So, who's snowed in?

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Kitty Sinatra

FUCK SNOW. Fuck it hard. HNG.

- Philo-B, who doesn't own any boots.
I rarely wear boots in the winter. Sneakers work just fine . . . and I walk to work through the snow and ice. My feet might be a little wet by the time I get where I'm going but it's never been close to being a problem.

I'll wear boots if I'm gonna be out for hours, or walking downtown Toronto during a melt since the slush floods the street corners.

Zumbo Prime

Fuck this. I live in Canada, and we haven't gotten a single major storm. the plows have only been out like three times this season.
Have patience. I could roll around on my grass on Thursday. I now have four feet of snow on my lawn.

Although I will admit that this has been a bizarre winter. I remember trudging through snow for Halloween, but the snow just wouldn't stick around this year for more than two or three days after it fell.
Well, shoveling the last couple days sucked, but I got off work today because most other areas and people did not shovel this weekend.


Well considering it's up to our knees, and our infrastructure isn't designed to accommodate that much snow, like you know, up in Finland...
Yes, because no one would believe it's going to snow this winter, too :p[/QUOTE]

We were up and running within the day in Philadelphia.

Considering your country is about 6 months out of the year covered in snow, I would expect Finland to be much better prepared for winter weather and anticipate a lot of snow. Hence pouring a lot of tax dollars into snow management. That's not how it works around the East Coast, US. We don't get 2-3 feet of snow on a consistent basis in my local area. In fact, last year Philly got two 'major' snow storms both equaling up to like 6 inches together. Some regions like Buffalo, NY and Pittsburgh, PA get tons of snow every year and so those cities are well prepared for accommodations. Philadelphia and Washington DC rarely get snow.

Sorry it's just a pet peeve of mine when people get smug about other localities deciding to shut things down over weather that's commonplace in their own region. I'm sure if an earthquake or series of tornadoes rolled through your local area, you'd be mad at me for laughing at your misfortunes? "Only a category shut down...massive"


Staff member
Six months out of the year? Pfeh... Three or four in my part of the country, rarely five.

But I see your point. Comparing a plausible annual occurrence like snow to a freak occurrence like a tornado or an earthquake, however...


Six months out of the year? Pfeh... Three or four in my part of the country, rarely five.

But I see your point. Comparing a plausible annual occurrence like snow to a freak occurrence like a tornado or an earthquake, however...
First off, I just want to let you know that my tone is lighthearted about the whole subject, so don't think I'm coming off yelling or scolding you or anything. :)

Earthquakes are pretty regular in California, and tornadoes are pretty common in Oklahoma. I think earthquakes are probably the most unpredictable natural disasters though so you're right in that aspect. You have to also understand that PennDott and SEPTA (the transit authorities in Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia) are probably the laziest, most incompetent motherf'ers on the planet.

Kitty Sinatra

Six months out of the year? Pfeh... Three or four in my part of the country, rarely five.

But I see your point. Comparing a plausible annual occurrence like snow to a freak occurrence like a tornado or an earthquake, however...
Tornadoes are commonplace in some regions, while Washington had its largest snowfall in its history. That you're calling that a plausible annual occurrence makes no sense. None.

Now, a tornado that hit Toronto would be a freak occurrence . . . yet it still wouldn't deal as much damage to the city as a major snowfall. So yeah, I don't know why Chaz would compare a blizzard to a tornado.


Staff member
You also have to take into account that the last few years have had lass snowfall in general while this year has set records.

For example, Omaha averages about 28.2 inches of snow a SEASON but we are already well above that and setting records for snowfall totals. It may not be the snowmaggedon other places are having but it just feels like a lot!


Staff member
Six months out of the year? Pfeh... Three or four in my part of the country, rarely five.

But I see your point. Comparing a plausible annual occurrence like snow to a freak occurrence like a tornado or an earthquake, however...
Tornadoes are commonplace in some regions, while Washington had its largest snowfall in its history. That you're calling that a plausible annual occurrence makes no sense. None.

Now, a tornado that hit Toronto would be a freak occurrence . . . yet it still wouldn't deal as much damage to the city as a major snowfall. So yeah, I don't know why Chaz would compare a blizzard to a tornado.[/QUOTE]

My bad, then. Certainly didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.

I can still privately laugh my ass off, can't I? :p


Staff member
Six months out of the year? Pfeh... Three or four in my part of the country, rarely five.

