Bisexual is not gay enough for the Gay Softball World Series

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Staff member
I saw this picture on Failblog:

and I decided to see if it's from a real story... it is.
Bisexual men claim bias for disqualification at gay softball world series

Three bisexual men have sued a national gay-athletic organization for discrimination for disqualifying their team at the 2008 Gay Softball World Series team by deeming the three not gay enough to participate, The Seattle Times reports.


The three plaintiffs played on a team called D2 that qualified for the 2008 competition, which stipulates that each team can have no more than two heterosexual players.

After a competing team complained, the lawsuit says, the alliance ruled the three bisexual men were \\"nongay\\" and stripped D2 of it second-place finish, The Times says.

The Seattle Weekly reports that the dispute erupted in the middle of the championship game and that play was stopped several times because of the protests.

After the game, the plaintiffs charge, they were grilled in front of some 25 people as to their sexual attractions and desires, purportedly to determine their gayness.

At one point, the lawsuit alleges, one of the plaintiffs was told: \\"This is the Gay World Series, not the Bisexual World Series.\\"

The men are seeking $75,000 for emotional distress and also want D2's second-place finish reinstated, The Times says.

If the three men are bisexual, surely that's only 1½ heterosexual team members, right? :slywink:

This story makes no sense to me on so many levels.
Meh, as so many anti-gay groups have advocated, a private group can discriminate however it wants. That's why the KKK is still allowed to exist. Personally I have no interest in anything that discriminates against anyone one way or another. Anything that's "gay-only" or "straight-only" or "insert-color-only" is nothing but a gimmick to begin with rather than any true stab at equality.
I remember reading a couple stories when this first hit. What goes unmentioned is that basically every team goes over their allotment of heterosexual players in order to get better players. Part of the cover story for the heterosexual ringers is to claim bisexuality in case they are seen with women. It's my understanding that this is possibly a case where someone actually blew the whistle on the ringers instead of looking the other way, and the team responded by sticking to their cover story and suing. Of course, it could be true that the three men are actually bisexual, but it's not necessarily a simple case of "BISEXUALS AREN'T GAY ENOUGH."

Steven Soderburgin

the three players were black, and in an interview to determine gayness, a white player gave the exact same questions as a black player and the white player was able to stay while the black player was kicked out

defining characteristics of gay culture:
1) Tons of sex
2) Appreciation of camp
3) Massive bigotry and classism
The fact that there's a GAY ONLY softball champion is beyond asinine to me. To be told you're not GAY enough, is downright funny. The whole thing is a joke.

I don't know what is more, though... The three men "not being gay enough" or the three men suing for "emotional distress".

Ridiculous I tell you.

Steven Soderburgin

Yeah, it's ridiculous that the three men would have emotional distress from being singled out and prevented from doing something they enjoy simply because of their sexuality and skin color.
It's not like it's the ONLY team they can play with!
AND it had nothing to do with their skin color so that's out of the question.

Steven Soderburgin

It's not like it's the ONLY team they can play with!
Yeah, I'm sure they'd love to move to a new area so they can play with another team, or hey maybe a regular softball league in their area will be happy to pick up a few bisexual players with a controversy in their history. Yeah, you're right, what are they whining about?
AND it had nothing to do with their skin color so that's out of the question.
the three players were black, and in an interview to determine gayness, a white player gave the exact same questions as a black player and the white player was able to stay while the black player was kicked out
Here is a link to back this up!
Ultimately, the predominantly-white committee voted that Charles, Russ, and Apilado, all men of color, were not gay. The committee voted multiple times on at least one player. The committee also declared that the other two players, both white—one of whom had given precisely the same answers as Russ—were gay. The committee recommended disciplinary measures against Apilado, Charles, and Russ their team, and the San Francisco Gay Softball League, including forcing their team, D2, to retroactively forfeit their second-place World Series win.
It's not like it's the ONLY team they can play with!
Yeah, I'm sure they'd love to move to a new area so they can play with another team, or hey maybe a regular softball league in their area will be happy to pick up a few bisexual players with a controversy in their history. Yeah, you're right, what are they whining about?
AND it had nothing to do with their skin color so that's out of the question.
the three players were black, and in an interview to determine gayness, a white player gave the exact same questions as a black player and the white player was able to stay while the black player was kicked out
Here is a link to back this up!
Ultimately, the predominantly-white committee voted that Charles, Russ, and Apilado, all men of color, were not gay. The committee voted multiple times on at least one player. The committee also declared that the other two players, both white—one of whom had given precisely the same answers as Russ—were gay. The committee recommended disciplinary measures against Apilado, Charles, and Russ their team, and the San Francisco Gay Softball League, including forcing their team, D2, to retroactively forfeit their second-place World Series win.

I find the fact that you're crying racism having the avatar that you do to be extremely ironic.


What's the point of gay softball ? They're all batting for the same team!


Steven Soderburgin

I find the fact that you're crying racism having the avatar that you do to be extremely ironic.
I can see why someone might find the avatar racist, though I didn't think of it that way. That doesn't excuse it, of course. Furthermore, my avatar does not change the fact that this is pretty blatant racism in addition to bigotry against bisexuals.


I find the fact that you're crying racism having the avatar that you do to be extremely ironic.
I can see why someone might find the avatar racist, though I didn't think of it that way. That doesn't excuse it, of course. Furthermore, my avatar does not change the fact that this is pretty blatant racism in addition to bigotry against bisexuals.[/QUOTE]

Black people smoke weed.

---------- Post added at 01:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------

Gay softball: The only time you'll see a pitcher behind the catcher!

Steven Soderburgin

Oh cool now this thread is about making gay jokes. awesome.
I find ironic how some people can find racism on ANYTHING.

My point is, yes, I don't think it's right for them to reject these guys for not being "gay enough" but suing for "emotional distress" is just plain drama.
I think there's a case to be made for it being racist - when a white athlete and a black athlete in the same circumstances give the same answers, one is exonerated and the other punished, race is very possibly a factor. If for no other reason than it's the most immediate difference between the two.
I find ironic how some people can find racism on ANYTHING.

My point is, yes, I don't think it's right for them to reject these guys for not being "gay enough" but suing for "emotional distress" is just plain drama.
So you're arguing that they are gay enough? :rolleyes:
I think there's a case to be made for it being racist - when a white athlete and a black athlete in the same circumstances give the same answers, one is exonerated and the other punished, race is very possibly a factor. If for no other reason than it's the most immediate difference between the two.
That's pretty much the definition right there.
I find ironic how some people can find racism on ANYTHING.

My point is, yes, I don't think it's right for them to reject these guys for not being "gay enough" but suing for "emotional distress" is just plain drama.
So you're arguing that they are gay enough? :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

No, I'm saying it is ridiculous to even try to qualify someone as "gay enough" either you are or you're not, it's like saying someone isn't "pregnant enough".

I find ironic how some people can find racism on ANYTHING.

It means that if you want to, you'll find racism anywhere even if it's not there. If someone doesn't get accepted for something, if someone even gets a traffic ticket, in whichever case, even if it doesn't have anything to do with it, if you want to make it about that, you will.
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