a DJ meeting for an hour and a half and then had to set up my fantasy football schedules. If I were cheating I'd not be in the shithole of a hurt locker that I'm currently in.

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

There's another similar game coming out soon. And there's no God damned nations. It's every person for themselves.

I'm going to build this one up a lot more before I set it loose.
Don't be bitter, just because you're all alone.
Also, people will still coordinate their attacks, no matter what game you pick.


I like the idea of having 'nations' or something. some way to have alliances and groups or whatever.
I wish you could interact with the people in your nation better though. Like I wish I could send troops to my allies.


I wish you could interact with the people in your nation better though. Like I wish I could send troops to my allies.
that would be pretty awesome, though I could see it being abused. Still, its a cool idea.
Is there any way to tell when a nation is to weak to attack? I have been getting annoyed using my lurker powers to intel potential targets and then sending an attack thattells me I am to strong for them.

I am not worried about being not able to farm the lowbies although that was my intentions ;p more so would be nice to know the percentage of power they have to be at for me to be able to attack them. I would like not to lose spies inteling people that don't matter. ;p
I haven't found a way to determine that other than attacking. Would be nice if there was a set of guidelines one could read to find out.

How the hell do you guys have so many troops?
Recruiting troops is exponential - you receive troops according to how many you already have.

If you have under 100 troops then every time you recruit you get 1 troop.

If you have 100-199, you get two troops each recruit cycle.

If you have 1000-1099, you get 11 troops each recuit cycle, and so forth.

Essentially you get (1% * (current number of troops) + 1) each time you recruit. A 1% "interest" rate isn't much, but with 576 compounding cycles a day, it's actually rather significant.

So now that I have over 2,000 troops, I get 20 each time I recruit. Since I get 60 turns every 2.5 hours, I get well over 1,200 troops each 2.5 hours (which, of course, will mean I'll be getting over 30 troops each recruit by the end of that play time).

If you did nothing but recruit with all your turns, you'll have over 45,000 troops in a 24 hour period.

So... I'm going to give that a try.

It helps that once you get a few thousand troops, then you spend 10 turns building wealth and get a few thousand gold. Building up troops is probably the best thing one can do in this game - it's the ultimate leverage because it's the only thing in the game that's exponential in growth - everything else is pretty linear.

You have been attacked by Crone!

Thankfully, your troops have successfully defended against this attack from Crone!
Your troops have protected your gold coffers, and killed 158 of Crone's troops in the process!

Your losses: 12 troops
Enemy losses: 158 troops

Sorry Crone. I'm Turtling, so unless you've got an offense greater than 5,000 it's probably not worth it. Plus I never keep more than 50 gold around anyway, so it's not like you'd gain anything by attacking me...



I wanted to see what happen. expending the troops was well worth it. And it was definitely worth it to attack you.


Staff member
Hmmm. Turtling is going to be an interesting strategy, huh? And that number of additional soldiers can be problematic.
Hmmm. Turtling is going to be an interesting strategy, huh? And that number of additional soldiers can be problematic.
Yeah, I think 5 minutes is a bit fast. Nice for quick games, but I think that those who can spend a few minutes every 2-3 hours are simply going to overrun those that would rather play a casual once a day game.

I think that whatever the timing is, the cap should be set to one day's worth, so those that can play only once a day don't have as great a disadvantage against those that can play 10x a day.

But since someone with a great deal of power can't attack anyone not in their class, having too many people isn't too bad - it automatically forces you to pick on someone your own size. At worst you end up with a player or two that have impenetrable fortresses, and they should eventually get bored because they can't fight, only defend - unless there's a few others keeping up.

I, for one, am looking forward to Shego's imminent attack on me...

Not sure how you're managing to build both Troops AND Def at the same time when, the amount of turns you're taking is soley being used to build troops. With your defense of over 7000 and a troop size larger than mine (I use every turn to build troops) I am not sure how you're managing it....
He probably dedicates a few sets of 10 turns towards making money. I think you make as much money as you have troops.


Staff member
Ah, I have a better understanding of it. the game completely rewards turtling. Ill change it up next time the game restarts.

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

He's not, he's spending every turn gaining troops.

Buying upgrades does not cost a turn, so if he has the money, he spends it.
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