May Contest - Haiku Me, Baby!

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Weird. I can't edit my previous post. The word 'edit' just sits there with a spinning animation and does nothing.

EDIT: Ok, edit seems to work on MSIE (PC), just not Safari (Mac).
EDIT 2: Actually works for both, just need to click on 'edit' twice. First one just stalls.

Just wanted to add...while dreaming up all the haiku I posted during the contest, I discovered that I felt most satisfied/fulfilled with the ones which described/hinted at/promised the most. The ones which set the most scene with the fewest words, raised the most questions, promised the most potential, etc. The ones which tied up the greatest amount of scene setting with the flimsiest of thread. That XMas one, for instance, was supposed to not only set the scene, but also hint at the anticipation/countdown happening inside the kid's head. As someone who is addicted to optimization (efficient code, packing density, etc), it ended up being an unexpected epiphany of sorts, discovered in an unlikely location.

Always be aware.
Growth can happen anywhere.
Happy accidents.


Philosopher B.

Yeah, I've noticed that edit problem.

Also, congrats to Fun Size! That entry was one of my favorites, too. :D


Staff member
By the way, Patr, it looks like you may be the winner after all. Since B.T. won for the serious category, it has come to light that people are misreading her entry. It wasn't about going old and blind and frail while your mind is still sharp....IT'S ABOUT CALLEJA!!

Wasabi Poptart

Unfair! Dave is a biased judge! FunSize's entry contains poop and we all know how much Dave loves poop! :lol:
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