Julie's D and D Game!

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I'm all for Jay to start up a game in five weeks. Can't really go back to a weekly schedule for my game.
Yeah I dunno why you're always so busy on Thursday nights, of all things. You'd think big friend hangouts would happen on the weekend.


Staff member
This isn't even a scheduled hangout! It's a "Hey, I'm leaving tomorrow morning, and you'll never see me again. We should probably spend the last hours you'll ever see me doing something. Oh. You're going to play DnD? That's fine."

Yeah I know that.... and I know you can't control such things... but still it's kinda a downer. At least for me.
It's not as if it has happened only once or twice. It has happened almost every week for a long while and when you're actually there you're not... really there.
And to be honest, I'm unsure of how this will work out in my game.
Ep 11: Lair of the Magister

Through the doors beyond the creepy stairway room (sans David Bowie), the group find a pool of meat and slop, a cage, and the horrifying state that the magister has been reduced to.

Ep 12: Reunion

With one dreaded foe driven bloodily into the floor, there remains the horrific drider and the mysterious statues and drow that surround her.

Loving tonight so far. I can't believe I didn't die when the ceiling started coming down. I have to wonder if Ezekiel would've come back for me had Doom actually been playing, because no one seemed to mind letting Ajes drown in the meat-goop last session.
I kinda feel bad about when Simkin performed the coup-de-grace on Ezekiel and killed him before disappearing. Not that it happened, but that I had correct Jay on how to calculate the critical hit damage and in the end the difference proved to be enough for the outright kill. Oh well. Nice finish to the game.
Well, what else was gonna happen? Fail Diplomacy check #3, Fail Diplomacy check #4, etc? At least Jay doing it was in character.

That was an amazing end to the campaign chapter. Julie kept her mouth shut about all that stuff with Ezekiel's brand, even though she kept making sure we all paid attention to it. I didn't think it was gonna matter with Niena dead. But then, I didn't think we'd be making that crazy escape.

I'm still all energized, though I know Julie's tired as hell and ready to collapse at this point. It's probably for the best she has a long break ahead, but damn, she earned it.
Great finish to the game. I really didn't expect that at all. Simkin has balls, yo.

Thanks for everything Jules. Hopefully you'll reconsider and join my game eventually.
I'm interested to see wat this means for Kara's pilgrimage going forward, and her ongoing partnership with Nikto.
That was pretty damn tight. Yeah it sucks you promised us two more games, and we understand the need for a conclusion, but damn... what a fucking conclusion.
I think Nikto is going to sport the bald look from now on the rest of his career.
I'm interested to see wat this means for Kara's pilgrimage going forward, and her ongoing partnership with Nikto.
I still can't believe that Kara didn't accept Simkin's offer. It's FU that someone would trust to do business with a goblin than rather with The Simkin. Then again, maybe it's for the better, less likely to end up dead due to stabbin'.

So hold on, what did Jaes do again? I didn't quite get that part about his blood was corrupted by the Drow? Shame though, his character was building up nicely.
Yep. Mechanics of what happened (you can wait for the audio for the RP)

You and Simkin got linked telepathically, something like the previous master link? I'm not sure I wasn't there for that bit.
Ajaes got corrupted but instead of attacking us, he refused to help/heal us.
During the big fight, you got dropped below 0 HP and coup-de-graced by Simkin so he could sever the link.
Kara and Nitko and Efi defeated the final boss on their own, as Simkin fled after the CdG and Ajaes was fighting his inner conflict and refused to help
After the battle Efi is escorting Ajaes to a healer to help him battle the conflict within, while Kara and Nitko have gone off on Kara's personal quest while Nitko has some issues with the Simkin to resolve (he stole the crossbow!)


I forgot the loot!
Efi, Kara, Nitko and Ajaes each get a Boon. (from Dragon 389) to use when the campaign continues

Efi will take Kingslayers Curse


Staff member
Heh. Funny thing is, Zeke has the ability to spend a healing surge when he drops to 0 HP.

Oh well. Sorry I missed it, Jules. I really wanted to be there. =( I consoled myself thinking there would be at least 2 sessions left. When I got back and read it was over I was very, very sad to say the least.
Heh. Funny thing is, Zeke has the ability to spend a healing surge when he drops to 0 HP..
The monster had a delicious ability:
Round 1 Grab.
Round 2 if still grabbed, you cannot heal
Round 3. if still grabbed, you cannot heal and lose a surge!

sort of a vampiric servant of Lloth
Kara's OP.

I made sure to be quick this.

Episode 13: Stronger than Blood

Seeking to cure the magister, the enemy reveals a crucial clue lurking within one of the party members. When the forcefield threatens to eradicate everyone within the mansion, the group must make a desperate escape while fighting drow, demons, and each other, seeking salvation for the magister and sanctuary for their lives.
See I was totally expecting that download to be "That don't impress me much." by Shania Twain and not the actual session.


Staff member
Y'know, from the way the posts sounded, I actually considered that everything was a joke, but then everyone was ridiculously specific (Fuck you, Hugs. ;P), so I reasoned that the game had actually ended. Also, I thought that the Session 12 mp3 was the last session before 13 was posted, and it was a very long file, so... yeah.

I hate and love you guys so much.

See ya Thursday. Fuh realz this time.

(Seriously, I was so fucking disappointed. I hate you guys.)
In case the recording wasn't clear: We didn't have any session Thursday night, and because of how Julie's feeling, the campaign is pausing now. So you didn't miss anything. We'll be having Shawn's game the next two Thursdays, and then Jay's game begins.
What do you mean my game next week? I called for a quick online game just this evening where we wrapped up all the loose ends of my campaign and the final battle with Acererak occured with an ending too epic to even repeat on the forums. Which is also unfortunate that the session recording did not occur.
It is most unfortunate that (YOUR NAME HERE) was unable to attend and missed out on the entire thing.

See you next week, guys.
I had a dream last night, wherein the 7 of us were playing DnD in real life and I was STILL lying to Doom about fictitious events in our previous DnD games. I claimed that Kara had died and we discussed the possibilities of making a Dragon Magic Sorceror as a striker reroll.
Well the saddest thing about Kara is that Psionic Power splat book drops this month.

Psions get self crafted psi-blades! Like Psylocke! X-Men geekfesticide!

Also it would have been awesome to see Shawn's face as Acererak left us to die in a sealed room, only to have Justicia run through 15' of solid rock and strike him down!
Monks with psi-blades? They... are going too far with this.

Next month, new book .... Saryon attacks by singing the song of Ilmater and a spiritual fist comes out of his mouth crushing his enemies.

There are limits.
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