Gas Bandit's Political Thread V: The Vampire Likes Bats

It always is, isn't it.
Added at: 02:19
Whats the beef with Berwick anyhow? In the article the focus is mostly on Becker.
It always is, isn't it.
Added at: 02:19
Whats the beef with Berwick anyhow? In the article the focus is mostly on Becker.
Yeah, that's what I was wondering too. It's no surprise the Republicans and their big business backers don't want a pro-union guy like Becker.


Staff member
Obamacare ruled unconstitutional and void by federal judge - next stop, probably the Supreme court in 2012. From The Wall Street Journal: "The Constitutional Moment." Washington Post: The Left was unprepared for ObamaCare ruling USNews: A stunning setback for Barack Obama

Congressional Democrats Couldn't Say Where Constitution Authorized Insurance Mandate.

Seven in 10 Americans would like to see Republican leaders in Congress consider the tea party movement's ideas.

In NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg's quest to tighten our national gun laws, he has sent undercover officers to investigate gun shows ... in Arizona.

In the UK, nearly a million people will see their tax rates soar as the government's austerity package kicks in this spring, potentially to as high as 83%.

Republicans in the Senate introduced legislation that would prohibit federal agencies from regulating greenhouse gases without a direct mandate from Congress.

Republican lawmakers are planning to hold a hearing on February 9 to begin tackling reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

The Democrats want to start their new jobs agenda with a Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization bill.

Time Magazine compares Obama to Reagan? There is no comparison.

You'll love this ... How to Tax the Rich, by the creator of the Dilbert cartoons. Readers then responded with a few more ideas of their own ...
What is going to cause the collapse of the economy is not learning the lessons of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. What is going to cause the collapse of the economy is umpteen trillion dollars in acknowledged debt, and more undeclared. What is going to cause the collapse of the economy is the demotivation of American potential by infinitely extending safety nets until they become permanent hammocks while refusing to address universally acknowledged educational problems by any method other than pushing EVEN MORE money into the same leaky, corrupt bureaucracy - and ignoring the fact that we don't have the money to pay for it because it is a warm fuzzy thing.
Wait, wait! Wasn't Ireland's case pretty much the opposite of the other three? Their problem was PRIVATE debt and not public debt if I recall correctly. Even on the public side, they are different in that they had too few taxes instead of too much spending, or so they've been told now.
Also, as far as I know neither the Portuguese or Spanish economies have collapsed yet.


Staff member
Saying "it's not too much spending, it's not enough taxing" is like saying "It's not that I spend too much, the problem is my salary isn't high enough." It's rather backwards, especially when you consider taxes are basically the government taking your money at gunpoint.

I think I'd said earlier (or maybe it was in another thread) that the first step to getting real, honest to god tax reform done is to eliminate the insidious practice of estimated tax withholding. When your "rebate" goes away and you're hit for thousands of dollars in taxes every year that you actually have to bear witness to it coming out of your bank account instead of it slowly bleeding out of your paycheck before you even see it every 2 weeks, it'll stir up the proper levels of ire for what taxes really are... and hopefully starve the beast somewhat.
GasBandit said:
In NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg's quest to tighten our national gun laws, he has sent undercover officers to investigate gun shows ... in Arizona.
Most of these links are painfully stupid, but this one takes the cake. Way to blame the messenger. When someone says "I probably wouldn't pass a background check", the people selling the weapon is breaking the law. Being a 2nd amendment supporter is more than just loving guns. It's being responsible with firearms. Any logical, thinking person understands the difference.

Anyone who supports the 2nd amendment should be in support of preventing these types of weapons getting in the hands of criminals through gun shows and back door dealers. Whining that Bloomberg wants to do something about the loopholes the laws that allow criminals to get easy access to weapons is mind numbingly dumb and undermines the position of gun advocates.


