This girl... a semi illustrated story

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If I suspected a person who was attempting to court me had splinter cell agents seeking out information for them, I'd want to be pretty reclusive and distance myself too.
You know, that's one of my theories... There's something fishy about my friend's post, and it may be a symptom of her blowing up her spy status and not wanting to include it in the story.... I hope not, but at this point I'm terribly paranoid.

Edit: that's another one of the reasons I decided to stop this nonsense and talk to her as soon as she comes back from her trip, maybe hearing some other friends advice, but keepiing my most involved (and, because of this, intrusive) friends out of it.
It's cool to talk to others in order for advice or whatever. I got with my last girlfriend because a mutual friend set us up and talked me up pretty well.

But it's another thing entirely to get friends to talk to a girl that you already know fairly well. You don't NEED that point of contact. You were already in, no need for secrecy and fuckin' espionage.

By the way, if it seems like I'm yelling, some of it is self-directed. I and many others before you have made this same mistake.


Sorry to hear that SJ :( but experience will teach you that in this day and age everything is pretty fast pace. You can't wait around for a girl for weeks or month. You either have to act on it, or lose it (as you have discover) I am sorry you miss the opportunity BUT there are other people out there. The world is a big place and I'm sure you'll find someone to be with :)

buck up buckaroo!
What is up with all these middle men (or women)? And why are they saying stuff to you that the girl said to them? Why the fuck can't they mind their own business? And gay clubs? Dude... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN THIS SHIT.

Ok, firstly. You need to get a mean streak going with these people. You need to be firm and tell them, "Listen, I'm a big boy, kindly get out of my way." and actually talk to this girl. These are all excuses and you're giving yourself a FAR WORSE TIME than actually getting rejected.

Secondly, please for the love of GOD, I don't know if it's the translator doing this but but don't tell the girl that you LOVE her, cause that doesn't tend to end well. Women get scared of guys doing that. Tell her you felt a connection with her awhile back that you miss (smile at her while you tell her this, coyishly, to show your interest in her, without making it look scary), ask her if she felt that connection with you as well. How do you translate that in spanish? Connectiones? I mean, this is a safe word!!!

Tell her to be honest with you. DON'T INVITE ANYONE ELSE. Make this at a very public place, like a coffee shop, where she will be comfortable. Take it from there. If she says no, she only likes you as a friend, nod and tell her you understand. Even if you don't. Don't ask why she doesn't feel that way. Don't ask her for details in any shape or form. It's just NOT there. Smile and move on. IF you want to be friends with her all the better but try your best to lose interest in her. Go out, have fun, MEET OTHER WOMEN. It'll only get easier. If she doesn't you can excuse yourself. There's no shame in not wasting eachother's time.

If she does have interest in you, GREAT. Tell her if she'd like to do something just you two together. Like a nice resto somewhere she likes with great food and a nice atmosphere (again, with no one else), then make plans separately with friends, if you guys are comfy with that.

Other than that, good luck and sweet jesus, drunk in a gay club? Spanish people really are queer. :p
Even now I'm loving all your advice, as frustrating as it may be. But don't worry about the "love" part. I won't say the dreaded "I love you" frase. I've watched How I met your mother AND Hitch.

(In spain's spanish "querer" is the word for "love" though. Words like "amar" are dated and literary.)
What? What are you talking about, we still make a big deal of going to "te amo" down here. It's still used. You just don't throw away a powerful word like that!
What? What are you talking about, we still make a big deal of going to "te amo" down here. It's still used. You just don't throw away a powerful word like that!
It was like that when I got here... As far as I know, "Te amo" is what poets tell to their loved ones and characters in not very well translated movies say to eachother. Of course, it could just be in the zone of catalan influence, where both spanish and catalan are bastardized and impovireshed form their cohabitation... but I don't think so!


Staff member
Men are predators. Predators hunt alone. It's not done by committee, its not done with secret agents, its not done with negotiators. The only time predators work together is to take down a herd. But they should be able to do it themselves. It's what seperates them from scavengers. Scavengers just go after the women that are left broken and limping after some predator had its way with her, then goes in for it's own piece.
Men are predators. Predators hunt alone. It's not done by committee, its not done with secret agents, its not done with negotiators. The only time predators work together is to take down a herd. But they should be able to do it themselves. It's what seperates them from scavengers. Scavengers just go after the women that are left broken and limping after some predator had its way with her, then goes in for it's own piece.
What the fuck am I then, seeing I haven't done any of the things you say? A herbivore?
Even now I'm loving all your advice, as frustrating as it may be. But don't worry about the "love" part. I won't say the dreaded "I love you" frase. I've watched How I met your mother AND Hitch.

(In spain's spanish "querer" is the word for "love" though. Words like "amar" are dated and literary.)
what do you mean dated and literary?!
It's PERFECT. It's very very useful to have two different words for different kinds of love. I love-as in "querer" a lot of people, but I love-as in "amar" very few and I do say "Te amo" to them.
Even now I'm loving all your advice, as frustrating as it may be. But don't worry about the "love" part. I won't say the dreaded "I love you" frase. I've watched How I met your mother AND Hitch.

