The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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Spent almost four hours in the hospital last night with my daughter and ex wife. One of them has a urinary track infection. I'll let you guess which one but will advice that I find it highly unlikely I would be there for my ex wife's sake.


Spent almost four hours in the hospital last night with my daughter and ex wife. One of them has a urinary track infection. I'll let you guess which one but will advice that I find it highly unlikely I would be there for my ex wife's sake.

Ah the old UTI better known as the Honeymooner's disease.
Been spending a lot of time at home lately. For the most part my neighborhood is mostly a laid back and quiet one. Have found myself getting very paranoid and bothered by the simplest and often normal activities going on around me. Has me quite on edge.
Good. Now entertain us with the story of your DTs, and make it good. Add spiders crawling out of your nostrils and shit.
I've somehow managed to lose 3 separate kinds of government-issued ID, none of which I can easily replace without one of the others.

Birth Certificate: Disappeared some time after I used it to get my passport. I remember putting it in an envelope, which I put in a drawer... found the envelope in the drawer empty.
Social Security card: Vanished. No idea where it went.
Passport: also vanished. I used it to get back into the country last september, haven't seen it since. Either it's somewhere obvious, hidden beneath something else that was in my suitcase, or I left it sitting at LAX. It really could have been either way.

I've been cleaning out my room and have yet to see a trace of any of these. God dammit.
Or for a Careless People Who Lose Important Things Anonymous meeting.

One the bright side, worst case scenario is I'll have to pay $60 bucks for notary + application fees to get a replacement birth certificate, which I can use to get a replacement for the other two.
Quiet, you.

Ain't nobody touching the $150 to my name.

For now, I'm clinging to the hope that if I keep throwing out enough old shit I'll eventually find one of them sitting at the bottom of some pile or another.
My cousin is a birther! He just created a facebook page demanding to see the president's birth cirtificate.

I don't know how to handle this. I don't think there's anything I can do but ignore it and hope he's just trolling even though I'm pretty sure he's not.
They can, but they won't.

RPG nerds are infuriating, and will endlessly debate the most retarded bullshit. 3 pages arguing that "Catapult, Heavy" doesn't cover Trebuchets because they work with counterweights and not by tension. 14 pages over why female dragonborn have boobs. 8 pages over why Barbarians don't have 'Profession' as a class skill - here's a fucking hint, it's because THEY ARE BARBARIANS.
On my way to work today, I was speeding down the road at 60mph. A hawk... A FUCKING HAWK was being his dumb ass self in a dumb ass ditch, decided to be a dumb ass and fly INTO MY FUCKING WINDSHIELD.

It looks like I was in an accident. Fortunately, it hit ONLY my windshield, nearly shattering it all the way through. I am so glad it didn't hit my actual car.

Insurance has a $500 deductible.... the windshield replacement will cost $400... fml.
On my way to work today, I was speeding down the road at 60mph. A hawk... A FUCKING HAWK was being his dumb ass self in a dumb ass ditch, decided to be a dumb ass and fly INTO MY FUCKING WINDSHIELD.

It looks like I was in an accident. Fortunately, it hit ONLY my windshield, nearly shattering it all the way through. I am so glad it didn't hit my actual car.

Insurance has a $500 deductible.... the windshield replacement will cost $400... fml.

Did the hawk die?

If so you got yourself a meal there :biggrin:
On my way to work today, I was speeding down the road at 60mph. A hawk... A FUCKING HAWK was being his dumb ass self in a dumb ass ditch, decided to be a dumb ass and fly INTO MY FUCKING WINDSHIELD.

It looks like I was in an accident. Fortunately, it hit ONLY my windshield, nearly shattering it all the way through. I am so glad it didn't hit my actual car.

Insurance has a $500 deductible.... the windshield replacement will cost $400... fml.

Did the hawk die?

If so you got yourself a meal there :biggrin:[/QUOTE]

And a new headdress

If I see someone walking around with a headdress I don't give a fuck if it's historically accurate or not.

Actually, I don't give a fuck if they are wearing a headdress or not.


although I think it would look silly if it was made out of pigeon or parakeet feathers.
OK. So Imma tell you how it all went down.

First of all, I teach at a rural school a few miles from town. I usually arrive at school at 6:45am, just so I can get my good parking spot and fart around on the internet before my classes start. This week is standardized testing for all LA chillrins, so I won't see any students this week. I am a runner, not a tester, so I have been catching up on my Dresden books.

Anyhoo, I was driving out to work this morning in my little Nissan Versa. That black thing you see on the roof is my antenna. I'm sure you knew that.

Along the road, there are really steep ditches. I was LITERALLY the only car on the road at this time. I saw a bird in the ditch and started squinting to see what the hell it was doing.

It was a fucking hawk. And it started to take flight. As the majestic creature took to flight, I noticed that he wasn't flying AWAY FROM THE FUCKING ROAD.

I had NO time to react, so I braced myself for the impact of killing this god damned albatross with my car, and I heard a POP.

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