Rant VI: Now Drama Free

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You need to find someone who will just give you a vegemite sandwich. Maybe the will smile at you as well.
LB: okay, that means you're in the right place after all :-P
Eva: yeah, you're going to have to survive on delivery pizza for the next week, it's clearly ordained by God. Sorry.
But, Vegemite isn't food. It's what rats will refuse to eat in an abandoned building after they've chewed through a tube of caulk.
I already posted in the kinda rant thread but this deserved to be elevated, my girlfriend goes away for 2 weeks so im left to cook for myself. Slightly dangerous but no biggie. Go to have cereal, milk is 4 days out of date. Go to make a sandwhich, no vegemite.


Now I have to go shopping. Which means I also have to put on pants. I'm on holidays, I dont wanna wear pants gorrammit.</RAGE>
You could just eat the cereal dry, like I do. I find the flavor is much bolder if it's not soggy.
Seriously you guys, how did you get so awesome?

Maybe I can go visit bubble, he is from brussels isn't he? And he sure looked 6 foot in that picture thread (with a very attractive lady on his side to boot)

and I can't eat dry cereal atm. Got a double tongue piercing 2 weeks ago and I find it hard to eat dry crunchy foods. I keep biting the barbells if I have to chew lots.


Staff member
I like vegemite. I love Twiglets, too. Anytime a colleague from the UK goes home, I slip 'em some cash for a shipment of Twiglets.
Oh my god.

Blue got canned for a bullshit reason. Even the manager says its bullshit but they have to do it because it was requested.

If there's a chance he brought his anger issues to work and a coworker felt uncomfortable by it, that's usually enough too.

No, nothing like that..or that.

A customer from back in December asked for a 200.00 credit for the "inconvenience" of having to call in. Steve wouldn't give it to her, there was no reason for it. She asked for a supervisor but it was 12 in the night and there wasn't one available. He told her this, she hung up...and promptly wrote four angry letters to the heads of the company.

It's now four months later and the finally gave her her 200 bucks and the termination she so desired. Blue supervisor even said thet they would have never fired for it but the hire ups decided to do it to pacify the customer.

See? Bullshit.


Staff member
They fired someone because a customer asked for it? For $200?

They'll spend like 10x that training a replacement and what they'll lose in unemployment.

Sorry, man.
Yeah that's some bullshit.

Sometimes I have so much fun arguing with customers that I call my manager over to join in.

Wasabi Poptart

I have never heard of someone being fired because a customer wanted them gone or just because the higher ups decided the person had to go with no real grounds. It doesn't seem like there was a cause for termination. I'd talk to a lawyer.
On employment laws, it depends on the state. Texas is a "work at will" state, meaning that you can be fired at any time just because it was decided that you needed to go. Other states vary, so I don't know what the laws are there.


does that mean we can write 200 letters to that company requesting they fire the guys who ok'd firing blue? Cause damn I've a new pen and everything, and if that company is dumb enough to fire its workers for that, why not take that policy to its logical yet extreme end?
Seriously you guys, how did you get so awesome?

Maybe I can go visit bubble, he is from brussels isn't he? And he sure looked 6 foot in that picture thread (with a very attractive lady on his side to boot)

and I can't eat dry cereal atm. Got a double tongue piercing 2 weeks ago and I find it hard to eat dry crunchy foods. I keep biting the barbells if I have to chew lots.
Sure am from Brussels...And 6 foot 's about right, too. Don't recall ever forcing vegemite on someone, though...


Crone, you need to rebalance the universe.

Offer them $200 to rehire Blue.
firing the jackasses who fired him should give them several times that.[/QUOTE]

Well how about you ask them for $200 then? Apparently all you need to do is ask.[/QUOTE]

because its better to be a jackass if you're also effective, I think.

Company of Discord
We may not get along, but you won't live long enough to do anything about it.
Also, I just read that, and took that as a direct threat. When the high pitched whistling starts, just relax. you'll be dead shortly. :)
I have never heard of someone being fired because a customer wanted them gone or just because the higher ups decided the person had to go with no real grounds. It doesn't seem like there was a cause for termination. I'd talk to a lawyer.
It depends on the industry you are in I suppose.
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