(In spain's spanish "querer" is the word for "love" though. Words like "amar" are dated and literary.)
what do you mean dated and literary?!
It's PERFECT. It's very very useful to have two different words for different kinds of love. I love-as in "querer" a lot of people, but I love-as in "amar" very few and I do say "Te amo" to them.[/QUOTE]

I can see that, but IT ISN'T USED IN SPAIN. That's all I'm saying!
It IS inconvenient not to be able to use amar because it sounds weird...

Also SJ, I like your plan. Just don't take any more advice from that girl, she's fucked up twice already! :mad:


Staff member
Men are predators. Predators hunt alone. It's not done by committee, its not done with secret agents, its not done with negotiators. The only time predators work together is to take down a herd. But they should be able to do it themselves. It's what seperates them from scavengers. Scavengers just go after the women that are left broken and limping after some predator had its way with her, then goes in for it's own piece.
What the fuck am I then, seeing I haven't done any of the things you say? A herbivore?[/QUOTE]

If you tell her all this stuff and are then shot down and you hang around as a friend, then you are a scavenger. You'll sit there waiting for her to end whatever relationship she is in and hope that she'll finally see you as the cool guy you are. It's a trap that too many men fall into these days, and trust me on this: women love it. They either love the ego boost they get from a guy that's always attracted to them, or they love the fact that they have a guy friend that is always bending over backwards for them, being basically the best friend that anyone could ever ask for. But at the end of the day they go to bed with someone else.

But right now you aren't a herbivore, you're a man who has lost his fangs. Without a sense of self-confidence and presence you won't meet many women that are worth your time. You need to get that back, and neither I nor anyone else can tell you how to do it. It's just part of being a man. I had someone take it from me (or convince me to give it up) a while ago, and it's been hard rebuilding it, but if you spend your life unsure whether you have anything worth offering a woman then you're also unsure if you have anything to offer the world at large. And that's a much more serious problem.

Society does a good job of making men circus lions, and we forget that the lion tamer with his little whip isn't a real threat. We all suffer from this, whether it's women or our job or our finances or whatever. We forget that we are the beginning and the end of our world, and we control our own destiny in a way that no one else ever can.

This isn't to say that you can ever remove fear. Fear of failure, fear of inadequacy, fear of rejection or reproach. That will always be there. But you have to learn to cope with it. The best description I have heard is that it is like a pebble in your shoe. It's there. It's irritating. But you just do your best to ignore it and you keep running.

So if nothing else, take this as an oppurtunity to look at yourself. Why do you lack your fangs? Are your confidence issues just with women or are they rooted at a much deeper level. If so, look to the lion tamers in your life, and regain your ego. Tear their throats out. You and you alone are the master of your domain.

PS I don't know why I went on with this whole Lion Tamer metaphor. I couldn't stop thinking of that old Monty Python skit. Totally wrecked the strength of the imagery in my mind.


Men are predators. Predators hunt alone. It's not done by committee, its not done with secret agents, its not done with negotiators. The only time predators work together is to take down a herd. But they should be able to do it themselves. It's what seperates them from scavengers. Scavengers just go after the women that are left broken and limping after some predator had its way with her, then goes in for it's own piece.
What the fuck am I then, seeing I haven't done any of the things you say? A herbivore?[/QUOTE]
you are a timid predator :) just need to leave the nest more and have more confident. There are several level of predators. Think like a lion. you have alpha male (head) and then you have the other male if any that follow. I think most of us are trying to get you to lead your own life instead of following other alpha male.

It sounds better in my head, so I hope I convey it correctly.
Men are predators. Predators hunt alone. It's not done by committee, its not done with secret agents, its not done with negotiators. The only time predators work together is to take down a herd. But they should be able to do it themselves. It's what seperates them from scavengers. Scavengers just go after the women that are left broken and limping after some predator had its way with her, then goes in for it's own piece.
What the fuck am I then, seeing I haven't done any of the things you say? A herbivore?[/QUOTE]

If you tell her all this stuff and are then shot down and you hang around as a friend, then you are a scavenger. You'll sit there waiting for her to end whatever relationship she is in and hope that she'll finally see you as the cool guy you are. It's a trap that too many men fall into these days, and trust me on this: women love it. They either love the ego boost they get from a guy that's always attracted to them, or they love the fact that they have a guy friend that is always bending over backwards for them, being basically the best friend that anyone could ever ask for. But at the end of the day they go to bed with someone else.

But right now you aren't a herbivore, you're a man who has lost his fangs. Without a sense of self-confidence and presence you won't meet many women that are worth your time. You need to get that back, and neither I nor anyone else can tell you how to do it. It's just part of being a man. I had someone take it from me (or convince me to give it up) a while ago, and it's been hard rebuilding it, but if you spend your life unsure whether you have anything worth offering a woman then you're also unsure if you have anything to offer the world at large. And that's a much more serious problem.

