This girl... a semi illustrated story

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Dear SJ:
While Bumble's "big move" story is indeed inspiring, let me give you a little piece of advice:
NEVER ask a girl if you can kiss her. Kisses are not to be asked for, just kiss her.
This. An ex told me once (when we were still dating) that one of her favorite memories was me just going for it when I thought the moment was right. Spontaneity and all that.
I once told a girl I was gonna kiss her, rather than asking. She said she didn't know, and I went for it. Then she went for it.

Then it was on.
Chandler is MY TERRITORY!

(Friends is my all-time favorite sitcom, I own all 10 seasons on DVD. Nothing helps me out of a funk better than a few episodes of Friends)

He's kind of a mixture, people, he's a little bit of Joey, a lot of Ross and he can be quite Chandler-esque sometimes.
Actually.. you guys know how I'm using EXCITED CAPS all the time? That's my loud Chandler impression... something like:

"Oh no, two women love me! They're both gorgeous and sexy, my wallet's too small for my fifties AND MY DIAMOND SHOES ARE TOO TIGHT!!"

So from now on, every time you see me type in CAPS, read it in Chandler's voice.

I'm too picky and geeky to be Joey... but I guess if you had to boil it down I'd say I'm a combination of Chandler and Joey... no Ross in me, I get plenty geekyness from Chandler alone. Plus I had the whole "the world is my lesbian wedding" down to a tee through most of high school, I didn't start even talking to ladies until senior year, which is when my Joey-ish features started to bubble up.
How am I Rosslike!? Give me one good rosslike feature I have that isn't covered by Chandler! I TRIPLE DOG DARE YA!
If you want me to email you about upcoming shows (puts up a block of paper) please give me money so I can buy a computer.

:heart: Phoebe
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