Grades so bad, you have to kill your hamster.

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Staff member
I know I'm going to get crap for this...

IT'S A HAMSTER!!! I know that it's a mean and dumb thing to do (not to mention cruel to the poor kid), but she shouldn't get jail time for this. Hamsters are disposable, flush them when they die kinda pets.

But she should take a lot of crap for psychological child abuse...


Staff member
I know I'm going to get crap for this...

IT'S A HAMSTER!!! I know that it's a mean and dumb thing to do (not to mention cruel to the poor kid), but she shouldn't get jail time for this. Hamsters are disposable, flush them when they die kinda pets.

But she should take a lot of crap for psychological child abuse...
Yeah, I think there'd be a lot less of a fuss if she'd just gotten rid of the hamster herself, out of sight of the kid. But making your own kid messily kill something he has an emotional attachment to is just begging to create our next serial torturer/murderer.
I'm guessing she's in jail due to the child cruelty charges rather than the animal cruelty, but it doesn't really say.


My friend and I are ready to represent the hamster against the freaky crazy lady.


I know I'm going to get crap for this...

IT'S A HAMSTER!!! I know that it's a mean and dumb thing to do (not to mention cruel to the poor kid), but she shouldn't get jail time for this. Hamsters are disposable, flush them when they die kinda pets.

But she should take a lot of crap for psychological child abuse...
Yeah, I think there'd be a lot less of a fuss if she'd just gotten rid of the hamster herself, out of sight of the kid. But making your own kid messily kill something he has an emotional attachment to is just begging to create our next serial torturer/murderer.[/QUOTE]

With a fucking hammer of all things. Jeez.

---------- Post added at 12:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 PM ----------

I'm guessing she's in jail due to the child cruelty charges rather than the animal cruelty, but it doesn't really say.

No I hope she's in for both. I think animal cruelty ranks up there with pretty horrible crimes. I know it's just a damn hamster, but killing it with a hammer is pretty fucking sadistic.


Staff member
From the article:

38-year-old Lynn Middlebrooks Geter faces one charge each of animal cruelty, child cruelty and battery.
Dismiss the animal cruelty and battery charges. Ramp up the child cruelty charge.


Really... the gruesome killing of a pet isn't something we should try and dissuade through legal consequence? I have to disagree.

Philosopher B.

Oh sweet mother of pearl inlay ... can you imagine the squeaking. I think I'm gonna hurl.

Philo-B, who used to own a hamster.


Staff member
What a sick, sick lady. That poor kid... must have been really hard on him. I'm sure he'll be fine in the long run, but man, she's got problems.


Dismiss jail time for animal cruelty charges, probation and perhaps a fine. Also, I bought a hamster when my grades were bad to cheer myself up.
I'd bet this lady has probably used some other "creative" punishments before. Hopefully they really check this kids home life out before they let her near him again.


We read this case where this chick went out with a guy her parents didn't approve of so to punish her they took her and her little dog out to the desert. Her dad gave her gun and told her to shoot the dog. She shot herself.

This hamster thing kind of reminds me of that. Some people should not have children or pets.


Staff member
We read this case where this chick went out with a guy her parents didn't approve of so to punish her they took her and her little dog out to the desert. Her dad gave her gun and told her to shoot the dog. She shot herself.

This hamster thing kind of reminds me of that. Some people should not have children or pets.
See, she should have shot her father.

This reminds me of the old "you Americans do everything wrong" joke.


We read this case where this chick went out with a guy her parents didn't approve of so to punish her they took her and her little dog out to the desert. Her dad gave her gun and told her to shoot the dog. She shot herself.
Ah, you mean this:

New York Times (1976 said:
Coed kills herself to spare pet dog doomed by father

PHOENIX, Ariz., Feb. 6 (AP) –Linda Marie Ault killed herself, policeman said today, rather than make her dog 'Beauty’ pay for her night with a married man.

"I killed her. I killed her. Its just like I killed her myself," a detective quoted her grief-stricken father as saying. "I handed her the gun. I didn't think she would do any-thing like that."

The 21-year old Arizona State University coed died in a hospital yesterday of a gunshot wound in the head.

The police quoted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ault, as giving this account: Linda failed to return home from a dance in Tempe Friday night. On Saturday she admitted she had spent the night with an Air Force lieutenant.

