Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats


Staff member
Way to keep it civil: Eric Fuller, Arizona shooting victim (survived, obviously), leftist who blamed Palin et al for the violence.... arrested at a rally for shouting death threats at Arizona Tea Party founder. "You're dead! And all of you [in the audience] are a bunch of whores!"

Newsweek says the call for civility is the worst Democratic political strategy since John Kerry's 2004 nomination.

(Fark headline) - McCain calls Obama a "patriot." Why he wants to see Obama destroyed at home by jets is anyone's guess
Added at: 15:13
Governor of Maine tells NAACP to "Kiss my butt."
Added at: 15:19
Illinois politicians approve 66% tax increase. Bet they didn't mention THAT during the elections
When did, "Hey! Obnoxious pundits! Tone it down a little, eh?" become a strictly partisan strategy? I want both sides to knock it off; it's not just conservative talking heads being nasty out there.

BTW: The Arizona shooting survivor is named James Fuller, not Eric


Staff member
Whups, I got it from his full name, Eric being the middle name.

It became partisan because it's not really an actual call for civility, it's Democrat-ese for "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UUUUUUP! Isn't it illegal to disagree with us yet? GAAWWWSH!"
Way to keep it civil: Eric Fuller, Arizona shooting victim (survived, obviously), leftist who blamed Palin et al for the violence.... arrested at a rally for shouting death threats at Arizona Tea Party founder. "You're dead! And all of you [in the audience] are a bunch of whores!"
While a deplorable act, I'm gonna give this guy a mulligan on the fact that he'd been shot just a few days before by a crazy guy in what was thought (at the time) to be a politically motivated attack. He's definitely not in the greatest of mindsets right now... probably needs some counseling.
Whups, I got it from his full name, Eric being the middle name.

It became partisan because it's not really an actual call for civility, it's Democrat-ese for "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UUUUUUP! Isn't it illegal to disagree with us yet? GAAWWWSH!"
Yeah, because saying that crosshairs on political districts controlled by the other party, a slogan like "don't retreat, reload", holding an m16 shooting event for the cause removing your opponent from office, and the protestor "we came unarmed...this time" are going too far is the same as saying that all opposition is too far. You have really touched the monolith and become the star child on that one.


Staff member
Yeah, because saying that crosshairs on political districts controlled by the other party, a slogan like "don't retreat, reload", holding an m16 shooting event for the cause removing your opponent from office, and the protestor "we came unarmed...this time" are going too far is the same as saying that all opposition is too far. You have really touched the monolith and become the star child on that one.
You're ignoring that none of it became an issue until doing so could be exploited for political gain by the democrats, and that the trigger event has been shown to have absolutely no political motivation whatsoever.
Added at: 10:56
Tomorrow the House will vote on the highly anticipated repeal of ObamaCare.

Thomas Sowell's latest column: A Republican Showdown?

Elected officials at many levels of government, not just the federal government, swear an oath to "uphold and protect" the U.S. Constitution .. but a recent study shows that they know less about the Constitution than the average citizen.

Great Britain is headed in the opposite direction with its healthcare system ... giving control over management to family practitioners rather than bureaucrats.

Politico documents as the fight goes on over the Fairness Doctrine.

The Obama administration says U.S. banks should disclose to the IRS bank accounts owned by foreigners.

The very essence, the epitome, of government. Right in my backyard.


Staff member
I was pleasantly surprised by this article on the huffington post about the stupidity of the various well-intentioned legislative ideas coming out in the wake of the Tuscon shooting.
You're ignoring that none of it became an issue until doing so could be exploited for political gain by the democrats, and that the trigger event has been shown to have absolutely no political motivation whatsoever.
Added at: 10:56
This isn't true. People have been complaining about this since they've been doing it. You only heard about it now because it is convenient to play the victim card now at the sites you visit.


