Swine Flue Vaccine Pro/Con List

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Yes, one can always find statistics somewhere to justify intentional ignorance and denial.

I posted my links about H1N1; I recommend you read them.


1) It's just the flu
2) I don't like needles
3) It's just the flu

Remember when the swine flu scare started earlier this year? Remember how much of a non-issue it actually was? Yea.

That mentality right there is what keeps me in business. So thank you to all those who think they're too tough for viruses. That'll be 100 bucks for 10 minutes of my time.

It's already been mentioned, but I'll reiterate. If you have the chance to get H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccination DO IT!
Yes, one can always find statistics somewhere to justify intentional ignorance and denial.

I posted my links about H1N1; I recommend you read them.
I did read them.

Also the statistics I mentioned came from our very own hospitals and used by our own government, which has also stated that this outbreak is 'nothing more then the normal flu and shall be treated as such'.

Risk groups are getting shots here as always, everyone else simply doesn't like every year.


I wouldn't mind the government mind-controlling me. It would give my brain a rest from thinking.


Staff member
My university only offers the regular flu shot. Looks like Baton Rouge will offer the swine flu vaccine and some kind of nasal spray in December. I've never gotten a flu shot before, but considering the age group that this one targets, I might as well. An article about it said that, depending on where you got it, it might be free.
On the one hand, it seems way over-hyped. On the other hand, there seems to be a lot more sick people around. I don't mean on the news. I mean in my lab, classes, my parents' work, my gf's work, etc. Since it isn't flu season, yet, it's a bit disconcerting.

Now, I'm gonna go wash my hands. Speaking of which, It would be nice if people tried common-sense approaches like: washing your hands regularly, don't touch your face (EVAR!), stay home if you're sick, cover your damned face when you are hacking and sneezing b/c you didn't stay home (JACKASS), gargle with salt water, use a nettie pot.

If people did that, there would be a lot less problems.


Staff member
I've all but completely stopped touching my face. It was hard, because I always touch my face when I'm thinking and bite my nails. The only thing I really worry about is working with kids. One of the boys in my 1st grade class had swine flu back in September. I use my hand sanitizer every damn time I hug one of those little buggers or even touch a pencil or folder of theirs. I do NOT want to get sick.
Yeah, kids are walking germ reservoirs. Not touching your face will help big time. Gargling with warm salt water and using a Nettie pot will help flush the bugs, and preventing them from setting up shop.

Also, don't hug the kids. It'll just make them soft. They need to be tough to face the coming Zombie Apocalypse.


Staff member
:tear: But... but.... hugs. It's good for their tiny little hearts.

And I can't use those pots... or rather, I have a mental block about them. Seems like it would hurt or something. But yeah, the saltwater thing, I've heard of. I also hear drinking something warm at night helps.


My whole family (me, wife, 16-month-old daughter) got our seasonal shots, and we'll all be getting H1N1 vaccine as soon as it becomes more available. All the anti-vaccine hysteria makes me facepalm with the force of a thousand gods.
And yet, not one healthy young adult has actually had a problem here.
Uhh.. did you not read about Greg Dean's twenty-something friend who just suddenly up and DIED of H1N1?

It was all over the forum. But keep on truckin' with your denial, I seriously hope you don't get burned by your ignorance in a bad way.

Wasabi Poptart

:tear: But... but.... hugs. It's good for their tiny little hearts.

And I can't use those pots... or rather, I have a mental block about them. Seems like it would hurt or something. But yeah, the saltwater thing, I've heard of. I also hear drinking something warm at night helps.
I haven't used the Neti Pot in particular, but I have used a saline wash that is given to people after surgery. It's like a big squeeze bottle instead of a little clay pot. I think it feels great when my sinuses are acting up. It is kind of gross though.
My college is giving out free shots I think, if I have time I will get one but honestly with work and stuff I probably won't have time.

I know, I know you guys keep saying it's so horrible and killing all these people but I haven't seen it. I guess I really don't watch national news too much and most of the stuff I read online is on reddit or digg so I may have missed all these deaths. There haven't been any around here so I guess it still seems trivial and like the normal flu to me. My friends older brother had it and he was fine, didn't even spread it to anyone else in the family because they all washed their hands and shit.

I am actually sick right now, a cold or flu just went through my whole house. All but one of us has been sick so far. Not really sure how I caught it when I am barely ever at home and when I was I was down in my room and not around the family but I did. Been coughing and sneezing, had a fever and headache for a day or two. But I am feeling a lot better now, have a little bit of the sniffles but no headaches or fever anymore.
Hobo, i recall reading somewhere how you're more likely to get it from someone sneezing on door handles or on their hand and then touching the door handle then you using it etc. then from being around them...

A 5-year-old girl just died here last week of H1N1. She had no underlying health issues. She had no flu symptoms. According to her family, she suddenly developed a bad headache and the next morning had purplish swelling around her eyes. They took her to the ER of the children's hospital here. Her heart stopped while she was being examined. They tried to resuscitate her, but her heart was too weak to keep going. That's what's happening with H1N1. More kids have died from it already than the regular flu kills in a year's time.
Kids and old people are part of the at risk population... they should get vaccinated for the regular types of flu anyhow.

BTW, does anyone have some actual statistics on how many people die from the regular types of flu each year? Though because vaccination already existed they really shouldn't be higher... jenny mccarthy notwithstanding.