Staff member
Most of these links are painfully stupid, but this one takes the cake. Way to blame the messenger. When someone says "I probably wouldn't pass a background check", the people selling the weapon is breaking the law. Being a 2nd amendment supporter is more than just loving guns. It's being responsible with firearms. Any logical, thinking person understands the difference.

Anyone who supports the 2nd amendment should be in support of preventing these types of weapons getting in the hands of criminals through gun shows and back door dealers. Whining that Bloomberg wants to do something about the loopholes the laws that allow criminals to get easy access to weapons is mind numbingly dumb and undermines the position of gun advocates.
Mayor Bloomberg doesn't have federal jurisdiction, much less jurisdiction in Arizona. If he wants to figure out how guns are getting into the hands of criminals maybe he should start with the streets of New York. I somehow doubt the criminals there are taking a road trip to Arizona.
Mayor Bloomberg doesn't have federal jurisdiction, much less jurisdiction in Arizona. If he wants to figure out how guns are getting into the hands of criminals maybe he should start with the streets of New York. I somehow doubt the criminals there are taking a road trip to Arizona.
No, the guys that THEY are getting their guns from are making the road trip. It's a pretty poorly kept secret that just about any gun on the street that wasn't stolen or bought from somebody who stole it to begin with is from a gun show vendor. It makes it harder to trace the origin of the gun when the original owner or prosecute an illegal sale when the guy is 5-6 states away.

That being said, you are correct in that he doesn't have jurisdiction. They should have gotten US Marshals to do this or ATF.
Did they arrest anyone? No? Then who gives a fuck if they have jurisdiction? They were gathering evidence of federal rules being broken and poorly regulated.

Maybe instead of getting pissy about what Bloomberg is doing (pointing out how criminals are getting guns), how about getting pissy about what these gun shows aren't doing?

We need a whole lot less faux outrage and a whole lot more responsibility when it comes to firearms.


Staff member
The so-called "gun show loophole" is largely disingenuous. See, when you buy a gun from a gun dealer. You have to undergo the required background checks. When you buy a gun from a private individual you do not have to undergo background checks. Individual sales from private owner to private owners do not require background checks. Now at guns shows that you will find both private individuals selling guns on a private basis and you will find licensed gun dealers selling guns. The same laws apply at the gun shows that apply in everyday life for the sale of any gun by either a private individual or a licensed gun dealer. If you are a private individual at the gun show you do not have to perform a background check on somebody who purchases a gun from you. If you are a licensed dealer at a gun show you do have to perform a background check on a purchaser. The same laws that apply to the regular world apply to the gun show environment too.
Added at: 14:46
Dick Durbin wants to chair a hearing this week about ObamaCare's constitutionality. This should be a real eyeroller.

More and more states are considering passing "right to work" laws.

Harry Reid says that as long as he is in power, "I'm going to do everything within my legislative powers to prevent privatizing or eliminating Social Security."

EPA to force farmers to comply with regulations vis a vis spilled milk.

The Obama administration snubbed top GOP oversight official Rep. Darrell Issa on his first major document deadline.

A recent analysis found that independents favored conservative policies on 37 of 40 major issues.

What do tax hikes in the US have to do with the protests in Egypt? Why don't we ask new California Governor Jerry Brown!

The Middle East 2011: how does it compare with Eastern Europe 1989?

Charlotte will host the Democratic National Convention in 2012.

The proposed plan to encase the House visitors' galleries with Plexiglass will likely not pass the House Administration Committee.

Despite President Obama's recent attempts to win over the business community, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says the president's new energy plans are going nowhere fast.

Eleven Republican senators introduced a bill that would stop the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases.

A recent Gallup poll shows that only 5% of Americans favor increased stimulus spending as the best approach to improving our economy.

A law to outlaw ... toy guns?

A major "oops" moment for Valerie "we'll be able to rule on day one" Jarrett.

