The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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Everytime my GF hits a bird with her car, I tell her "The bird has the entire world at it's wingtips, if it flew into your little spec of a car, it deserved to die/commited suicide".

Doesn't always make her feel better, but, you know.....
What amazes me about birds flying into windshields is how many feathers seem to explode. Like, most birds are tiny, I wouldn't expect that volume of feathers... But when you hit one, it's just FOOMF, everywhere!
I'm getting tired of my mom pushing me to go visit my aunt and cousins in Valdosta. It's not that I don't get along with them, it's just that I never enjoy myself when I visit, and I'd rather not burn up a precious weekend (and a 6 hour drive each way) to be bored.
After nearly a month of nothing but problems with my Verizon DSL and no help from their tech support, I've finally decided to kick them to the curb and switch to Comcast.

So in preparation for the new install, I decide to see if my router is having any issues by disconnecting it and using the router feature of the DSL modem.

For who knows how long, the DSL had been disconnecting for a couple minutes every night at ~12:20am, plus once or twice more before morning. But not last night with my Linksys router out of the picture. If this keeps up through Saturday, I'll be throwing that Linksys off a bridge before I put it back in my network.


So I think it's well know around here that I have a prejudice towards morbidly obese people. I'm not talking slightly chubby or what have you, I just cringe around really, really fat people. Riding the train home yesterday a large hambeast of a woman (actually I later found out she was 20) sits next to me. She reeks of booze. I'm sitting there on my laptop, doing work and trying my best to make the most of the little space I have, due to her lard spilling over onto my side.

Well she gets on her phone and loudly starts proclaiming how her boyfriend and parents are assholes, how many people her friend slept with, how much she drank the night before, how much she hates her dad because he's not treating her like an adult. Blah blah blah... The whole time I'm gritting my teeth and holding back telling her to shut the fuck up. I thank God when her stop is the first stop out of Philly, but as she's leaving she flips me off and says (I quote), "that's for taking up so much fucking room on the seat and not asking me for my number asshole!"

The lady sitting across from me burst into laughter and tells me I should have seen the dumbfounded look on my face.

---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------

After nearly a month of nothing but problems with my Verizon DSL and no help from their tech support, I've finally decided to kick them to the curb and switch to Comcast.

So in preparation for the new install, I decide to see if my router is having any issues by disconnecting it and using the router feature of the DSL modem.

For who knows how long, the DSL had been disconnecting for a couple minutes every night at ~12:20am, plus once or twice more before morning. But not last night with my Linksys router out of the picture. If this keeps up through Saturday, I'll be throwing that Linksys off a bridge before I put it back in my network.
Comcast is no better. You're fucked eitherway!
I love it when douchebags start arguments then, when they can't win, they disparage the argument so that they don't have to finish it.


Some of the cases we read are so depressing. Sometimes I wonder how people manage to stay sane working in criminal law regardless of if they are prosecution or defense. Every once in a while it is unbearable to me and Im just reading the cases.
So I think it's well know around here that I have a prejudice towards morbidly obese people. I'm not talking slightly chubby or what have you, I just cringe around really, really fat people. Riding the train home yesterday a large hambeast of a woman (actually I later found out she was 20) sits next to me. She reeks of booze. I'm sitting there on my laptop, doing work and trying my best to make the most of the little space I have, due to her lard spilling over onto my side.

Well she gets on her phone and loudly starts proclaiming how her boyfriend and parents are assholes, how many people her friend slept with, how much she drank the night before, how much she hates her dad because he's not treating her like an adult. Blah blah blah... The whole time I'm gritting my teeth and holding back telling her to shut the fuck up. I thank God when her stop is the first stop out of Philly, but as she's leaving she flips me off and says (I quote), "that's for taking up so much fucking room on the seat and not asking me for my number asshole!"

The lady sitting across from me burst into laughter and tells me I should have seen the dumbfounded look on my face.
Reminds me of the time I was at the mall. I had to walk the length of the mall to get to a friend, and the whole way this blonde teeny-bopper girl was just a pace away from me, talking into her cellphone using phrases like "Ohmygawd!" and "And then he was like 'what?' and so I was like 'yeah.' and he was like 'no way.' and I was like 'totally!'"

It was so 'valley girl' I began to wonder if it was some form of performance art.
I used to hear those people in the mall back home in California all the time, Rob. My friends and I would parrot them as they walked past to great comedic effect.

"So I told her like, no way, it's so dumb, and she was like, uhmuhgawd."



I would take a thousand valley girls on the phone to one middle aged man explaining to whoever the poor bastard is on the other end of the line about his digestive problems.

Seriously. I don't need to hear that.

Element 117

So I got on the train to go home, after eating like, 10 Double Downs? And there was this total Chunk o Hunk on the train, right? Well, you know my luck, I got sterling junk in my trunk and my lovely lady humps bring all the boys to the lawnnnn. Annyway, so I totally figure I sit next to this guy and give him a few subtle messages right, and his libeeedo will do the rest! I mean, who can resist eight hundred pounds of luscious lovely Helvarga? I mean, my curves are MAGIC! I can roll up parts of my self and create all kinds of new-- well whatever, you get the point. So I sit down next to him, and do my thing, right? He was sooooo bite sized yummy. And yes, I kinda smelled from being at the club, but when you have this much love to go around you have to dance it off harder, you know? Aaannyway, this Chunkolicious guy seems shy at first. Kinda scared, but that's to be EXPECTED when Momma Large boards the bus-train. I get on the cell and dial up Trigga, making my presence known rather loudly. Poor trigga thougt i though she was deaf, I was almost yellin!

It's like dude, get the hint, and chat me up already? He was a total loser though, cause short of going down on him nothing I would have done could have got his attention. I'm pretty sure he was a gay, anyway. So by the time my stop comes I see his face and I throw some attitude in it. I told him what he was missin, and also that he was a perv for copping a feel without askin! Clever right?

So yeah, that's when I got off and walked face first into a pole. Broke my phone, too. FML Helvarga goes home Alone Again.


Staff member
ARGH! Damn you Valve Software! Revealing that you're going to have special Sam & Max items in Team Fortress 2 for people who order Sam & Max Season 3 via steam in the first week, but only after it's already come out. What the hell?

I'm still glad I ordered directly from Telltale Games, since I'll probably want the DVD, but it would have been nice to know my options beforehand.
Man I missed getting a 100% on my inventory at my work :(

Every month we do an inventory of all the systems we keep track of and scan them into a tool and it verifies we have everything listed correctly. Well I scanned in everything (over 200 items) and uploaded it and I ended up with a 99.54% because the barcode scanner scanned one of the numbers in wrong. So while it is not a big deal it still annoys me cause I should have gotten a 100%! It would be one thing if it was a mistake I made but it was the scanners fault but it shows up on my record. Granted I am still well within the targeted goal but still. :(
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