The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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I can quite understand people getting chubby, I've stared at my gut in disbelief to how it got like that without noticing before, but OBESE*? No, letting yourself go so much that walking becomes a chore is not something that happens without you noticing first. If you get to that point you LET yourself get to that point. It's not even about looks, fuck looks, it's about health.

I consider obese people to be in the same league as smokers. Slowly killing themselves. Willingly. On purpose.

It's their right, of course, but don't expect me to act like it's anything but a conscious decision.

*Unless of course people with actual problems like thyroid and whatnot.. but those are a very, very small minority, so don't use that as a blanket.


Staff member
I know no one's talking about people in my range either, but man, sometimes stuff like this just takes me back to high school--where I was the fat girl among beautiful, perfect girls whose moms bought them personal trainers if they got too heavy. :confused: And I'm not trying to call you insincere specifically, Calleja, but a lot of guys who've said the same thing--"It's about health"-- love to turn around and make fun of the guy who got stuck with the overweight girl after the party--and no one morbidly obese, either. So stuff like that doesn't always ring true. Again, not saying that you don't mean it... but that my own experience--guys saying stuff like that to me and then calling me later saying that they got drunk and accidentally fucked a fat girl.

My own rant today: Sad times at the school where I've been observing. The teacher has to report two kids who aren't in the proper location for that school. She'd closed her eyes to it all year because they needed the help. But now, they take up so much of her time (one is horribly disruptive and the other is gone for days at a time and has to be made-up all the time) she's decided to say something. She was upset about it, and I'm sad for them, too. They're not bad kids, but it's just a rough area in general.

Also, I found out a boy I've been tutoring in that class is a foster kid. I kind of suspected. He calls my partner and me "mommy" sometimes and hugs us a lot. I corrected him at first, but now I just kind of let it go. So today, my partner says (good lord...) "How do you think your real mommy would feel about that???" And, with a smile as big as you please, he says, "I'm in foster care! I have no mom!" She felt like shiiiiit. He just skipped back to his desk and kept calling us his mom, though.

OH, and I got to talk to a 6-year-old girl about seeing gays in a movie--two women getting married. I didn't know what to say, so I just asked, "uh huh, and what do you think of that?" She shook her head and said, "Disgusting." She lives with her grandma. I can guess where she got that.
I know no one's talking about people in my range either, but man, sometimes stuff like this just takes me back to high school--where I was the fat girl among beautiful, perfect girls whose moms bought them personal trainers if they got too heavy. :confused: And I'm not trying to call you insincere specifically, Calleja, but a lot of guys who've said the same thing--"It's about health"-- love to turn around and make fun of the guy who got stuck with the overweight girl after the party--and no one morbidly obese, either. So stuff like that doesn't always ring true. Again, not saying that you don't mean it... but that my own experience--guys saying stuff like that to me and then calling me later saying that they got drunk and accidentally fucked a fat girl.
Oh, I hear you. I really AM talking about health, though, being overweight is no safeguard from ME taking a girl home, believe me. Hell, my more neanderthal-esque friends (we all have one or two, sadly) have made fun of ME for ending up with the "fat girl"... I'm usually with the girl that attracts me the most in a party, and sometimes it's a pair of killer legs and sometimes it's cause they have a monty python shirt on. I'm not very discerning looks-wise when it comes to hooking up with a girl, although alcohol HAS made me regret a few sleep partner decisions it's more in the "oh god she looks like she got hit in the face by acid" range. I actually like having some meat to hold on to, but that information probably belongs in some other thread :paranoid:

I'm talking in the "it's a chore to even walk" fat-range in my previous post, though, which isn't that common to witness down here.


Staff member
Yeah, barring some condition, I'm not sure how someone accomplishes that. I let myself go pretty bad, but when the already-not-great knees and ankles started aching and my circulation got even worse, I turned it around.

And I don't doubt your honesty. :)
Curvy girls are indeed nice, and very often seem to want to work harder for their guy. Not to mention that when this is combined with a sweet (or at least pleasantly snarky) personality, which is what really seals the deal, bigger girls can lead to a rockin' time.

But yes, the girls (and guys, let's not discriminate here for all involved) who head straight for the power scooter at Wal-Mart are the ones who are in serious need of re-evaluating their lives.

