The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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Im worried about my sister. Today's the anniversary of the death of that family friend of ours. He would have been 16 just a few days ago. It's hard on all of us but really hard on Gina. Also, she just told me she and her girlfriend broke up. Apparently some of her coworkers told her girlfriend that she has been cheating on her when she hasn't been. I don't know this girlfriend very well and there are things about her I dont care for, she is an excon, she is considerably older than my sister and she doesn't really seem to be reformed from her criminal life. I liked the fact that she doesnt do drugs and she encouraged Gina to stay clean. I really liked that about her. I'm sorry my sister is going through so much stuff and I worry that to deal she will turn to drugs. It is so hard to get her to talk about things. She isn't like me. She doesn't have much in the way of self confidence and she never wants to share her feelings. It's frustrating to me getting her to open up.

I guess Ill just do what I can and hope for the best.

Keep trying. I can assure you she must be dying to tell someone everything she has inside but just doesn't know how to.
My sister and I are like that too, but I'm glad she pushes me to open up otherwise I know I wouldn't do it, it's something I've always struggled with.
Man, so I saw that my box of cereal came with a toy. At first I was a little excited for the nostalgic feeling of getting a toy in my cereal but then I realized what a piece of crap this thing is. And it's not like the toy itself is all that bad, it's a little water squirter in the shape of Shrek, which as an unintentional win the best way to use it is to hold it in the palm of your hand and press it like spider man. The thing is though, I just think about how I know I'm going to just throw this away and that it's such a shitty plastic that won't ever bio degrade and the kid in Asia that made this in a sweatshop for a half a penny or something.

Fuckin' honey nut cheerios man. Gotta get all up in my shit with a dose of the cold hard truth of the world.
My box of honey nut cheerios didn't come with a Shrek squirt gun...




crap... now all my friends know Im home for the summer and they will want to hang out. Poo.
@makare1 Tell them to fuck off, you're doing SCIENCE! at your place. When asked what kind of science, correct them on their incorrect pronunciation of SCIENCE! and carefully skirt the subject.

Element 117

crap... now all my friends know Im home for the summer and they will want to hang out. Poo.
so, you hate hanging out with friends because why?
I mean, it just seems easier to tell them not to be friends?
I was gonna say something to that effect and even started typing it, but makare usually bites my head off for stuff like that so I went with clicking on "Settings" again.


I like my friends fine Im just not in the mood to hang out.

You people, always with the extremes.


I saw a little girl today and my heart went out to her. She has the same ridiculous complexion I do. The creamy skin with the abundant freckles, brown hair and blue eyes. She could have been my sister. I wanted to tell her enjoy being a kid, freckles stops being cute eventually and just become annoying!

Ive always been really happy to have really nice skin no pimples or anything like that. I guess the trade off is these stupid sun spots. How I hate them!
Freckles + pale complexion? Yes PLEASE!

---------- Post added at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

Man, I came here to rant and became distracted by freckles...

I'm so sick of this allergy to pollen! id hadn't been so bad in years! (even if I have to admit that during my childhood was much much worse...)

Element 117

until she posts a pic, i'm assuming shes a brown skinned guy with burn scars on her face.
My cats medicine still hasn't shipped. Meanwhile welts are showing up on his legs and his ears are getting red. I swear, if he starts losing patches of hair again I'm going to have to move this to the regular rant thread.


You are all crazy! Or maybe you don't have freckles?
I've noticed that women with small breasts usually want bigger ones, and women with huge breasts often want smaller ones. Maybe freckles is a similar phenomenon.[/QUOTE]

I guess maybe that is true. But I have never met anyone in my life who wished he or she had freckles. Before ten people on here say they do, fine Im just saying that in my personal in person life I have not met anyone like that.
You are all crazy! Or maybe you don't have freckles?
I've noticed that women with small breasts usually want bigger ones, and women with huge breasts often want smaller ones. Maybe freckles is a similar phenomenon.[/QUOTE]

I guess maybe that is true. But I have never met anyone in my life who wished he or she had freckles. Before ten people on here say they do, fine Im just saying that in my personal in person life I have not met anyone like that.[/QUOTE]

I don't think freckles would look good on me... I don't like much how they look on men, especially if particularly round faced.


To me, on my face, they just make me look cutesy or like my face is dirty. Also, I don't wear makeup very often but if I want to hide these damn freckles I have to wear it. It is just a nuisance.
That reminds me of a story makare. When my wife was younger her baby sitter kept rubbing away at her chin wondering why the dirt wouldn't come off. After a few minutes of elbow grease, she realized that freckle was never coming off.


I was in the car with my mom yesterday telling her about that little girl I saw. She laughed. Then I said at least my freckles haven't shown up yet this summer even though I am in the sun all the time. She got really quiet. I said, "have they!?". She replied, "what are you gonna do?"

Hate the sun with every fiber of my being and resent not having an office job. Bastard sun.

My freckles are mostly just a wash of them over my nose. I don't have many body freckles which is good because if I did I would never wear a swimsuit ever, and I would possibly crawl into a hole and die.


Freckles look good. I don't understand why people with them get so self conscious. Unless you look like a damn giraffe, freckles aren't a bad thing.
A lot of people get self-conscious about minute aspects of their appearance. Some of them will even praise the same aspects on other people, but say "But it doesn't look good on me."

It can be anything. Most of my friends are girls and I know one--only one--who doesn't complain about her looks at all. There is a lot of unneeded stress and fretting about that stuff that does nothing but makes the person unhappy.


A lot of people get self-conscious about minute aspects of their appearance. Some of them will even praise the same aspects on other people, but say "But it doesn't look good on me."

It can be anything. Most of my friends are girls and I know one--only one--who doesn't complain about her looks at all. There is a lot of unneeded stress and fretting about that stuff that does nothing but makes the person unhappy.
I suppose. I knew a girl in grad school who was obsessed with her "back fat" even though she was skinny as a rail. Females are fucked in the head due to mass media marketing.
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