Rachel Maddow gets onioned.
Yes, except the private sellers at the gunshow can pass the background check. All they have to do is get an order from someone else, attempt to buy the gun from the licensed seller, pass the background check, and then resell it at 10-15% profit to the guy who couldn't pass the check. Thankfully these guys usually get flagged eventually, but it's still perfectly legal in the meantime.
Yup, Rachel got fooled. She even addressed it last night and made a joke about it. Shame we don't see this on other shows on a certain other network.
Added at: 15:02
Disingenuous my ass. Go ahead an pull the other one.


Staff member
You can read all about the feuds in this RedState post, but even the DNC has realized that the fact is that when you want something done efficiently and effectively, you do not go to unions to get the job done.

What do Egyptians want? For one thing, they want more Islam in politics.

The Democrats are at it again ... the Republicans want to "slash" Social Security. Truth? Nobody is proposing that. Nobody.

The pressure on Supreme Court Justices has already begun when it comes to an eventual vote on ObamaCare.

Let's take a look at Harry Reid's imaginary $4 billion credit to ObamaCare.

Here's an interesting look at the similarities and differences between Iran and Egypt and their revolutions.

Democrats in Congress are upset by the new Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and his attempt to investigate President Obama's promises to improve government transparency.

White House correspondents are complaining that they are being shut out of the White House.

New Mexico is no longer a sanctuary state, as new Governor Susana Martinez says officers will be able to ask anyone they suspect of a crime about their immigration status.

The federal government has seized the Web addresses of ten websites that allegedly live stream sporting and pay-per-view events online, shutting them down just days before the Super Bowl.

WikiLeaks has been nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are concerned about your privacy ... on Facebook.

Notice that a liberal's solution to our unhealthy lifestyle is more government.

Florida freshman Rep. David Rivera has had a rough first month in office.
What do Egyptians want? For one thing, they want more Islam in politics.
This one is interesting (and not surprising) to me, in that last june I spent just under 3 weeks in Egypt on a tour, and thus got at least SOMEWHAT of a feel for the country as a whole.

Basically, if you think regional politics has influence in Canada or the USA, you have NOTHING on Egypt. From abject poverty for entire swaths of the country, to open-air markets with Benzes driving by, it's really really odd.

But on the article itself, we had an interesting perspective on Islam and the country, being that our guide wasn't Muslim, but a Coptic Christian. According to that wiki article, there's about 7-10 million of them in Egypt itself, which given the 80 million population, gives them a bit less than 10% of the population. Our guide had a degree in Egyptology, and if you're Egyptian, Tour Guide is actually one of the better jobs for that degree, as the government doesn't let them actually do historical work. The reason there is that if a foreigner wants to "dig" (or whatever), they pay the government for the right to do so, whereas anybody who's actually Egyptian is more likely wanting a grant. Thus foreigners give them money, native-born are a drain. Makes sense, though bad for their own people. Also something to know is that on your government ID there, your religion is listed, and the options are Muslim, Christian, or Jew. AND THAT'S IT. No others are recognized, and I'm relatively certain (not sure though) that "none" is NOT an option. Supposedly those are the 3 "historic" religions of the land, and they don't want any more. /shrug

Anyways, the point is that our guide had quite a perspective on the country and politics there, and one of the things that he said that stuck with me is that if there wasn't a law against apostasy (changing from Muslim to anything else) he thought there'd be a significant number of people converting AWAY. The numbers from the survey don't exactly line up with that, but in that environment, I'd believe that any such survey is "fixed" and thus if answered wrong, you'd be killed if already Muslim, from the "not exactly secret ballot" approach to running things.

That's my perspective on it at least.
You can read all about the feuds in this RedState post, but even the DNC has realized that the fact is that when you want something done efficiently and effectively, you do not go to unions to get the job done.
Ugh, not commenting on a Red State post.

What do Egyptians want? For one thing, they want more Islam in politics.
Well, if they do, it is their country. Funny that. I bet America loves it when other countries stick their noses in our business. Oh wait, we don't.

