XenForo Test Bed is LIVE!

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Staff member
So last night I paid for a license for XenForo, downloaded it and then installed it. Then I spent about an hour porting over all of our stuff. Flawless. Fucking flawless. It was amazingly easy to do. All of your logins are there and I think the passwords even may be, which is incredible!

I'll give the address at the end of this post but there are a few things you need to know.

  1. User names can not have commas. If your user name had on I simply removed them. So "Allen, Who is Quiet" became "Allen Who is Quiet". I think the only other person this affected is "Fine, Fresh, Fierce". It was changed to "Fine Fresh Fierce".
  2. Any posts you make or changes you make will be erased when we redo the install and port it over - if we end up doing that. It's not set in stone that we are moving to XenForo. Right now I'm looking at more like 75% or so.
  3. No addons are present yet. DragonByte is working on porting theirs to XF so we should be seeing some updates. Other than games I don't see XF needing as many as vB did to be fun & funky fresh.
Please report any bugs you find as well as suggestions and what you'd like to see.

This is still beta software but it is some slick, slick stuff. I'm still learning it and you may see some changes happening in real time as I learn how to do stuff. Have fun and tell me what you think.



I dont like the avs as icons thing. That might be a theme thing though.


Staff member
I already added a second theme. If you go to the bottom of the page on the left - basically where you can choose it now - you click on the style and you can change it to XenForce, which is a dark theme.
  • User names can not have commas. If your user name had on I simply removed them. So "Allen, Who is Quiet" became "Allen Who is Quiet".
Dang. My username is slightly modified.

---------- Post added at 11:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 AM ----------

Also, my avatar is gone.


Staff member
It's harder to navigate by keyboard. The specific page numbers after a post don't show up unless you mouse over them. That means you can't Tab down to them. Not a major issue, but just something I noticed (I freqently search for a thread title, and then tab down to the last page number)


Staff member
That happened to me, too. It had something to do with setting up the Admin accounts. Hold on a sec.

---------- Post added at 03:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:49 PM ----------

Try it now.


Staff member
One thing that helps a LOT is the fact that we can make the test bed any way we want it and do NOT have to do a total reinstall when we're done! When we get it the way we want we point the front page (or a front page we make) to use the XenForo forum, import the data from the vB database and we're done.

So far other than the amount of addons there's nothing I've seen that makes vB better than XF.
So last night I paid for a license for XenForo, downloaded it and then installed it. Then I spent about an hour porting over all of our stuff. Flawless. Fucking flawless. It was amazingly easy to do. All of your logins are there and I think the passwords even may be, which is incredible!

I'll give the address at the end of this post but there are a few things you need to know.

  1. User names can not have commas. If your user name had on I simply removed them. So "Allen, Who is Quiet" became "Allen Who is Quiet". I think the only other person this affected is "Fine, Fresh, Fierce". It was changed to "Fine Fresh Fierce".
  2. Any posts you make or changes you make will be erased when we redo the install and port it over - if we end up doing that. It's not set in stone that we are moving to XenForo. Right now I'm looking at more like 75% or so.
  3. No addons are present yet. DragonByte is working on porting theirs to XF so we should be seeing some updates. Other than games I don't see XF needing as many as vB did to be fun & funky fresh.
Please report any bugs you find as well as suggestions and what you'd like to see.

This is still beta software but it is some slick, slick stuff. I'm still learning it and you may see some changes happening in real time as I learn how to do stuff. Have fun and tell me what you think.



Staff member
THere are currently already 13 addons for XF - 2 of which are from DragonByte. Neither of them we own, but they are making headway.


Hey if we are going to lose our halbucks and stuff let me know. Im going to spend it if Im going to lose it. >.>


Staff member
Hey if we are going to lose our halbucks and stuff let me know. Im going to spend it if Im going to lose it. >.>
The information will still remain in the database. So under the user information it'll still show that makare has 959 HB, and the gift of...You get the idea. Initially, these will not show up unless DBT gets the mod completed before we port over. When that happens they will read right from that table and input the numbers. You SHOULD lose nothing in the translation.


