I understand if people don't agree with their president and don't want their kids to either (yay for the cultivation of individual thought), but I think all this worry is ridiculous. I'll admit I haven't read the actual text yet (I will but not tonight...), but whatever, this is stupid.
If the parents don't like him, fine. But he's still our president, and I think this is neat. If they DON'T like him and have the time to make a stink, I hope they have the time to talk to their children about WHY they have reservations about this. Political party is like religion in many households; it's taught. If you want a kid to see things your way or see all sides of an issue, then they should teach them the way parents ought to when they care enough to get on everyone else's case.
They might not be able to preview the speech, but they can find out what it was about and discuss it. This is all so silly. I'm sure the contents of the speech aren't as shocking as this uproar is letting on, but people SHOULD hear all sides of an issue anyway. It's how you build a solid argument. You can't be informed if you stick your fingers in your ears and go "LALALA" when someone you disagree with speaks, dangit.
anyway, seems like I'm preaching to the choir in here