Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd...")

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So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

wait...someone is actually putting sex parties in the same category as murder and torture?
Only Crono, so no, not really.[/QUOTE]

Nice, clearly didn't actually read my post and while two things can be in the same category it doesn't mean that they have been given the same weight or even defined as the same thing, but its cool that you feel like insulting me without actually debating.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

wait...someone is actually putting sex parties in the same category as murder and torture?
Only Crono, so no, not really.[/QUOTE]

Nice, clearly didn't actually read my post and while two things can be in the same category it doesn't mean that they have been given the same weight or even defined as the same thing, but its cool that you feel like insulting me without actually debating.[/QUOTE]

What's to debate? You're the one who grouped them altogether without saying "While torture is one thing, sex parties are another." Someone asked if they were grouped together, and according to this:

Crono1224 said:
I think you are giving the benefit of the doubt, it's social norms or laws that are being violated that makes someone a deviant, now i'm pretty sure murder/torture/sex parties, aren't social norms and some of them are violation of crimes, that's a deviant right there. If you find another problem maybe you shouldn't argue against the word deviant but simply the perception of extreme. Just my 2c, and I'm not stating my views one way or another.
someone named Crono1224 did.

You don't state your views one way or the other, but you get defensive when you're quoted on what you did say? Nice. If you look, Tin asked if they were put in the same category. You even say that you did put them in the same category.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

Yeah, that genocide, cannibalism and jaywalking are just all sorts of fucked up right there.


So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

More like the are all deviations of social norms, so it doesn't matter the extremes that they may be they are all on the side of deviant behavior, while some maybe down right horrible, they still fit in the same category of deviant, now if you want to qualify the deviation then that's fine but that doesn't invalidate my point. So just because you don't like the fact that some things can be grouped together it doesn't make it wrong. So good luck with that.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

which social norms are you referring to here, exactly? I've known groups of people where certain sexual practices are certainly the norm, whereas you label them as pretty much universally socially deviant. BTW, In none of those groups are murder and non-consensual torture considered social norms.

It's a bad analogy. So good luck with that.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

ITT: Not all people understand that words like normal and deviant are very subjective.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

We'd better make sex parties a capital offense. It's the only way to be sure.
So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

I'm a very normal person and I think sex parties are very deviant. Mainly because I am never invited to them.



Staff member
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

I know for a fact that I am a perverted bastard. I just don't let normal people know that.

The Key of J

So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

More like the are all deviations of social norms, so it doesn't matter the extremes that they may be they are all on the side of deviant behavior, while some maybe down right horrible, they still fit in the same category of deviant, now if you want to qualify the deviation then that's fine but that doesn't invalidate my point. So just because you don't like the fact that some things can be grouped together it doesn't make it wrong. So good luck with that.
Social norms - "the rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors."

Depending on the location, culture, or even a group of friends that you mingle with define new and different social norms. Even with that being said, what goes on behind closed doors seems to be an anything goes grab bag of events. Hell, get yourself in the right spiritual circle and murder could be considered a social norm.

In other words: there is no normal, it's all shades of gray painted on the side of a rolling stone. What you really should have stated was that her actions deviate from YOUR perspective on what's normal.
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

I like how Silver Jelly's sig finishes off each of his posts perfectly.
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

I know for a fact that I am a perverted bastard. I just don't let normal people know that.
Same here, except normal people always find out one way or another. Not sure why.
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

It's the glasses, man!
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

Yeah, and everyone knows you're a perv. Don't you see the correlation????
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

Of course! It all makes sense! Without glasses, I couldn't ogle at all women passing by because I couldn't see them!
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

Non-perverts ogle women while wearing sunglasses to hide their stares. Perverts wear regular glasses.


Staff member
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

I wear glasses, too...



So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

More like the are all deviations of social norms, so it doesn't matter the extremes that they may be they are all on the side of deviant behavior, while some maybe down right horrible, they still fit in the same category of deviant, now if you want to qualify the deviation then that's fine but that doesn't invalidate my point. So just because you don't like the fact that some things can be grouped together it doesn't make it wrong. So good luck with that.
Dude, just stop.


So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

More like the are all deviations of social norms, so it doesn't matter the extremes that they may be they are all on the side of deviant behavior, while some maybe down right horrible, they still fit in the same category of deviant, now if you want to qualify the deviation then that's fine but that doesn't invalidate my point. So just because you don't like the fact that some things can be grouped together it doesn't make it wrong. So good luck with that.
Social norms - "the rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors."

Depending on the location, culture, or even a group of friends that you mingle with define new and different social norms. Even with that being said, what goes on behind closed doors seems to be an anything goes grab bag of events. Hell, get yourself in the right spiritual circle and murder could be considered a social norm.