A few extra pounds =/= obese, or even fat.
Cross post with the minor victory thread since it pretty much fits as both, but is not deserving of it's own thread.
.... maybe a blog, i should consider that somedays.

I recently took upon a couple of partners and a project to start a business. I'm currently in the process of trying to put together the webpage graphics and site design. I feel this has potential to be a big thing for me. It's also a fuck ton of work when for hopefully a future payoff when what I really need is pay right now. The website domain has been registered, the business paperwork should be filed tomorrow. I would be intimidated by the scope of this project if I wasn't so damned busy trying to make it happen. Which is a good thing, since if I had time to think about it I probably would talk myself out of it.

no I'm not sharing a lot of details about what this venture is right now, but I will be soon with luck.


As a side note this is the first time I have designed a website and done the graphics work purely in linux (slackware) instead of having windows programs to fall back up. Also both a rant and a victory.
I HAAAATE laundry today.
I don't have any clean clothes, it is IMPERATIVE that I wash today but I don't know what it is about this day in particular that I just CANNOT get to it.

If this horrendous feeling doesn't leave my body soon, tomorrow I'm going commando :cool:

I have a life. I have things that I do. I'm sorry that I can't respond to your inanity on demand.
But I thought Chad Sexington was always in demand?

Sort of like your mom?[/QUOTE]
My mom was killed in a car accident when I was fourteen.

But in some ways she was in high demand. Her dental school invited her back to teach right after her graduation, the first time that's happened at that school. She was also good enough to be in demand by not one but two dentists, and all the patients she worked on in those offices.
Sorry, I was just going for the easy joke. I apologize for making fun of your dead mother. I feel like a real asshole now.
Why why WHY do I have to go to court for this dumbass tomorrow? And I know this judge - she has a history of throwing out ban orders from the location this guy was arrested at, and he was arrested for being in violation of a ban order. GAUGH!

Element 117

Why why WHY do I have to go to court for this dumbass tomorrow? And I know this judge - she has a history of throwing out ban orders from the location this guy was arrested at, and he was arrested for being in violation of a ban order. GAUGH!
because cops are people too, and just like the rest of the people, should get their butts handed to them by the laws and bureaucracy every once in awhile?

You can run, my little Xiaofeng. Rest assured, once I get my breath back, I will give you SUCH a telling-off! :humph:

Seriously, though, we enjoy going to court about as much as the people on the other end of it. It's a big hassle, usually, because 9 times out of 10, they'll plead guilty, and then I've gotten up early for nothing more than $30 and a little comp. time.
I don't know what the exact source of the music is, but a neighbor of mine plays this chilling electric guitar music every now and again and I can't quite wrap my head around it. I don't know if it's some DVD title menu that he always has on, or if he's actually playing this himself. Last time he was as loud as he could possibly have it at like 11 o'clock. My roommate actually had to go out there and ask him to turn it down because he couldn't get to sleep. The guy just played a single run through of it again just now.


Staff member
Still no feedback from my Kines partners. I had a dream last night that I was throwing things at them. Rotten food, office supplies, balled-up paper... God I wish I hadn't woken up.

Element 117

You can run, my little Xiaofeng. Rest assured, once I get my breath back, I will give you SUCH a telling-off! :humph:

Seriously, though, we enjoy going to court about as much as the people on the other end of it. It's a big hassle, usually, because 9 times out of 10, they'll plead guilty, and then I've gotten up early for nothing more than $30 and a little comp. time.
Sure thing, Officer Sharon.
You can run, my little Xiaofeng. Rest assured, once I get my breath back, I will give you SUCH a telling-off! :humph:

Seriously, though, we enjoy going to court about as much as the people on the other end of it. It's a big hassle, usually, because 9 times out of 10, they'll plead guilty, and then I've gotten up early for nothing more than $30 and a little comp. time.
Sure thing, Officer Sharon.[/QUOTE]

.... Well played.

Also, caught the bloody typo. Sorry boot that.
American, actually. But years of trying to adapt my language to the people I'm around has left me a little... odd. *wry grin*

I'm not Southern, yet I have a pretty pronounced drawl, too.
Freakin men!
Seriously, I don't even care that much cause I wasn't that into him, I just liked him in a very superficial level, I liked feeling flirted at and chit-chatting with him on the benches in our breaks, that's all... but uh, turns out he has a girlfriend! and he basically threw his underwear at me. I hate men like that.
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