South Africa 2010

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The people who use the vuvuzelas are just morons, I'm glad shit like that wouldn't stand at a US sports match. Of course if Americans were to use them we certainly would be smart in the usage, not just blowing them constantly. Batter about to take a swing? blow the vuvuzelas. Quarterback trying to snap the ball? blow the vuvuzelas.
Wow, major upset in North Korea-Brazil this afternoon. North Korea scored.

In related news, North Korea fans are going to be treated to the last 3 minutes of a 1-0 North Korea victory later tonight.
I refuse to watch any games beyond the ones I'm interested in. These horns are retarded. I'm watching sport that I can barely hear over the buzz of an angry swarm of bees.

They refuse to ban them due to not embracing their culture... what the fuck does blowing an annoying horn NON STOP for the ENTIRE GAME have to do with it?
I refuse to watch any games beyond the ones I'm interested in. These horns are retarded. I'm watching sport that I can barely hear over the buzz of an angry swarm of bees.

They refuse to ban them due to not embracing their culture... what the fuck does blowing an annoying horn NON STOP for the ENTIRE GAME have to do with it?
Quoted for truth here. I had to sit in an emergency room with a prisoner for 2 hours and they had World Cup on on the TV and the buzzing noise nearly made me pull my gun on the room. It's unbelievably annoying.
I'm justing waiting to have somebody come back and sue FIFA over the damn things. They can cause hearing damage and wouldn't be surprised to hear about some wanker filing suit for attending a game and having some blowhard going constantly behind him.


Really? Non-stop out of tune drunken Englishmen singing...or the vuvuzelas? Not much difference to me, its easy to tune out...I get practice listening to my wife


You'd think that the broadcasting geniuses would know how to tune down the background noise...

Here's what it sounds like in the stadium

Even Hilter hates the vuvuzela



Staff member
Millions of people put in their picks. Less than 1% picked the Swiss to win, 3% for a draw. 96% predicted an outright Spain victory.

Which is why we play the games instead of relying on "experts".
How the hell did that happen? Spain isn't a likely favorite to win, but they're still undoubtedly among the top teams in the Cup. And Switzerland, well, isn't.

I am seriously starting to think that the vuvuzelas are just throwing the best teams off their rhythm, and the middling teams are benefiting because they weren't so locked into their own rhythm.
South Africa is probably done, unless a miracle happens in the last 5 minutes against Uruguay, or they use their vuvuzelas to pull out a win against France if France and Mexico tie.
OK, I finally heard the Vuvuzelas... yep, really annoying. The horn I had back in the early 80's made more of an English Horn sound instead of a Kazoo on steroids.
WHOO Mexico!!! Plus always glad to see France go down. :biggrin:

For the Argentina game Messi makes such superb plays but he never seems to get his name on the scoresheet. I hope next game he scores a huge goal (which actually gets counted for him).


ow ow ow USA 0-2 behind, still a half game left, hopefully they can do something then
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