Staff member
This isn't true. People have been complaining about this since they've been doing it. You only heard about it now because it is convenient to play the victim card now at the sites you visit.
What people? Who in the mass media has been blaming violence on left talking points before this whole recent debacle was brought up? Bloomberg supposed that the times square bomber was an obamacare hater before a single fact of the case came to light. Napolitano's bureau has been making dire predictions about violence from emboldened, desperate right-wing domestic terrorists for years now. There's been a never-ending merry-go-round of accusations of violence and hate from the left aimed at the right in general and the tea party in particular. The only time I remember the right talking about the violent rhetoric of the left, it was in regard to the leader of the new black panther party calling for the killing of white babies, which is a hell of a lot more specific and beyond the pale than muttering "second amendment solution" could ever be.
I'm sorry, I can't get past the absurdity of it all. You guys carry on with whatever you are trying to say. I just can't get myself worked up over this silliness.


Staff member
The National Labor Relations Board threatened to sue Arizona, South Carolina, South Dakota and Utah over constitutional amendments guaranteeing workers the right to a secret ballot in union elections.

In recent months, officials have quietly left the White House for high-paying gigs on K Street and Wall Street.

Republican Mike Pence will soon reintroduce the Broadcaster Freedom Act to prevent the FCC from regulating content on the airwaves.

Soon it will be time for congressional redistricting, and you can bet that, for many, with Republicans in charge, Democrats will be kicking and screaming.

How are things going for Obama's program to help struggling homeowners? Not so well.

In the days following the Arizona shooting, the media targeted conservatives by a margin of 8-to-1.

Unions using gun range style targets in their protests against private companies ... ya don't say!

[Warning: DailyMail] Great Britain is in the habit of labeling kids as young as toddlers "racist" or "homophobic" over minor squabbles at school.

The family of a 15-year-old Mexican boy is suing the U.S. Border Patrol for wrongful death and civil rights violations.

The recent devastating floods in Australia and Brazil ... yup, you guessed it. Global warming!

Oh, and the house voted to repeal ObamaCare.


Staff member
Yeah, even Fox News is calling it symbolic. Even if by some bizarre twist of fate the senate DID pass it (which won't happen), it would then go to face the ball point firing squad on the President's desk.


Staff member
Seriously? 4 year olds are calling each other "white trash"?! I think there's a bigger problem at hand than the labeling system here.
I'd say that name fits 90% of Great Britain, given that my mental image of contemporary Britain is based entirely upon Guy Ritchie movies. ;)
Yeah, even Fox News is calling it symbolic. Even if by some bizarre twist of fate the senate DID pass it (which won't happen), it would then go to face the ball point firing squad on the President's desk.
Well they ran on voting to repeal it. Even though it has zero chance they are doing what they can.
Added at: 07:55
Gas we're supposed to be trying to get away from that kind of violent rhetoric.


Staff member
With the Republicans having no chance to get the bill to repeal Obamacare past the senate or the President's pen, Democrats were content to smile smugly and sit back, letting the Republicans make fools of themselves squawking on about something that won't go anywhere. Just kidding. They compared House Republicans to Nazis and the repeal to the holocaust. Hooray for civility!

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is expected to be released from the hospital this Friday.

The Wall Street Journal has named Georgia the "anti-Illinois" because it is considering cutting its personal and corporate tax rates by a third.

Charles Krauthammer believes that the Democrats will continue to lose the debate over healthcare. Here's why ...

More than half of the states--27 out of 50--are now challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare in federal court.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) may join the Tea Party Caucus. Should he?

The 112th Congress isn't even three weeks old yet, but already the focus is turning to the 2012 elections as a slew of key senators announce their plans.

Tony Blankley has some advice for Republicans: Avoid GOP Timidity in 2011.

California alone is $265 billion in debt.

The Interior Department refuses to give details on when the department will begin issuing new deepwater drilling permits for the Gulf of Mexico.

A judge has ruled that key sections of a California law restricting the sale of handgun ammunition cannot be enforced because they are unconstitutional.

