Ask "C" Anything. 100% Unabridged Truth.

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Staff member
What is an opinion of yours that will never ever change?
Oh I'm sure there are alot. I'll never like "Emo" kids who come from rich families, in that same line of thinking: I'll never like Twilight fans. I won't ever tolerate liars. I won't ever have a sexual sitaution with a guy/male. Hm, I'm not sure I'm answering this question correctly, maybe an example?[/QUOTE]

Nothose are all good answers--opinions and beliefs you'll never flinch on. Stuff you won't ever reconsider like. And anti-example would be... "I would never tolerate a liar... UNLESS I'd know them for a long time, then I might give them another chance."
Hm, okay, I have a question.

What would a girl have to do in order to be one of the select few given the privilege of seeing a picture of you sans mug/hat/etc?
Well, the few that have gotten a "full frontal" of me have also been "online picture recluses" and they had stepped forward first and gave me their "mug". Though it wasn't just that for critera, they were also long time trusted individuals who I knew would never slip my picture in any venues.

I'm willing to work something out with you Droll, I've always found you so intriguing. Sexually open and proud, yet not egotistcal (outside of overly joking) or slutty. Your humor is "out there" in the sense that not alot females can take a dick joke and actually make it dirtier. :twisted:
And can the rest of us have the pictures HowDroll will be sending you to buy the privilege of seeing your face?
That's gonna be a 10-4 on the "No" response. :cool:
Who's your favorite Sesame Street character, and why?
Oscar the Grouch, he always did what he wanted, said what he wanted and never cared about what everyonelse thought about it. I envyed that like no tomorrow, hell I still do.


Hey, I'd apologize, but you're imaginary anyway. :noidea:
Hm, okay, I have a question.

What would a girl have to do in order to be one of the select few given the privilege of seeing a picture of you sans mug/hat/etc?
Well, the few that have gotten a "full frontal" of me have also been "online picture recluses" and they had stepped forward first and gave me their "mug". Though it wasn't just that for critera, they were also long time trusted individuals who I knew would never slip my picture in any venues.

I'm willing to work something out with you Droll, I've always found you so intriguing. Sexually open and proud, yet not egotistcal (outside of overly joking) or slutty. Your humor is "out there" in the sense that not alot females can take a dick joke and actually make it dirtier. :twisted:[/QUOTE]

I'm more than amenable to the idea of a trade. Shoot me a PM and let me know what you'd like, and I'll see what I can do :twisted:
I'll trade my mug for yours! Mine's super secret!


*looks at avatar*


Next question, what's your favorite Fallout 3 mod? Or mods?


Staff member
Obligatory Finland question: Would you like visit here? And if not, what would change your mind?

Have you ever practiced/considered practicing martial arts?

If you could be any WoW class, which would you be?

If you could travel in time and place, where would you go? And what would you do once there?

And let's jump on the bandwagon: Whatcha think of me?
Next question, what's your favorite Fallout 3 mod? Or mods?

Obligatory Finland question: Would you like visit here? And if not, what would change your mind?
I wouldn't put it out of my agenda for World Travel. It's definitely got a scenary I'd like to take in, though I'll admit I'm not very versed in it's History or the Lifestyle of the locals there.

Have you ever practiced/considered practicing martial arts?
As a young teen, 11-15, I did take some Kempo classes 3 days a week. After that I fell into a lapse in training, until recently when took some college offered Self-Defense courses.

If you could be any WoW class, which would you be?
I'm guessing we're applying this to the Real World? I'd say Mage. Due to the versatility. I could conjure my own food and water at any given moment. I could telport around the world at my leisure. I could leap out of planes/high places and float to safety etc etc etc.

If you could travel in time and place, where would you go? And what would you do once there?
I would have loved to live in the Medieval Times (Yes I'm aware of the sickness and famine that were the Dark Ages), simply because being assassination was a lucrative profession. Especially when working for Royalty. I would have trained as a young child and grown up to hide my gender and contract out my work from area to area. Murder was also easier to get away with, as my idol, Elizabeth Bathory proved in her time. Though she was eventually caught and I'm sure I would as well, I'd have at least lived a good portion of my life "living my utmost fantasties and desires".

And let's jump on the bandwagon: Whatcha think of me?
It's odd, but as much as I know "of" you, I don't know much "about" you. One of your more popular threads, the "Sauna", I've never even posted in/read. As a MOD, I've never had an issue or problem with you filtering me or giving me any sort of warning (even though I do litle to warrant it these days) you are genuinely fair to those who you do "police". I believe you were a good MOD choice and know that you are generally loved by many members of the forum, and that kind of positive attention must be a sign of your inhairantly good character.


I was gonna say, if those are 36C I'm Barack Obama's white half-cousin.
I was gonna say, if those are 36C I'm Barack Obama's white half-cousin.
See, now that makes me wonder if boob size is an issue in lesbian relationships, but whenever I think about asking that, I realize I honestly don't care. I have my own opinion on that particular pair of subjects, and really no input on the matter is going to change that.
Hmmm. I feel like I should be asking questions here too, because how often do you get a chance at honest answers online, really. But it's difficult to think of anything I'm aching to know. I don't dislike Sheki at all - she's generally a nice element of humor in most of the threads, all around a somewhat interesting person. However I'm not sure if there's any deep curiousities I have about her, and any other question just seems bland.

Okay. If you could have any rifle, what would it be, and why? (What? I like guns.)
First, I was thinking "oh, that's disappointing". Than I was thinking "shame, Ame, for betraying her trust". Than I thought "waiddaminit", and than I noticed it was a shop :-P


Is this funny?

Not my greatest 'shop, but I thought it was funny considering you posted Carmen's measurements in the thread.

What would have made this perfect would be stitches, Buffalo Bill "woman suit" style.[/QUOTE]

Come to think of it, it really does look like she's holding it up as if to say 'Look whose face I just stole!'.
...Hows it going?
Honestly? This past week has been a nightmare. My GF and I have been in arguments non-stop about her "not knowing if we should be together anymore" and my fighting to keep her. I quit my job yesterday cause I couldn't take the insane amount of bullshit that was going on there and that's just made my domestic life 10x worse. So yeah, not going well.

So Shego, is it true that all that lesbians need to turn straight is some Ben Affleck?! :p
David Bowie is about the closest I've ever even had a slight attraction to any male. Though I think that was more of a "celeb crush" than a physical attraction as I'm sure in person I wouldn't have a problem turning him away.

If you could switch roles with anyone in the entire world for one day, who would it be?
You would literally be him/her but also have all your own thoughts and memories and free will.
Anyone with enough riches to be able to sentence people to death/torture and have a harem of women at their becon call. Basically like an Indian/Asian Czar.
Sorry to hear things are so rough, Sheki. Good call on wealthy enough to have a harem. I could do without the torture room / death squad thing but a harem would be nice, in theory. In practice, I'm not sure how many women I want to disappoint, and then have compare notes...
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