Would you go into space?

Would you go into earth's orbit to see our planet from space for a day if you could?

  • Hell yes whoooo

    Votes: 50 90.9%
  • Never

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • I like to be contrary and not answer yes or no questions

    Votes: 2 3.6%

  • Total voters
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Were talking about right now, with fairly safe technology, though some risk. I would in a heartbeat. I have asked my friends this though, and some absolutely refuse. Which I cant understand! Why would you not want to see the earth from space, even at some risk?


A very Important Question

Anyone that says no is a damned fool or a liar.

I would sign up to the Federation in a heartbeat. If I had the right stuff, I'd be an astronaut right now. Unfortunately, the right stuff consists of a smaller chance of being an astronaut than being a goalie for the NHL.


I actually applied for an astronaut position at NASA; never got the call back :( I figured I was a good candidate. I meet the requirements of having a bachelors degree and 3 years scientific experience (to them a PhD = 3 years experience), and I'm in relatively good shape and young. CURSE YOU NASA!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU AND YOUR FUCKING NAVY TEST PILOTS!!!!!!!!


Fuckin yes I would. If there were something like the Federation today. I'd totally join.
Or help colonize the solar system. That would be a cool adventure.


Really who wouldn't go into space? Are you that afraid of dying that you'd miss out on the experience that only a handful of people have ever done?


Fuckin yes I would. If there were something like the Federation today. I'd totally join.
Or help colonize the solar system. That would be a cool adventure.

Everyday, I wake up wishing that it was the 23rd century.

---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

I'd totally go see Uranus.

Dude, I sent you those pictures last week. Gaaaaaawdd/


A bunch of my friends said they either wouldn't be able to handle the small shuttle space, or didn't want to die in orbit/it was too dangerous, or had no interest at all in seeing earth from space. One said she wouldn't want to waste all the resources it takes to put someone in space (environmental reasons I guess).


Staff member
I might, but frankly I've never really been too big on the whole space exploration thing. Nonetheless yes, I would like to glimpse at the world from space.

Colonize other planets, however... not before they bring saunas and non-tofu meat to Mars :p
I interpret "if you could" as having whatever major issues I might have (cost, environmental concerns, safety, etc) as being reasonably addressed. In which case...why the hell wouldn't I?!


What issues do you have? I mean besides the obvious one of maybe dying in a unforgiving cold void.


Staff member
Anybody who says no to this question needs to put a gun to their head, because they're already tired of life.


Anybody who says no to this question needs to put a gun to their head, because they're already tired of life.
Well.... some people thinks Earth is the "center" of the world. The idea that it is not or there are actually other planets and GASP.. a real moon!!! (remember the old "is there really a moon controversy?") http://www.revisionism.nl/Moon/The-Mad-Revisionist.htm

as for me, if it is possible and safe and I qualify, HECK YEA!!! I would love to go into space.


Anybody who says no to this question needs to put a gun to their head, because they're already tired of life.
Well.... some people thinks Earth is the "center" of the world. The idea that it is not or there are actually other planets and GASP.. a real moon!!! (remember the old "is there really a moon controversy?") http://www.revisionism.nl/Moon/The-Mad-Revisionist.htm

as for me, if it is possible and safe and I qualify, HECK YEA!!! I would love to go into space.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't give a shit if it was safe or as dangerous as it is currently (which is still pretty safe and dependable), I'd rather die knowing I'm doing something that other people only dream about than living a vapid existence on Earth in my safe little house simply existing and taking up carbon and water.


Anybody who says no to this question needs to put a gun to their head, because they're already tired of life.
Well.... some people thinks Earth is the "center" of the world. The idea that it is not or there are actually other planets and GASP.. a real moon!!! (remember the old "is there really a moon controversy?") http://www.revisionism.nl/Moon/The-Mad-Revisionist.htm

as for me, if it is possible and safe and I qualify, HECK YEA!!! I would love to go into space.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't give a shit if it was safe or as dangerous as it is currently (which is still pretty safe and dependable), I'd rather die knowing I'm doing something that other people only dream about than living a vapid existence on Earth in my safe little house simply existing and taking up carbon and water.[/QUOTE]

heh. I personally would love to go up and come back and talk about it :) but due to my current health and well.... weight issues, I am no where NEAR qualify for NASA in its current form. hence the safe part for me :)

Now if it Star Trek level, sure... beam me up Scotty!