In other words: there is no normal, it's all shades of gray painted on the side of a rolling stone. What you really should have stated was that her actions deviate from YOUR perspective on what's normal.[/QUOTE]

So the definition of normal varies between micro and macro scales? Thats fine I never was arguing that, but lets use this forum as the group, and I would even say sex parties is out of the norm for most of us, so I fail to see how its not deviant behavior when its put in the context of halforum members.


So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

More like the are all deviations of social norms, so it doesn't matter the extremes that they may be they are all on the side of deviant behavior, while some maybe down right horrible, they still fit in the same category of deviant, now if you want to qualify the deviation then that's fine but that doesn't invalidate my point. So just because you don't like the fact that some things can be grouped together it doesn't make it wrong. So good luck with that.
Social norms - "the rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors."

Depending on the location, culture, or even a group of friends that you mingle with define new and different social norms. Even with that being said, what goes on behind closed doors seems to be an anything goes grab bag of events. Hell, get yourself in the right spiritual circle and murder could be considered a social norm.

In other words: there is no normal, it's all shades of gray painted on the side of a rolling stone. What you really should have stated was that her actions deviate from YOUR perspective on what's normal.[/QUOTE]

So the definition of normal varies between micro and macro scales? Thats fine I never was arguing that, but lets use this forum as the group, and I would even say sex parties is out of the norm for most of us, so I fail to see how its not deviant behavior when its put in the context of halforum members.[/QUOTE]Speak for yourself, instead of generalising for an entire forum?

I myself have had no problems with sex parties, and even have participated in a few in different countries. Like K of J said, her actions deviate from YOUR perspective on what's normal.
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

For what it's worth, I never participated in sex parties, nor am I ever planning to because it just seems weird to me.

I think it's actually quite safe to assume that most people don't, else there'd be posters everywhere announcing the hottest sex parties tonight. So going from the entire earth's populace, it's probably viewed as deviant behaviour by a majority.
It is of course not a crime and should never be put in the same category. Whatever floats your boat.


Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

For what it's worth, I never participated in sex parties, nor am I ever planning to because it just seems weird to me.

I think it's actually quite safe to assume that most people don't, else there'd be posters everywhere announcing the hottest sex parties tonight. So going from the entire earth's populace, it's probably viewed as deviant behaviour by a majority.
It is of course not a crime and should never be put in the same category. Whatever floats your boat.
Just a few observations-

a)The definition of "deviant" is - adj. Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society, not differing from the taste of the majority, otherwise eating with a spoon and fork would be deviant behavior, as most people in the world eat with their hands or chopsticks, so the "is most dont do it = its deviant" isn't quite true.

b)People who participate in them dont announce every time when they are going to one.

c)However, if we go by some society and their rules and what they consider normal, yes, it can be considered deviant behavior, and sadly, in some societies, a crime punishable by death (see Iran and the Middle East)


Staff member
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

So this one episode of Chowder right, the're all like, "ewww ugly woman has a dirty picture of somethig" and it was her eating toe jam with a fork. The punchline was that the fork was the gross part; eating toe jam with a spoon was way not bad.

So, this chick said that for $20 she'd...

More like the are all deviations of social norms, so it doesn't matter the extremes that they may be they are all on the side of deviant behavior, while some maybe down right horrible, they still fit in the same category of deviant, now if you want to qualify the deviation then that's fine but that doesn't invalidate my point. So just because you don't like the fact that some things can be grouped together it doesn't make it wrong. So good luck with that.
Social norms - "the rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors."

Depending on the location, culture, or even a group of friends that you mingle with define new and different social norms. Even with that being said, what goes on behind closed doors seems to be an anything goes grab bag of events. Hell, get yourself in the right spiritual circle and murder could be considered a social norm.

In other words: there is no normal, it's all shades of gray painted on the side of a rolling stone. What you really should have stated was that her actions deviate from YOUR perspective on what's normal.[/QUOTE]

So the definition of normal varies between micro and macro scales? Thats fine I never was arguing that, but lets use this forum as the group, and I would even say sex parties is out of the norm for most of us, so I fail to see how its not deviant behavior when its put in the context of halforum members.[/QUOTE]

Any sex is deviant behavior for most of the members.


Staff member
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

Show me a person who nobody thinks is deviant in some fashion, and I'll show you a person who is dead.
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

If anyone is dead and still posting here, that may be considered deviant.
Social norms and normal vs. deviant (was "so this chick said that for $20, she'd.

the new direction of this thread makes me chuckle every time.
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