Ask "C" Anything. 100% Unabridged Truth.

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I am terrible at TF2. I also play Scout on defense. Does this annoy you?
Scout's actually pretty good for defense, for one very simple reason: Fewer sentries. Scouts can also run into the attackers' midst, annoy them, and try to take out the medic. The time they spend trying to swat the scout is time they're not spending pushing.

... I'm sorry Shegs, your thread.
I am terrible at TF2. I also play Scout on defense. Does this annoy you?
Scout's actually pretty good for defense, for one very simple reason: Fewer sentries. Scouts can also run into the attackers' midst, annoy them, and try to take out the medic. The time they spend trying to swat the scout is time they're not spending pushing.

... I'm sorry Shegs, your thread.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but I attack the heavy being healed by the medic.
I am terrible at TF2. I also play Scout on defense. Does this annoy you?
Scout's actually pretty good for defense, for one very simple reason: Fewer sentries. Scouts can also run into the attackers' midst, annoy them, and try to take out the medic. The time they spend trying to swat the scout is time they're not spending pushing.

... I'm sorry Shegs, your thread.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but I attack the heavy being healed by the medic.[/QUOTE]

Then at least you've delayed him for 2 to 3 seconds.

That's the amount of time he'll spend taunting after killing you.
So Shego, is it true that all that lesbians need to turn straight is some Ben Affleck?! :p
David Bowie is about the closest I've ever even had a slight attraction to any male. Though I think that was more of a "celeb crush" than a physical attraction as I'm sure in person I wouldn't have a problem turning him away.
Pls, the Sovereign would just shapeshift into a hot woman... you'd be powerless against him/her.

Either you totally pwned me with that or you forgot the Chasing Amy "discussion" we had... posted that when i was on a roll from the 14yr olds thread.
I don't recall if you posted in the thread before it was locked, but do you feel the negativity that some find running rampant through this place is the single greatest strength or the single greatest weakness of this forum?
Is this funny?

Not my greatest 'shop, but I thought it was funny considering you posted Carmen's measurements in the thread.
Yes, I was actually feeling kind of shitty that day and when I saw that I laughed for a damn long time. My GF thought it was hilarious cause for a split second she thought I posted a picture of me "uncovered" (no I don't look like Carmen Electra, but the SHOP was done so well that at a glance it looked like a real face)

I am terrible at TF2. I also play Scout on defense. Does this annoy you?
I play Scout on Defence, with Sandman stun and the ability to get behind the attacking force pretty decently, I'm able to take out some heavy hitters before they even know I'm there.

... I'm sorry Shegs, your thread.
Not a worry in the least.
So, when can I..

I won't ever have a sexual sitaution with a guy/male.
... oh. Well, hrmm.

*backs away slowly*

For a slightly more real question, strangest/weirdest/kinkiest/etc thing you've ever done sexually (that you're willing to admit to). The swinging and group sex is already known, so they don't count.

Hate to be the one that brings it to the usual sex thread, but I'm currently living vicariously, plus it's late and I can't think of anything better.

*I'd ask what you think of me, but outside of IRC most people don't know me
So, just for the bandwagon jumping, what do you think of me?

That aside... If you had to choose between your dream job (critic) in a place you don't know, where you know no-one, and you'd have to start, socially, from zero; or a decent-but-not-great job in your current location, what'd you choose and why?
Either you totally pwned me with that or you forgot the Chasing Amy "discussion" we had... posted that when i was on a roll from the 14yr olds thread.
It was the first, I didn't forget.

What is the one word that always gets you riled up when used? Doesn't need to be a swearword, could be anything.
I've actually been asked this IRL before and I honestly don't think I have one. My GF however hates the word "Chikle" (spanish) with a passion, not because of its meaning, but the way it sounds when pronounced actually upsets her for some odd reason.

I don't recall if you posted in the thread before it was locked, but do you feel the negativity that some find running rampant through this place is the single greatest strength or the single greatest weakness of this forum?
I have no idea where the "negativity" is supposedly felt, all I ever see are discussions. Even the heated ones are common among any internet forum. Maybe someone was referring to direct attacks on certain people but honestly, it's not as "rampant" as some Chicken Littles like to claim.
What kind of people do you like best, culinarily or otherwise?
I'm not quite sure what his question is entailing, perhaps a clarification?

