This girl... a semi illustrated story

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Sometimes your geek side is more on Ross's side than Chandler's type of geekiness, Calleja, and your stubborness is more Rosslike than Chandlerlike.
Sometimes your geek side is more on Ross's side than Chandler's type of geekiness, Calleja, and your stubborness is more Rosslike than Chandlerlike.
No, the geek side is completely covered by Chandler... he's the guy that'll quote pop culture references left and right, Ross is a NERD, the more scholar awkwardish type... which I am definitely not. This comes from someone who's watched every single episode of Friends ever produced... several times.

The stubbornness might be more of a point... except Chandler can be way more stubborn (ie: when he refuses to let the girls move back into their apartment, evne though Joey was ok with it) whereas Ross can be quite the push over (ie: Phoebe convinced him Evolution could be wrong, just off the top of my head).

So.. no. No Ross in me.

Th-that's.... that's true. I... I just heard that whole post being said by Ross.

Holy shit, THERE'S ROSS IN ME!!!!

I did give up a career in basketball to become a paleontologist!
So, Silver Jelly did you tap it yet? It's been a few days now since the start of the thread. The Jay is getting impatient with the lack of gory details.

Seriously though man, let me take a moment to pull you aside and make you realize something right now. How long are you going to dick around and waste such a great opportunity to be with someone you obviously like so much? A person who's quite possibly interested in you, this same person that got you to post about (even post pictures of!) on the internet forums seeking for advice? Dude, you're killing yourself here. Are you that afraid of rejection that you'll settle for friendship or nothing at all? How would you feel if she met someone else? MMmm?

Honestly though, women have needs and if you won't balls up, someone else will. Where do you live BTW ? She sounds like a great gal and judging from the pictures... very cute. Dude, she sent you a picture of herself in a Leia outfit and you didn't talk to her for 3 months!!!! Comon man, did you at least jerk off to it a few times? Doesn't she make you want her? To be with her? To cherish her? I'm going to save a copy of that picture myself... good god.

You need to stop looking down on yourself, you're not an ugly guy, if seen far worse out there (heck, even on these forums, FFS), you truly think she's not attracted to you? Dude, she's already contemplated being with you hundreds of times, she's already spoke to her friends about you, even if she's playing possum when you're with her, don't you think that maybe she can be shy herself and you're at a standstill?

Build a plan, a simple plan to separate yourself from a bunch of other people, you tend to hang out with random drunk people all the time and that's killing your mojo. Go somewhere else, not the movies, that's the worst place to be at this moment, not cosplay conventions neither buddy, Leia outfits give boners and kill your ability to think straight. Do something fun, just you two.... together. It's summer, go to the carnival, to the beach, go have a walk and have some ice cream, chit chat with her, see how she feels, let your heartbeat go crazy as you notice things but her, look at her beautiful dark brown eyes, notice the way she touches her hair when you speak to her, look at what she wore for you and ask her a bunch of questions about her, PM me if you need a list, you don't need to be enrico suave, just be yourself... look at her smile, check to see if she wore lipstick.... look at her lips, trust me... and when that moment comes, be spontaneous, kiss her.

A mustachioed boyfriend?

We gotta get one of those for Calleja.

Also, SJ, Jay has a point about your looks. You've gotten down on yourself before, but you're not a bad looking guy.

In fact, pretty much most of what Jay said was correct, aside from the disturbing parts.

What the hell's been happening?
I don't think we need Dave anyone to give people advice. We got ourselves a superior product here people!
Chandler >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (...)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Richard


Staff member
Am I in the 90s? Has halforums become one of the thousands of "which friend are you" quizzes that plagued the internet?

...ok I can play it cool but I definitely took some of those.

I hate Monica.
I've never watched Friends. I didn't care much for Seinfeld, either. Granted this was when the shows were still on TV, so who knows what I'd think now.


Staff member
Well in the end they most of them became really loud caricatures of their old characters. Seriously, half of the lines that they knew were supposed to be funny were SCREAMED. Monica became a monstrous hellbeast, Ross became even more of a whiny puss, and Chandler went from being sharp, witty, and bitter (but in a funny way :awesome:) to being this neutered married guy with a really really really red face and not much to say besides "I love you so much" to Monica.

Love the old episodes and some of the new ones, but I cannot cannot cannot watch the last couple of seasons.
Wow, Jay... your post was... passionate...

So, status update (I'm typing this for the second time, as I don't know what I accidentally typed to make the window disappear...)