Kitty Sinatra

Can I bring my wife along? I dress up as Kirk, she as a green alien, and we'd fuck in space. It'd really help the marriage.

Wasabi Poptart

A very Important Question

Anyone that says no is a damned fool or a liar.
I'm a fool then. I have no desire to go into space. Pictures are good enough for me. I'm not so fond of planes (not scared to fly but I don't enjoy it either) or rollercoasters (motion sickness is not a fun time), so I can only imagine what rocketing into space would be like. Thanks, but no.

Now, going into the Marianas Trench? Oh hell yes!!


Staff member
A very Important Question

Anyone that says no is a damned fool or a liar.
I'm a fool then. I have no desire to go into space. Pictures are good enough for me. I'm not so fond of planes (not scared to fly but I don't enjoy it either) or rollercoasters (motion sickness is not a fun time), so I can only imagine what rocketing into space would be like. Thanks, but no.

Now, going into the Marianas Trench? Oh hell yes!![/QUOTE]

But....but you are a female robot who flies around in space, maneuvering although you have no visible propulsion!
A very Important Question

Now, going into the Marianas Trench? Oh hell yes!!
No way. Space, sure, Going that far down into water terrifies me. I don't get claustrophibic but when I even think about being on a submarine and going down into one of those super deep trenches I just... :aaahhh:


Staff member
A very Important Question

I'm a fool then. I have no desire to go into space. Pictures are good enough for me. I'm not so fond of planes (not scared to fly but I don't enjoy it either) or rollercoasters (motion sickness is not a fun time), so I can only imagine what rocketing into space would be like. Thanks, but no.
It'd actually be closer to the high-G spinning wheel ride than a rollercoaster. You get squished back into your seat really really hard... and then eventually that goes away and you float around weightless. That last part would probably be harder on you than the actual rocketing, as it feels like you're perpetually falling (which you really rather are).
I think it hit me how crazy our level of progress as a human race was when I looked through the classifieds of the Globe & Mail one day last summer. I had known that the Canadian Space Agency was looking for two new astronauts, but when I saw the ad in the goddamn Newspaper, that was the day that I fully appreciated that we lived in the future.

I wish to God I had the foresight to cut that ad out and keep it.


A very Important Question

Now, going into the Marianas Trench? Oh hell yes!!
No way. Space, sure, Going that far down into water terrifies me. I don't get claustrophibic but when I even think about being on a submarine and going down into one of those super deep trenches I just... :aaahhh:[/QUOTE]

Plus all the giant squid that lurk there.....in the dark.....waiting....
In a heartbeat, I'm big on human expansion in the universe. S'all in the plan for the new Empire.

Also, where's our Grue option for the poll? ;_;
What would I do in space? Float around and look at the Earth from orbit? Just basically be a space tourist? Then I probably wouldn't go. I guess I've never been someone to want to do something just because it's new or cool.

If my trip to space would be for some higher purpose, if I could make a meaningful contribution from space, then much like MindDetective I'd definitely go.

Kitty Sinatra

I'm of mixed feelings regarding Grue options in polls. On the one hand, a vote for grue is a vote for me and that's good for my ego; on the other hand, I feel obligated to vote for the grue option, which makes my participation pointless . . . but then my participation in any thread is pointless, so I guess I'm all for grue options.


Boooo. Dude you know how pounds per square inch of pressure you get when you go down in those depths?
Your basically in a fucking soda can ready to implode at any minute.

Space has far more valuable mineral resources than we probably know about right now. Wouldn't you help explore space
and find valuable resources there? You could please the environmentalist hippies and wackos.
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