Are you okay? You haven't been around and I know things have been...difficult.
Yes, but just barely. I considered posting in my "baww" thread but things are hanging on by a thread, if even that and am waiting for a real resolution one way or another before updating completely.


What is the rifle you practice with most and what firearms do you own?
For a slightly more real question, strangest/weirdest/kinkiest/etc thing you've ever done sexually (that you're willing to admit to). The swinging and group sex is already known, so they don't count.

*I'd ask what you think of me, but outside of IRC most people don't know me
Well, the kinky/strange/weird stuff really does come from our group/swinging lifestyle as when it's just the two of us we tend to be a bit more focused on the things we both know pleases us the most. Our early days were filled with alot of experimentation though.

As for what I think of you? Well Raven, I've always thought of you as one of the braver forum members even back on PVP, by posting your "real pic" as your avatar. Few did it back then (JCM most notably) but you did with pride and it takes guts to put yourself out there. You try not to step on many toes when you can help it and I've seen you rally for the "little guy" in an arguement before instead of taking the "bandwagon" and those are real qualities in a person that really seems to be rare these days.

So, just for the bandwagon jumping, what do you think of me?

That aside... If you had to choose between your dream job (critic) in a place you don't know, where you know no-one, and you'd have to start, socially, from zero; or a decent-but-not-great job in your current location, what'd you choose and why?
Thoughts on the Bubble? Hm. Well honestly I'm conflicted as to what to think of you. Sometimes you and Jelly seem to have very similar personalities and for some reason I tend to put you two in the same boat of "thought" when I stop and try and seperate you two. Perhaps it's due to your interactions with Cajun?

As for choosing between my dream job and anythingelse? I really don't see how it would matter if I knew noone. I'll be honest. As someone who attended 7 different high-schools and worked more jobs than I can count, I have to say I much prefer the fresh atmosphere of a new area to somewhere I'm "known" and stagnant. Maybe it's just a personality thing.
Honestly? I considered making a new account and starting from scratch. In the end, I honestly felt I couldn't be deceptive to people who I've come to know and even more, those few that I trust. So yeah. Hey.
New? I couldn't even begin to list but I guess the biggest one is I moved to a house.

Used to be a daycare, recentely remodeled into a 2 bedroom place. It's smaller than our last place (interior wise) but has a huge front/back yard and alot of amentities we didn't have before. Largest issue with it though, is that it's a serious fixer-upper. Nothing requiring "professionals" like electricians or plumbers, but alot of little things, ex: alot of the walls don't have outplugs so we're running extention cords along the floor borders with cord organizers. It's been a huge handful but worth it. We're living MUCH cheaper, better city, fantastic location and just all around a positive move.
Work = Nothing.

I've been a bum for months now. Well not exactly, I've been pursuing opportunities here and there. Considered going to tech college for a quick certification, but realized it wasn't going to work out well between trying to work/school/relationship. Past 2 months or so have really been trying to get this house in order since the GF doesn't have any home time with her new work/school schedule. So it's pretty much been just me trying to put a house together and fix it.
Cool. So have you learned a lot about working on houses or did you already have those kinds of skills?


Staff member
You have no idea how good it is to see you alive, well and not locked up for going on a rampage and killing idiots who probably deserved it.
Cool. So have you learned a lot about working on houses or did you already have those kinds of skills?
When I first moved out on my own when I was younger, I picked up alot of skills I thought I'd never have learned after 16yrs of life. I pretty handy with power tools (for multiple reasons) and can do alot of work that doesn't require much rewiring. I'm not any kind of pro at it, so it's pretty time consuming for me. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't still a bit of a learning experience though.

You have no idea how good it is to see you alive, well and not locked up for going on a rampage and killing idiots who probably deserved it.
Very kind of you and Bhamv, but you both should know me by now...... I wouldn't get caught.
At least you didn't go back to WoW.. RIGHT?
Who has the time?

Honestly with the lack of internet that I had and being dead tired from working around here, I play a few hours of ME1 (finishing up my Shegokigo character) so that I can move on to ME2. I also have my eyes on finally getting Dragon Age, even though they're coming out with an expansion soon.... I'm hoping they're seperate enough games to play them in sequence.

By the way, very sorry to hear about your situation Amorous darlin, I'm hoping things are looking up.
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