... I have no words:

Added at: 10:13
Oh, and one more - Having your musical tie start playing during an important meeting: Bad. Having your musical tie start playing during an important debate at the House of Commons while saying the words “if we are to have a credible debate”: Worse.

With the Republicans having no chance to get the bill to repeal Obamacare past the senate or the President's pen, Democrats were content to smile smugly and sit back, letting the Republicans make fools of themselves squawking on about something that won't go anywhere. Just kidding. They compared House Republicans to Nazis and the repeal to the holocaust. Hooray for civility!
Lets be fair, here. it isn't DEMOCRATS saying it. It's one asshole. Singular. It's like saying Republicans scream "You Lie!" at the State of the Union address. One moron. Also, don't kid yourself- people on both sides had been ignoring civility the day after the shooting.

I agree on his point on repeating untruths until they become truths to people, but I disagree with how he said it.

GasBandit said:
The Wall Street Journal has named Georgia the "anti-Illinois" because it is considering cutting its personal and corporate tax rates by a third.
Good luck with that.


Staff member
Lets be fair, here. it isn't DEMOCRATS saying it. It's one asshole. Singular. It's like saying Republicans scream "You Lie!" at the State of the Union address. One moron. Also, don't kid yourself- people on both sides had been ignoring civility the day after the shooting.

I agree on his point on repeating untruths until they become truths to people, but I disagree with how he said it.
Well, full disclosure here, I'm not a big fan of "civility," even when it ISN'T a code word for "conservatives shut up." Surprise surprise, I know. I would have giggled like a schoolgirl if some offended mensch had taken offense and popped him one, right on the house floor, and then it erupted into a total free for all that sent people to the hospital and caused charges to be pressed. It'd be like music.
Erm, no offense and I know ragging on Fox News and their "agents of propaganda" is what's cool to do and everything, but if you can outright reject (and you're not the only one) what someone says because they appear on O'Reilly without listening and then weighing the validity of his statements then that says far more about the state of political discourse than I'd like to admit.
Erm, no offense and I know ragging on Fox News and their "agents of propaganda" is what's cool to do and everything, but if you can outright reject (and you're not the only one) what someone says because they appear on O'Reilly without listening and then weighing the validity of his statements then that says far more about the state of political discourse than I'd like to admit.
My rule only extends to Beck and O'Reilly, though I'm willing to admit O'Reilly is at least professional enough to defend his viewpoints on shows going against his political outlook. However, he's not as equally gracious about defending it on his own show, unlike some others in his profession. Until he does, I feel some what justified in ignoring him.

Besides, I really only see a lot of hearsay in that article, featuring a lot of political retaric. It's not exactly substantial.


Staff member
Even if this recession hadn't happened, "the United States would have entered 2010 with 15 million fewer jobs than economists say it should have." This according to a report in the National Journal. This leads us to believe that the problem started long ago. You would be correct. Nearly every single economist interviewed for this article in the National Journal pointed to one key factor: education.

Perhaps you've already noticed ... The Wall Street Journal has. Obama's Great Leap Rightward.

The House GOP unveiled an eye-popping plan to eliminate $2.5 trillion in spending over the next 10 years. And here's a list of 100 programs that the Republicans want to cut or eliminate.

A North Dakota state Senator wants a constitutional convention for the purposes of creating a national debt amendment for the US Constitution.

Three Senate Democrats told John Boehner they're willing to repeal one piece of the health care law that they say could drown businesses in new IRS paperwork: the 1099 provision.

If President Obama wants to use his State of the Union speech to advance Social Security reform, he probably has only one good option

Here's one y'all might enjoy: Collectivism, the Loss of Individual Power and the Future of America.

Here's the difference between government responsibility and individual/private responsibility.

Who has the Democrat National Committee selected as its new executive director? A former ACORN and union official!

Here's a reminder that gun control laws don't save lives.

In Los Angeles County alone, welfare benefits for the children of illegal immigrants cost the taxpayers more than $600 million last year.

A Georgia state legislator says U.S. border authorities should be empowered to "shoot to kill" under certain circumstances.