Staff member

I added 2 of the recently released addons, which may or may not be included when the gold release comes out.

  1. Expand/Contract Categories - Never go into Tech Talk and don't want to see it on the Forum when you click on it? Collapse it and it's still there but not expanded. Save yourself some space. Please note that this does NOT work on the dark XenForce style. I'm working on it.
  2. Separate sticky from normal posts - Like we have here so you can tell when there's a post that has been stickied.
I have also been playing with styles and templates. We now have a new default style. No, I didn't create it. But I could have - working with colors and such are very, VERY easy. Basically once this gets done and I figure out how to easily switch things we can have a great number of styles and it's not an issue. No, there's not a WoW themed style yet.

There's more to come and I have NOT figured out yet how to make LONG images resize. Wide is no problem. Long.......problem.

But it's coming together. No date for gold release yet but when it gets announced I will update this thread with the information.
Ok, Dave the new theme is great, glad to hear it's really easy to make them. I'm having an avatar issue on there, but I posted a thread on there about it.


Staff member
Never go into Tech Talk and don't want to see it on the Forum when you click on it? Collapse it and it's still there but not expanded.
Is this supposed to work on StopFluid?[/QUOTE]

It would if I had typed it right. It's for things like "Forum Hub " or "Topic Discussions". I made a mistake saying "Tech Talk".


Staff member
Right now I'm working on a new Portal system and seeing how well it'll mesh with Alfie. If it does I'll be very excited.


Staff member
Okay, so we're getting closer to how we want this to look. We're still having a few issues with images that we can't figure out but we're still doing well. I have added a few things to the test board:

  1. Portal Page - This reads from a specific (hidden) sub board and will hopefully be used as a possible news/front page. But of course we have to get the images fixed or we won't be able to use Alfie. And we're GOING to keep Alfie! (By the way, Ame just discovered a flaw in the portal that we need to address so it's turned off for the time being.)
  2. Double Post Prevention - This was a big one for me. This way we don't have to worry about it.
  3. Chat - I know, I know. I've tried this before. Right now it loads into the #Halforums IRC channel and possibly even the #pvponline channel if we want. Or just the #pvponline channel. Sorry,makare.
There may be more to come, like when DBT gets their stuff written for XenForo. But I'm going to be very picky about what I put in. Still, I do know of a few things that are coming or that need addressing.

  1. The Wretched Hive is currently locked. This is due to two things. First, when (if) I put ads back in, they can't be in the same sub as dirty pictures. and secondly, I can't age-lock boards yet. When that comes to pass I'll open it back up.
  2. The Arcade will be ported over when it's complete. The data should still remain so nobody will lose their scores.
  3. DBT is currently testing their Downloads mod which we will be able to use in conjunction with the NSFW area to upload/download large files, pictures & videos.
There's probably more but I'll post them as I get to them.

Is there anything you absolutely want to be there before we switch? (Which will not come soon - we're just experimenting right now.)


You're not sorry now. That's a bullshit sorry. But you will be! You WILL be!


Staff member
In general it seems acceptable. I don't like the mocha-off-white layout, but I can deal. I do like that it can provide a list of watched threads, gives thread previews on mouseover, and can jump to first unread reply. Those are the big important things to me about the forum part.

Does this mean hal blogs are going away?


Staff member
In general it seems acceptable. I don't like the mocha-off-white layout, but I can deal. I do like that it can provide a list of watched threads, gives thread previews on mouseover, and can jump to first unread reply. Those are the big important things to me about the forum part.

Does this mean hal blogs are going away?
Nothing is really going away at this point. It'll depend on when the XenForo Gold is released, what addons are set up for it and many other factors. I just never want to keep you guys in the dark.


Staff member
Backed up the vB Halforums to the new Test site and have blown away the XenForo site. Am currently rebuilding the XF site to test some installation functionality. I will then be making a brand new WordPress/ComicPress installation and binding it with the XF test bed.

If this works...I'll be happy.


Staff member
Requesting a style that uses black instead of white for its basis >_<

Kinda like the old software's ones that were blue on black or red on black.
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