Bisexual is not gay enough for the Gay Softball World Series

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Staff member
No, I'm saying it is ridiculous to even try to qualify someone as "gay enough" either you are or you're not, it's like saying someone isn't "pregnant enough".
Gay isn't a boolean or binary switch. Gay is an analog potentiometer. There are varying degrees of gaiety.


Staff member
I find ironic how some people can find racism on ANYTHING.
It means that if you want to, you'll find racism anywhere even if it's not there. If someone doesn't get accepted for something, if someone even gets a traffic ticket, in whichever case, even if it doesn't have anything to do with it, if you want to make it about that, you will.[/QUOTE]



or is it just more...


Steven Soderburgin

Before I click on that link, how much of it is offensive stereotyping?

Steven Soderburgin

Most of the questions are based on stereotypes, but there were a couple that actually had to do with sexuality. That's a couple more than I was expecting.

I got 46%, by the way.


Staff member
Well, I guess it's not every day that you wake up and find that you're a screaming bender with no more right to live on god's clean earth than a weasel. [1]
56% gay.

Hrm, I would say I'm more like a 49%... definitely a minority share.

But I'm still all man, baby... ooh yeah.

Steven Soderburgin

Anyway, to get back on topic, the gay community in general tends to hate bisexuals, and bisexuals are a largely invisible part of the gay community. It's pretty terrible and it's the reason I always strive to identify as bisexual even when identifying as gay is easier.

For example, when I came out to my mom, I was very tempted to say that I was gay instead of bisexual because people know what "gay" means. With being bisexual, a lot of parents seem to think it's just a phase, or hold out hope that you'll date the opposite gender anyway so they won't have to worry about it. My mom actually didn't believe that someone could be bisexual when I told her. The gay community doesn't help this perception because they do things like this, wherein they paint bisexuals as non-gay and exclude them.
Anyway, to get back on topic, the gay community in general tends to hate bisexuals, and bisexuals are a largely invisible part of the gay community. It's pretty terrible and it's the reason I always strive to identify as bisexual even when identifying as gay is easier.

For example, when I came out to my mom, I was very tempted to say that I was gay instead of bisexual because people know what "gay" means. With being bisexual, a lot of parents seem to think it's just a phase, or hold out hope that you'll date the opposite gender anyway so they won't have to worry about it. My mom actually didn't believe that someone could be bisexual when I told her. The gay community doesn't help this perception because they do things like this, wherein they paint bisexuals as non-gay and exclude them.
I tell people I'm an atheist when, by definition, I'm actually agnostic.

... ok, so maybe it isn't the same.


Staff member
Anyway, to get back on topic, the gay community in general tends to hate bisexuals, and bisexuals are a largely invisible part of the gay community. It's pretty terrible and it's the reason I always strive to identify as bisexual even when identifying as gay is easier.

For example, when I came out to my mom, I was very tempted to say that I was gay instead of bisexual because people know what "gay" means. With being bisexual, a lot of parents seem to think it's just a phase, or hold out hope that you'll date the opposite gender anyway so they won't have to worry about it. My mom actually didn't believe that someone could be bisexual when I told her. The gay community doesn't help this perception because they do things like this, wherein they paint bisexuals as non-gay and exclude them.
On the same front, black guys tend to be biased against Asians or Hispanics. Hispanics tend to look down on Hispanics from different places. There's a pecking order IIRC with Costa Ricans being at the bottom and Mexicans at the top. I don't know the order because I don't really care.

What I'm trying to say is that any group that associates itself AS a group tends to look at different groups as outsiders. So the gay community identifies themselves as gays and everyone else is NOT gay. In addition, there's this group of people who AREN'T gay trying to say they they ARE and we can't have that!

Human nature, my friend.
Anyway, to get back on topic, the gay community in general tends to hate bisexuals, and bisexuals are a largely invisible part of the gay community. It's pretty terrible and it's the reason I always strive to identify as bisexual even when identifying as gay is easier.

For example, when I came out to my mom, I was very tempted to say that I was gay instead of bisexual because people know what "gay" means. With being bisexual, a lot of parents seem to think it's just a phase, or hold out hope that you'll date the opposite gender anyway so they won't have to worry about it. My mom actually didn't believe that someone could be bisexual when I told her. The gay community doesn't help this perception because they do things like this, wherein they paint bisexuals as non-gay and exclude them.
On the same front, black guys tend to be biased against Asians or Hispanics. Hispanics tend to look down on Hispanics from different places. There's a pecking order IIRC with Costa Ricans being at the bottom and Mexicans at the top. I don't know the order because I don't really care.[/QUOTE]

I don't think Mexicans are at the top; it seemed to be Puerto Ricans where I came from.



Staff member
I don't care because I think ranking bias is stupid. Like in Ireland when they used to hate each other because of their religion. They are the SAME PEOPLE yet they find a way to hate each other. Same with the Muslim/Jewish countries. The Sunnis and Shiites hate each other but if they didn't know what the other believed they would eb fine with each other.

It's just dumb.

Steven Soderburgin

On the same front, black guys tend to be biased against Asians or Hispanics. Hispanics tend to look down on Hispanics from different places. There's a pecking order IIRC with Costa Ricans being at the bottom and Mexicans at the top. I don't know the order because I don't really care.

What I'm trying to say is that any group that associates itself AS a group tends to look at different groups as outsiders. So the gay community identifies themselves as gays and everyone else is NOT gay. In addition, there's this group of people who AREN'T gay trying to say they they ARE and we can't have that!

Human nature, my friend.
It's a little different because the vast majority of people, even those within the gay community, tend to think of LBGT as a singular group that all want the same thing and want to work together for equality for all (or, depending on your political leaning, want to overthrow the government and destroy marriage and morality). The reality, of course, is that the G and the L tend to hate the B for various reasons and all three of them often prove more than willing to throw the T under the bus.


On the same front, black guys tend to be biased against Asians or Hispanics. Hispanics tend to look down on Hispanics from different places. There's a pecking order IIRC with Costa Ricans being at the bottom and Mexicans at the top. I don't know the order because I don't really care.

What I'm trying to say is that any group that associates itself AS a group tends to look at different groups as outsiders. So the gay community identifies themselves as gays and everyone else is NOT gay. In addition, there's this group of people who AREN'T gay trying to say they they ARE and we can't have that!

Human nature, my friend.
It's a little different because the vast majority of people, even those within the gay community, tend to think of LBGT as a singular group that all want the same thing and want to work together for equality for all (or, depending on your political leaning, want to overthrow the government and destroy marriage and morality). The reality, of course, is that the G and the L tend to hate the B for various reasons and all three of them often prove more than willing to throw the T under the bus.[/QUOTE]

OMG OMG They fight amongst themselves just like real people! That's so cute!
The first time I heard LBGT community, I thought it was an odd pairing. Since those are some disparate groups. But there are strength in numbers, and they make a better lobbying group than just a gay or lesbian alliance. etc.
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