Society does a good job of making men circus lions, and we forget that the lion tamer with his little whip isn't a real threat. We all suffer from this, whether it's women or our job or our finances or whatever. We forget that we are the beginning and the end of our world, and we control our own destiny in a way that no one else ever can.

This isn't to say that you can ever remove fear. Fear of failure, fear of inadequacy, fear of rejection or reproach. That will always be there. But you have to learn to cope with it. The best description I have heard is that it is like a pebble in your shoe. It's there. It's irritating. But you just do your best to ignore it and you keep running.

So if nothing else, take this as an oppurtunity to look at yourself. Why do you lack your fangs? Are your confidence issues just with women or are they rooted at a much deeper level. If so, look to the lion tamers in your life, and regain your ego. Tear their throats out. You and you alone are the master of your domain.

PS I don't know why I went on with this whole Lion Tamer metaphor. I couldn't stop thinking of that old Monty Python skit. Totally wrecked the strength of the imagery in my mind.[/QUOTE]

This deserves the first rep I'll give on the forums... I wanted to rep all of you, advice givers, when this story is over but... wow. but, does the first part mean I can't try to be friends with her? Is friendship impossible if I have liked her and she has turned me down? I've tried it once before, but she moved and I never got over it, so I don't know if a friendship would have been possible...

Edit: Chibi's post, while shorter, is also nice.
It depends. Most guys I know can't get past liking/wanting to do a girl and just be friends. If you can, bravo, but sounds like a lot of pain and frustration for you. I say be casual acquaintances and move on. Maybe someday you will re-develop your friendship, but for now you probably need to give her space and give your heart some space as well.
If you can really be friends with her, fine. But you probably won't and you will actually be waiting for her to fall for you or something. That situation is very bad and will only bring resentment towards her. You've seen it happen.

Anyway, for now, telling her that you'll need some time to adjust is the right thing to do. You can sort out the details later.


Men are predators. Predators hunt alone. It's not done by committee, its not done with secret agents, its not done with negotiators. The only time predators work together is to take down a herd. But they should be able to do it themselves. It's what seperates them from scavengers. Scavengers just go after the women that are left broken and limping after some predator had its way with her, then goes in for it's own piece.


Staff member

But yeah, you got me with that one (or those ones.) Bastard.

edit: Targeted at .Amy. For your breaking of my metaphor, there will be a reconing.

Edit2: Also, I agree with Espy. I have to disagree with Ame though, nothing is ever over. But it's anti-intellectual in a way. You have to really think it's over for it not to be.


Men are predators. Predators hunt alone. It's not done by committee, its not done with secret agents, its not done with negotiators. The only time predators work together is to take down a herd. But they should be able to do it themselves. It's what seperates them from scavengers. Scavengers just go after the women that are left broken and limping after some predator had its way with her, then goes in for it's own piece.
What the fuck am I then, seeing I haven't done any of the things you say? A herbivore?[/QUOTE]

If you tell her all this stuff and are then shot down and you hang around as a friend, then you are a scavenger. You'll sit there waiting for her to end whatever relationship she is in and hope that she'll finally see you as the cool guy you are. It's a trap that too many men fall into these days, and trust me on this: women love it. They either love the ego boost they get from a guy that's always attracted to them, or they love the fact that they have a guy friend that is always bending over backwards for them, being basically the best friend that anyone could ever ask for. But at the end of the day they go to bed with someone else.

But right now you aren't a herbivore, you're a man who has lost his fangs. Without a sense of self-confidence and presence you won't meet many women that are worth your time. You need to get that back, and neither I nor anyone else can tell you how to do it. It's just part of being a man. I had someone take it from me (or convince me to give it up) a while ago, and it's been hard rebuilding it, but if you spend your life unsure whether you have anything worth offering a woman then you're also unsure if you have anything to offer the world at large. And that's a much more serious problem.

Society does a good job of making men circus lions, and we forget that the lion tamer with his little whip isn't a real threat. We all suffer from this, whether it's women or our job or our finances or whatever. We forget that we are the beginning and the end of our world, and we control our own destiny in a way that no one else ever can.

This isn't to say that you can ever remove fear. Fear of failure, fear of inadequacy, fear of rejection or reproach. That will always be there. But you have to learn to cope with it. The best description I have heard is that it is like a pebble in your shoe. It's there. It's irritating. But you just do your best to ignore it and you keep running.

So if nothing else, take this as an oppurtunity to look at yourself. Why do you lack your fangs? Are your confidence issues just with women or are they rooted at a much deeper level. If so, look to the lion tamers in your life, and regain your ego. Tear their throats out. You and you alone are the master of your domain.

PS I don't know why I went on with this whole Lion Tamer metaphor. I couldn't stop thinking of that old Monty Python skit. Totally wrecked the strength of the imagery in my mind.[/QUOTE]

I fucking love you.

Wasabi Poptart

Damn Necronic! I think you need to be a motivational speaker. I'm ready to be a "predator" and I'm not even a guy!!
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