Get My Girlfriend Drunk

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Try a Tie Me to the Bedpost:

* 1 part Midori Melon liqueur
* 1 part Sloe gin
* 1 part Absolut Vodka
* 1 part Southern Comfort
* 1 part Chambord raspberry liqueur
* 1 part Pineapple juice
* 1 part Cranberry juice

Mixing instructions:

Mix with ice in a hurricane glass.
how about something that doesn't require him to spend 100 dollars on liquor?

these kind of drinks kind of require a bar-type setting because of all the ingredients required.

instead, he should try something like "rum and coke" or "whiskey and coke" or "a tall glass of tequila and harden the fuck up"


Staff member
That's what I said earlier. All of these drinks sound fun for those of us with more time, taste and money...but yeah. Go for the easy combo.
Just about anything with Kahlua will taste like chocolate/coffee if mixed well.

A chocolate cake shot, oatmeal cookie shot.

Baileys comes in a variety of sweeter flavors and mixes well with coffee in general.

Most decent vodkas with your energy drink of choice will be tasteless save for the energy drink, but too many will get your stomach a little wonky thanks to the Red Bull/Monster/Rockstar/etc.

Generally you want to look up something akin to any of these, otherwise you're likely going to get more of an alcohol-y taste than she wants. I would also recommend something like a Malibu rum with a fruitier taste. Mixes well with Coke.

I should also note that most shots are going to be something you get at a bar, otherwise you're investing more money than you probably want to.
If she can't get drunk, she either has mutant healing factor or she might have a problem with her liver. I bet she just hasn't had enough alcohol.

Maybe she doesn't want to get drunk. Why push it?


Staff member
Maybe she doesn't want to get drunk. Why push it?
The OP made it seem like she wants to, but doesn't want to actually drink anything that tastes like alcohol...[/QUOTE]

... which is completely understandable, because for a beginner alcohol tastes like ass. The ass of a farting, worm-ridden cat who just took a dump in the kitty litter. I would believe.
Gonna agree with Li3n for the most part. Vodka never tasted bad for me, though I'll *NEVER* like beer and anyone who claims to like it is full of shit.

Then again... I used to think my Sugarfree Red Bulls tasted terrible till I kept drinking them everyday... I suddenly crave the taste of them now...
I forget about that base taste from time to time, but I do get reminded when I take a swig of warm beer...

But I drink good beer, not Coors Light (aka club soda piss)

---------- Post added at 11:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:35 AM ----------

Shego, come to LA. We'll go to the Abita brewery, try a few brews, and when you beat me over the head about you hating beer, we'll get tipsy on girly drinks!!!

Oh I'm sure there are some concoctions of beer that taste fine Vyta, but my point is for the most part, people drink "piss water", get so used to it, they begin to like it, and then scream at anyone who tell them it tastes like piss water.


Staff member
Am I the only one that finds the thread a little creepy?
THANK YOU! I came to page #2 to say this very thing.

Yeah, the OP onward is creepy as hell.

I think Doom is trying to get her loopy to take advantage. :unibrow:


Staff member
Well your body does actually adjust to the taste in most cases. And there is a vast difference between "American Light Beer that Gets You Fucked Up" and a "good" tasting beer.
Oh I'm sure there are some concoctions of beer that taste fine Vyta, but my point is for the most part, people drink "piss water", get so used to it, they begin to like it, and then scream at anyone who tell them it tastes like piss water.
Are you talking about Pilsner style beer?
Or lambic?
Or stout?
or ales?
or lagers?
perhaps porter?
or bock?

There are dozens of styles of beer, and each taste different. Some beers are light and crisp. Others are heavy and full in the mouth. Some are very hoppy, others have no hops at all.
I challenge you to put this beer:

next to this beer:

and tell me that they taste the same with a straight face.

Fact of the matter is: Most people who complain that beer is like weak piss-water are talking about american-style pilsner beers which have a high corn syrup content (as opposed to malt content). In that case, I'd agree with the assessment. But you can't tar and feather all of beer with that one brush.
Oh I'm sure there are some concoctions of beer that taste fine Vyta, but my point is for the most part, people drink "piss water", get so used to it, they begin to like it, and then scream at anyone who tell them it tastes like piss water.
Are you talking about Pilsner style beer?
Or lambic?
Or stout?
or ales?
or lagers?
perhaps porter?
or bock?

There are dozens of styles of beer, and each taste different. Some beers are light and crisp. Others are heavy and full in the mouth. Some are very hoppy, others have no hops at all.
I challenge you to put this beer:

next to this beer:

and tell me that they taste the same with a straight face.

Fact of the matter is: Most people who complain that beer is like weak piss-water are talking about american-style pilsner beers which have a high corn syrup content (as opposed to malt content). In that case, I'd agree with the assessment. But you can't tar and feather all of beer with that one brush.[/QUOTE]

You quoted me, but I don't think you read it.
Oh I read it. I just think you sound like someone who doesn't know anything about real beer.
Why? Because the mainstream beer that is consumed most by the masses is shit, always has been, and they'll fight you to the death if you call them out on it?

Just because you know what's good and where to get it, doesn't mean you're in the majority.
Oh I read it. I just think you sound like someone who doesn't know anything about real beer.
Why? Because the mainstream beer that is consumed most by the masses is shit, always has been, and they'll fight you to the death if you call them out on it?

Just because you know what's good and where to get it, doesn't mean you're in the majority.[/quote]

Just because you equate "US frat boy" with the majority of beer drinkers in the world doesn't mean it is. ;)

What you're saying is akin to seeing how popular Transformers 2 is and then proclaiming 'all movies are shit!' or upon seeing Britney Spears' sales figures proclaiming 'all music sucks'


Staff member
Fact of the matter is: Most people who complain that beer is like weak piss-water are talking about american-style pilsner beers which have a high corn syrup content (as opposed to malt content). In that case, I'd agree with the assessment. But you can't tar and feather all of beer with that one brush.
Actually I think most everyone except for bros get that there is a certain brand of beer that tastes like someone through a half a loaf of bread into a bucket and let it ferment 3-4 months.

I think what we're not getting is not accepting your narrow view of "Beer Sucks, They're Deceiving Themselves And Wrong". Which, *shrug*.
Oh I read it. I just think you sound like someone who doesn't know anything about real beer.
Why? Because the mainstream beer that is consumed most by the masses is shit, always has been, and they'll fight you to the death if you call them out on it?

Just because you know what's good and where to get it, doesn't mean you're in the majority.[/quote]

Just because you equate "US frat boy" with the majority of beer drinkers in the world doesn't mean it is. ;)

What you're saying is akin to seeing how popular Transformers 2 is and then proclaiming 'all movies are shit!' or upon seeing Britney Spears' sales figures proclaiming 'all music sucks'[/QUOTE]

I don't remember proclaiming that all Beer, worldwide, now and forever, was shit.

Also yes, the majority of beer drinkers can be compared to Transformers 2 fans. They are the majority, whether we agree or not.
Yes, did you not see the added writing just another post down? The very one you quoted?
ah, but that was just a mealy-mouthed throw-away. Your main contention for several posts is that beer tastes like piss, and nothing anyone could say would convince you otherwise.

It's that contention that several of us pointed out was 'chock full of the dumbass' (to quote my grandfather). Since you seem to be quickly backing away from that assertion, we really have no debate.

If you want to say Bud and Coors tastes like piss-water, more power to ya. I totally agree. But that's not the same as your original assertion.
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