But I see your point. Comparing a plausible annual occurrence like snow to a freak occurrence like a tornado or an earthquake, however...
First off, I just want to let you know that my tone is lighthearted about the whole subject, so don't think I'm coming off yelling or scolding you or anything. :)

Earthquakes are pretty regular in California, and tornadoes are pretty common in Oklahoma. I think earthquakes are probably the most unpredictable natural disasters though so you're right in that aspect. You have to also understand that PennDott and SEPTA (the transit authorities in Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia) are probably the laziest, most incompetent motherf'ers on the planet.[/QUOTE]

No prob, Chaz. Besides, it would be rather silly to have a flame war about weather? It would be like having a fist fight over a hunk of cheese (well, unless it's some really good cheese XD ).


Staff member
Strangely enough, no snow here at all for the most part. Shit,. was blue skies all day saturday, and nice all friday too. usually, we get dumped on ehre more than most of you motherfuckers. Wierd to see the opposite for a change.


Six months out of the year? Pfeh... Three or four in my part of the country, rarely five.

But I see your point. Comparing a plausible annual occurrence like snow to a freak occurrence like a tornado or an earthquake, however...
First off, I just want to let you know that my tone is lighthearted about the whole subject, so don't think I'm coming off yelling or scolding you or anything. :)

Earthquakes are pretty regular in California, and tornadoes are pretty common in Oklahoma. I think earthquakes are probably the most unpredictable natural disasters though so you're right in that aspect. You have to also understand that PennDott and SEPTA (the transit authorities in Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia) are probably the laziest, most incompetent motherf'ers on the planet.[/QUOTE]

No prob, Chaz. Besides, it would be rather silly to have a flame war about weather? It would be like having a fist fight over a hunk of cheese (well, unless it's some really good cheese XD ).[/QUOTE]



Staff member
Six months out of the year? Pfeh... Three or four in my part of the country, rarely five.

But I see your point. Comparing a plausible annual occurrence like snow to a freak occurrence like a tornado or an earthquake, however...
First off, I just want to let you know that my tone is lighthearted about the whole subject, so don't think I'm coming off yelling or scolding you or anything. :)

Earthquakes are pretty regular in California, and tornadoes are pretty common in Oklahoma. I think earthquakes are probably the most unpredictable natural disasters though so you're right in that aspect. You have to also understand that PennDott and SEPTA (the transit authorities in Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia) are probably the laziest, most incompetent motherf'ers on the planet.[/QUOTE]

No prob, Chaz. Besides, it would be rather silly to have a flame war about weather? It would be like having a fist fight over a hunk of cheese (well, unless it's some really good cheese XD ).[/QUOTE]


That's nacho cheese.


Six months out of the year? Pfeh... Three or four in my part of the country, rarely five.

But I see your point. Comparing a plausible annual occurrence like snow to a freak occurrence like a tornado or an earthquake, however...
First off, I just want to let you know that my tone is lighthearted about the whole subject, so don't think I'm coming off yelling or scolding you or anything. :)

Earthquakes are pretty regular in California, and tornadoes are pretty common in Oklahoma. I think earthquakes are probably the most unpredictable natural disasters though so you're right in that aspect. You have to also understand that PennDott and SEPTA (the transit authorities in Pennsylvania and the city of Philadelphia) are probably the laziest, most incompetent motherf'ers on the planet.[/QUOTE]

No prob, Chaz. Besides, it would be rather silly to have a flame war about weather? It would be like having a fist fight over a hunk of cheese (well, unless it's some really good cheese XD ).[/QUOTE]


That's nacho cheese.[/QUOTE]


wit whiz please.
How can people get "rained in"? You're all like flooded? That sucks, get better sewage people.

Iguanas are good with salsa, though.
I live in the fucking mountains next to a fucking skihill. That has no fucking snow.

And you fuckers are complaining about 24 inches of sweet, sweet neige.

Fucking fuckers!


:( $760 skipass and I've only used it 10 times. :(
We're supposed to get anywhere from ten to twenty more inches of snow starting on Tuesday.

I predict riots soon.


We're supposed to get anywhere from ten to twenty more inches of snow starting on Tuesday.

I predict riots soon.
Aw you just need a bigger shovel.

Does this mean all the stores are still closed? >.>


we "might" get snow this Thursday/Friday in Dallas area (it is a maybe) there will be snow, but the temp will be around 31 to 38.
Sometimes living in a desert really sucks, like during the summer, and sometimes I really wish I lived in a place that had actual winters. Reading about how much snow some of you are getting this season though has caused me to be grateful the worst precipitation I can expect is a bit of rain.


You know fuck you guys. The last college I was at recently before leaving. During winter the days would be like around between 4-18 degrees farenheit you motherfuckers.
Ice would actually be on the inside of my fucking windshield. You know how fucking hard it is to scrape off ice on the inside off your windshield?
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