The Aults decided on a punishment that would "wake Linda up." They ordered her to shoot the dog she had owned about two years.

On Sunday, the Aults and Linda took the dog into the desert near their home. They had the girl dig a shallow grave. Then Mrs. Ault grasped the dog between her hands, and Mr. Ault gave his daughter a .22 caliber pistol and told her to shoot the dog. Instead, the girl put the pistol to her right temple and shot herself.

The police said there were no charges that could be file against the parents except possibly cruelty to animals.

New York Times
The Bizarre part of that case is it was a college student. I guess things were different in the 70's?
We read this case where this chick went out with a guy her parents didn't approve of so to punish her they took her and her little dog out to the desert. Her dad gave her gun and told her to shoot the dog. She shot herself.
Ah, you mean this:

New York Times (1976 said:
Coed kills herself to spare pet dog doomed by father

PHOENIX, Ariz., Feb. 6 (AP) –Linda Marie Ault killed herself, policeman said today, rather than make her dog 'Beauty’ pay for her night with a married man.

"I killed her. I killed her. Its just like I killed her myself," a detective quoted her grief-stricken father as saying. "I handed her the gun. I didn't think she would do any-thing like that."

The 21-year old Arizona State University coed died in a hospital yesterday of a gunshot wound in the head.

The police quoted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ault, as giving this account: Linda failed to return home from a dance in Tempe Friday night. On Saturday she admitted she had spent the night with an Air Force lieutenant.

The Aults decided on a punishment that would "wake Linda up." They ordered her to shoot the dog she had owned about two years.

On Sunday, the Aults and Linda took the dog into the desert near their home. They had the girl dig a shallow grave. Then Mrs. Ault grasped the dog between her hands, and Mr. Ault gave his daughter a .22 caliber pistol and told her to shoot the dog. Instead, the girl put the pistol to her right temple and shot herself.

The police said there were no charges that could be file against the parents except possibly cruelty to animals.

New York Times
The Bizarre part of that case is it was a college student. I guess things were different in the 70's?[/QUOTE]

Somebody's dad never read The Wild Duck.


I probably would have turned the gun on my dad and taken my dog. Wouldn't ever shoot the guy but hell, he'd give me the dog back right away.


I probably would have turned the gun on my dad and taken my dog. Wouldn't ever shoot the guy but hell, he'd give me the dog back right away.
ITT: We promote patricide. Also, in b4 arrested.

Also that girl is really dumb.


We read this case where this chick went out with a guy her parents didn't approve of so to punish her they took her and her little dog out to the desert. Her dad gave her gun and told her to shoot the dog. She shot herself.
Ah, you mean this:

New York Times (1976 said:
Coed kills herself to spare pet dog doomed by father

PHOENIX, Ariz., Feb. 6 (AP) –Linda Marie Ault killed herself, policeman said today, rather than make her dog 'Beauty’ pay for her night with a married man.

"I killed her. I killed her. Its just like I killed her myself," a detective quoted her grief-stricken father as saying. "I handed her the gun. I didn't think she would do any-thing like that."

The 21-year old Arizona State University coed died in a hospital yesterday of a gunshot wound in the head.

The police quoted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ault, as giving this account: Linda failed to return home from a dance in Tempe Friday night. On Saturday she admitted she had spent the night with an Air Force lieutenant.

The Aults decided on a punishment that would "wake Linda up." They ordered her to shoot the dog she had owned about two years.

On Sunday, the Aults and Linda took the dog into the desert near their home. They had the girl dig a shallow grave. Then Mrs. Ault grasped the dog between her hands, and Mr. Ault gave his daughter a .22 caliber pistol and told her to shoot the dog. Instead, the girl put the pistol to her right temple and shot herself.

The police said there were no charges that could be file against the parents except possibly cruelty to animals.

New York Times
The Bizarre part of that case is it was a college student. I guess things were different in the 70's?[/QUOTE]

So what, my brief synopsis isn't good enough for you?

When dealing with cases I love getting a brief synopsis.


I probably would have turned the gun on my dad and taken my dog. Wouldn't ever shoot the guy but hell, he'd give me the dog back right away.
ITT: We promote patricide. Also, in b4 arrested.

Also that girl is really dumb.
Bolded the bit you missed.

Also, people don't make the most sensible decisions under intense psychological stress.
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