Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the feminine ideal.

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To be fair, I think most people commenting on the too-big-boobs were referring more to the fact that they prevented her from become the "feminine ideal" Gas submitted in the OP, not that they would prevent them from ravaging her.

Philosopher B.

You could have a picnic on that chest.

I am not saying that's a bad thing.
Perhaps the hottest thing about Christina Hendricks is that she is secure enough to tell critics of her figure to sit on it.

and to borrow a line from Gasbandit

Who the fuck is criticizing her about her figure? I must find these people and beat them about the head.


Staff member
My friend interviewed her and said she's even more gorgeous in person in her regular clothes. And, whoodathunkit, that she's a nice lady to boot!
Is it OK to become a critic of her for that? :-P

And I agree on the too much boobage in some pictures thing. In Firefly I thought she was gorgeous, but she didn't look like she had EEs hanging in front of her :confused:
In Firefly I thought she was gorgeous, but she didn't look like she had EEs hanging in front of her :confused:
I didn't realize that was her, but I remember thinking about that nude scene at the time, "That's a whole lot of boob to be on screen without showing nipple..."
I saw the boob comments before visiting the link. I thought to myself "Yeah, there can be too much boobs, let's take a look"



I'd motorboat the hell outta those.

Agreement with gas. She's very beautiful. And while her breasts are unusually big, they seem to fit her well.
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