Hmm, CNN article from a few months back: http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/04/28/regular.flu/index.html


Including the one about how this strain affects completely healthy young people like the regular flu doesn't? Cool, I'm glad you read that.
And yet, not one healthy young adult has actually had a problem here.[/QUOTE]

It's a 20 dollar shot. You barely feel it. It takes 2 seconds. And you become one less person that's going to spread it around and get other people sick.

You guys think I'm the jackass? At least I don't walk around willfully ignorant and proud of it. The only reason you shouldn't get a flu shot is if you're allergic to eggs.

---------- Post added at 06:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 AM ----------

1) It's just the flu
2) I don't like needles
3) It's just the flu

Remember when the swine flu scare started earlier this year? Remember how much of a non-issue it actually was? Yea.

That mentality right there is what keeps me in business. So thank you to all those who think they're too tough for viruses. That'll be 100 bucks for 10 minutes of my time.

It's already been mentioned, but I'll reiterate. If you have the chance to get H1N1 and seasonal flu vaccination DO IT![/QUOTE]

Oh you know the only reason you got yours was because you'd be fired otherwise. ;-)
Oh, it seems the reason why this thing started is because the 1918 flu was also a H1N1 strain... which also started off as any other flu before going crazy...


Chaz is correct. I was wrong please forgive my ignorance as i was mixed up with cell culture vs egg cultures


The only reason you shouldn't get a flu shot is if you're allergic to eggs.

ya... um vaccines today are very rarely ever made in eggs due to that allergy, so i wouldnt be so worried about that.

chaz, thought you were scientist or something?[/QUOTE]

"Pharmaceutical researchers around the globe are trying to find newer and speedier ways to make flu vaccines, but in the U.S., the only FDA-approved method is the original, 1940s way: injecting the virus into chicken eggs to be grown into larger quantities."

Flu vaccines are still made in eggs.


The only reason you shouldn't get a flu shot is if you're allergic to eggs.

ya... um vaccines today are very rarely ever made in eggs due to that allergy, so i wouldnt be so worried about that.

chaz, thought you were scientist or something?[/quote]

Um, influenza virus is attenuated in chicken eggs. That's how they make the majority vaccine that's distributed. Chaz is a scientist, and I'm an M.D. In fact, that's the first question I have to ask (or my nurses do) before administering the shot.
Odie got pwned like three different times.

That's what you get for blabbering without some research dude. Now go stand near the edge of the table so the cat can kick you off it.
If I was in my last career I'd get the H1N1 shot. Since I am not in the target group for H1N1, and the vaccine is still rare; I'll stand aside and let some school aged through college kid get theirs. I'll likely get the seasonal shot like I normally do.


Sorry my bad, cell cultures / egg cultures are mixing up in my head. Please ignore my previous ignorance to the subject .

Also Cala hoo hoo - Beatles suck =p
Since a large amount of people in this city have Swine Flu, and I go home a lot, I plan on getting one here pretty soon.
I need to get one... and the school brings a nurse once a year to get shots after school, but I missed out on it this year....

I have the immunity of a rock (thanks mom for making me grow up on a farm!), but it never hurts!

Wait, I mean.... WUT IF I GET AUTIZIMS?
I suspect that NYC's reluctance to distribute vaccines to people outside the high-risk group is mostly due to not having enough vaccine at any given point in time to vaccinate millions and millions of people.

I'm relatively sure that once they a achieve a certain percentage of the high-risk groups being vaccinated, they'll recommend everyone else get it.


Staff member
Sorry, Seraphyn, but if Morgoth is a doctor I'm listening to him instead of you. Science vs. Personal Stories. Facts vs. Opinions.

Wasabi Poptart

Hobo, i recall reading somewhere how you're more likely to get it from someone sneezing on door handles or on their hand and then touching the door handle then you using it etc. then from being around them...

A 5-year-old girl just died here last week of H1N1. She had no underlying health issues. She had no flu symptoms. According to her family, she suddenly developed a bad headache and the next morning had purplish swelling around her eyes. They took her to the ER of the children's hospital here. Her heart stopped while she was being examined. They tried to resuscitate her, but her heart was too weak to keep going. That's what's happening with H1N1. More kids have died from it already than the regular flu kills in a year's time.
Kids and old people are part of the at risk population... they should get vaccinated for the regular types of flu anyhow.

BTW, does anyone have some actual statistics on how many people die from the regular types of flu each year? Though because vaccination already existed they really shouldn't be higher... jenny mccarthy notwithstanding.

Hmm, CNN article from a few months back: http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/04/28/regular.flu/index.html

From a more recent article about Swine Flu:


Schuchat also noted that 86 US children have died since the swine flu outbreak began in April of this year, nearly as many as in the last three flu seasons combined.

The run-of-the-mill regular seasonal flu typically infects up to 20 percent of Americans and causes about 36,000 deaths.
Older people are thought to have some limited immunity to H1N1 because they may have been exposed to similar strains of swine flu in the past. I don't have the time to get you an article that mentions that since my baby just woke up from her nap.


Sorry, Seraphyn, but if Morgoth is a doctor I'm listening to him instead of you. Science vs. Personal Stories. Facts vs. Opinions.

Sniffs and sniffles are my main bread and butter. Your best bet to combat the spread of H1N1 and all other types of flu is to get vaccinated, stay home if you're sick etc...

If there's anyone I want to see issued a recall in this world it's Oprah and her ushering in this new era mindset of vaccine = bad.
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