Buffy night was awful, not only because the apparent loss of this complicity feeling, but also as the beginning of a general loss of chemistry between us. I worried all week, but I thought that maybe it was just old paranoid me acting up.
Se keeps reacting positively at a guy in my class (who has a gf and seems to make advances with everybody, girls and guys alike). I'm jealous, but I know it's no big deal.
They seem to get along pretty well, and kinda excluding themselves from the group, when we were having a beer with some people from class. She then left, because she had to go to the cinema, telling the person on the other side of the phone "she was with some girl-friends ("amigas").

For an acting practice on monday, we gather that saturday at a friend's house to rehearse. It's this friend, me and her, and we are waiting for "advancing guy", who's late.
No chemistry here. And, when we are alone one moment, I tell her we still have to plan the trip.
She tells me she has no money to go and will resell the tickets.
Advancing guy comes and chemistry starts being thrown around, between him and her.
I was so upset that when I had the chance, when we finished rehearsing, to invite her for coffe (a good moment to make some advances myself, if not plainly telling her) I get nervous and end up not doing so.
I'm pretty depressed, and I decide to accept an invitation of a mutual friend to go have dinner at his place. She has already told me she wasn't coming.

I have two "infiltrated" friends in the class wich are good friends of mine and try to gather information and be my counselors. One of them is also going, and tells me to tell her to go to the dinner. Ok, I send her a text. "come on, XXXX and XXXX and XXXX are going! Come with us!"
I get no reply, i meet with this friend. She tells me "my" girl has called her, basically answering my message... but to her, not to me.

We go to this dinner, I feel like she is kinda avoiding me (but I'm pretty sure that was paranoid Jelly) and I see she keeps texting somebody, even when she told me she didn't text people at night because she had to pay (and calling was free for her), more or less when she stopped texting me before going to sleep.

At that moment, I'm pretty sure one of my biggest fears, wich Jay expressed so vehemently in his post, had become true: She had found somebody more straightforward and less insecure than me. I lost her because I had waited too long.

I'm pretty decided to try and do something the next week.
On sunday they call me from italy. My Italian grandfather is dying. I fly there with my dad and stay for a week, until my grandad died. I came back today.

With my limited acces to the internet during this "absent" week, I basically was incommunicated from everybody, but I gathered the information, from one of these "spy" friends, that she doesn't have another guy, as far as my informer knows, but that she WILL be going, alone, to the trip and concert.

My guess is she resold only my ticket.

So I come back, I had to draw some caricatures for our yearbook and send them to her. She has found an alternative, as it was very late: The "advancing" guy and her "managed to get something together".

Classes end this friday. I wanted to have a clear answer before the "final dinner", but right now I don't know what I have/want to do.

I guess you are not very surprised if I'm not in a great mood right now.

(EDIT: I want to clarify I don't think there's anything between "advancing guy" and "cosplayer girl"... I just get jealous because he keeps telling her almost everything I think I'd like to tell her and I'm to shy to say and because there seems to be a lot of chemistry there... Maybe it was already clear from these posts, but I'm unsure about my erratic english)


SJ: so... wait. she is not currently dating anyone right now but seem at a loss that you didn't "take the plunge"? if she is not dating others, you may still have hope. If she is dating the other guy, then well.... I'm sorry for your loss bud :(
From what he says no, she isn't dating anyone else but apparently she has lost interest for him and seems to somehow have replaced him with this other guy...


My condolences about your grandfather, Jelly. *hug*

Also, and I know you don't want to hear this, but my advice would be to let her go and try and treat this whole event as an eye opener. If you like a girl you better tell her, and tell her fast. Even if she doesn't reciprocate at least you know where you stand and you can move on instead of torturing yourself for months on end. That's not good for your psyche.

It may not seem like it now, and I know you are sad, but you will recover from this. Sounds like this girl already put you in the "friend zone" a while ago and once there it is nigh impossible to get out of. As for the supposed lies... I don't know. Don't get to paranoid about this. Besides, if she did lie about all those things, you should not want to be with her anyways.

I'm sorry it went like this, but you will get over this. You'll be stronger and smarter for it, too, and you will find someone else. That time, try and remember this event, and just go for it.
^-- good advice :) consider lesson learned. you are good looking fellow. I am sure other opportunity will come along :)
I don't know if it's going to matter at this point. She seems to have moved on at this point. It may not be that she moved onto someone in particular, but she has moved away from interest in you.

I'm sorry, SJ. Ame is right; treat this as an eye-opener and learn from it.
That is really sad to hear,Jelly.The situation does seem pretty much hopeless.I would probably end it,but not without clearing the table first.Tell her how you feel.Even if she does not feel the same,you will have it off you chest and you will stop worrying about it.Even if it hurts you,time heals and you can chalk it under learning experiences.
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