Bystander Effect much?

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Remember where this is: the BAY AREA. Those pussies don't even believe in violence for self-defense. They've gotta be open to all viewpoints, you see. You don't know what it's like to be a misunderstood San Franciscan teenager trying to find their way in the world. They might occasionally stumble but it's all part of growing up. Violence only perpetuates a cycle of acrimony. The typical progressive Bay Area citizen would rather be part of the solution rather than... part of the problem.

Seriously, it's times like these when you WANT the so-called neanderthals like myself. I remember an incident during my freshman year. I was walking back from the gym when I heard a couple huge black guys shout "Get your hands off of her, fucker!" and they went running to part of the gym grounds that is shaded by a wall and windbreak. Apparently some motherfucker had slammed a girl into the wall and was going to try some worse stuff. Every guy within earshot, including me, came running to the scene. I'm not sure what happened to him afterward because I went with two other guys to escort her to her car. Hopefully they beat him to a pulp.

So I already know I would have done something. Maybe I wouldn't have waded into that mob, but I would have at least called the cops.


Staff member
Strangely enough, it only takes 1 person to speak up to break the spell in an incident like this. After that everyone starts to speak up, too.
Yes, but who is that person going to be? What happens in situations like this, everyone else tends to assume that someone else is going to do something about it.
IronBrig4 said:
Remember where this is: the BAY AREA. Those pussies don't even believe in violence for self-defense. They've gotta be open to all viewpoints, you see. You don't know what it's like to be a misunderstood San Franciscan teenager trying to find their way in the world. They might occasionally stumble but it's all part of growing up. Violence only perpetuates a cycle of acrimony. The typical progressive Bay Area citizen would rather be part of the solution rather than... part of the problem.


Funnily enough, I know everyone's saying that people wouldn't know what they'd do in that situation, but I know precisely what would happen for me. It's just not something I'd advise anyone else trying, because it is deeply stupid and irrational.

If I noticed it (not likely, given my eyesight and general head-in-the-cloudsness), I would wander over, take a look at what was going on, spend a few moments unconsciously psyching myself up, and then go berserk.

I would go for the eyes, throat or groin (probably the eyes) of the nearest person who looks like they're remotely involved, and I would likely seriously injure them and/or one other person before their friends beat me to a stinking pulp. Hopefully, someone else would eventually have the good sense to call the police.

I know this because it has happened before (minus me getting beaten up, simply because there were less people there) on more than one occasion in the past - though I must stress that I don't make a habit of it - and generally with far, far less provocation. The last time I did it, I ended up barred from the main student pub for a week, and they were only so lenient because the guy in question had been giving all the easy targets (of which I am most definitely one) a hard time there for quite a while by then.

So yeah, don't try that. Seriously.


Staff member
My brother's one of the most gentle people I've ever met... until he sees a stronger person or a group of people ganging up on someone. Then, when he can't reason them out of something, he goes nuts.

At our old high school (during a game), some bigger guys, graduates, actually, were picking on a kid under the bleachers--pushing him around and kicking him and not letting him get away. My brother very calmly told them to stop. When they went for him, he dropped them all in a couple of minutes. He was 14. O.O It's true we never really know what we'll do in situations like that... I've never been in a situation that bad, but it's comforting for me to have that memory. I at least know people who I'm certain don't stand for that kind of cruelty.
Was scouring 4chan last night and saw no word of this, seems like it's going to take a week before it hits the in-tar-wub.


Staff member
Was scouring 4chan last night and saw no word of this, seems like it's going to take a week before it hits the in-tar-wub.
Or maybe they realize that the police is all over this and if they post it they'll get snagged.


Staff member
No doubt, but you are talking about people who did what is in the OP to begin with.
True, but most kids of that age do things and THEN realize what the consequences are. So I assume that some of them are probably devastated by what they witnessed (or did) and are now regretting it.

I'm thinking more like "Scared of getting caught now" would be more appropriate.

Still, if there was a "anon" at that situation OR in the police department that gets ahold of the video, I know we'll see it up soon enough.


Staff member
And I apparently do, with that irony pic, hmmmm? But there is no point, I am backing off your little troll.


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Universe 1.0 Dev notes:

People are broken. No ETA on fix. Currently recommended: system wipe, reformat, reinstall.


Staff member
Universe 1.0 Dev notes:

People are broken. No ETA on fix. Currently recommended: system wipe, reformat, reinstall.
That already failed once... maybe if fire is used this time...[/quote]

That wasn't a reformat, it was more a reboot of the same code. A temporary solution, as we've seen.[/QUOTE]

Well, we could jsut put a magnet to the harddrive.

---------- Post added at 03:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:06 PM ----------

Well considering how you love calling people out. It kinda went with the attitude.

So wait, where is the irony?

...Damn it, sucked back in.


Staff member
I always thought the first one was a DoS flood that was finally diagnosed by tech support and upgraded to Earth v2.0 now with rainbows.
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