The Democrats are at it again ... the Republicans want to "slash" Social Security. Truth? Nobody is proposing that. Nobody.
The social security thing.... many Republicans, including Paul Ryan (who gave the response to the SotU address) have put forth plans which involve privatizing social security or putting a portion of the money into the stock market. Does that count as proposing 'cutting' Social Security?

The pressure on Supreme Court Justices has already begun when it comes to an eventual vote on ObamaCare.

Let's take a look at Harry Reid's imaginary $4 billion credit to ObamaCare.
I'll wait for it to hit Politifact.

Democrats in Congress are upset by the new Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and his attempt to investigate President Obama's promises to improve government transparency.
Well whatdya know, something we can agree on.

White House correspondents are complaining that they are being shut out of the White House.
This one is just stupid. White House correspondents are the whiniest bunch of namsy pamsy wanna be reporters. Go out and find some news, you wastes of time.

New Mexico is no longer a sanctuary state, as new Governor Susana Martinez says officers will be able to ask anyone they suspect of a crime about their immigration status.
FTA- "For instance, Diaz said domestic violence victims may hold back from reporting those crimes to police for fear their loved ones will be deported or they will be, too." Classy!

Notice that a liberal's solution to our unhealthy lifestyle is more government.
Where does it say more government? You obviously don't know any farmers.

Florida freshman Rep. David Rivera has had a rough first month in office.
:facepalm: (I don't want to be misconstrued. I'm face-palming the actions of the Rep, not the article itself)

@Eriol- That's an incredible experience you must have had. From what I've gathered from the news reports, Egyptians protesting the government aren't protesting in a secular fashion, but simply are tired of the corrupt government and oppression of the people.


Staff member
Just saw the best comment ever!!

"They say you can't fix stupid, but apparently you can trademark it."
Added at: 15:52
The porn was actually titled "Who's Nailin Paylin?" , so your joke falls flat. :p

She just doesn't want the late night shows to make fun of her if she runs for president.
They can anyway. McDonalds is a trademark and they can be talked about all they want. It just means that I can't sell anything unauthorized with her name on it.


Staff member
Not that the Republicans are going to actually get serious about spending cuts ... but if they do, how much is enough?

Only in washington is a spending freeze equivalent to spending cuts.

Friday's employment report from the Labor Department brought bad news for economists as well as for America.

George Will explains what Ohio's new governor is doing to confront the state's pension problems.

Congressional Republicans have been joined by Democrats to curb the EPA's plans to unilaterally regulate greenhouse gases.

The latest column from Michael Barone ... Politics by the Numbers: Good Omens for the GOP in 2012.

Under Pennsylvania law, the city must provide defined-benefit plans to city employees, which has left the city of Pittsburgh with a $700 million unfunded liability.

Is Texas now as bad off as California?

Here's one way we could've saved a few billion...
A very reasonable round of links for the most part.

That last link I couldn't agree with more. When contractors are found guilty of fraud, why do we still pay them?


Staff member
A very reasonable round of links for the most part.
Well, we can't have THAT.

One of Obama's leaders of his deficit reduction panel says leaving Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid on auto pilot will crush the U.S. economy.

Those "Shame on" banners you see around the country? A union intimidation tactic. Here's how it works. Don't you just love unions?

Nancy Pelosi has her panties in a wad that Bill O'Reilly used the word "hate" during his interview with Obama. Pelosi says, "we shouldn't ever use the word hate in context of people unless you're talking about Hitler ..."

Obama says that there's "nothing Socialist" about ObamaCare. Technically, he's right. It's actually fascist. Trouble is you can't find one American out of 100 who understands just what a fascist economic system is.

Bill Clinton says the new crop of Republicans in Congress are living "in a parallel universe divorced from reality with no facts."

The truth about federal workers' compensation ...

Barack Obama has unveiled his spending cuts - a whopping $775 million. Wow, let's not spend it all in one place.

Unless you're in favor of a fully nationalized healthcare system, ObamaCare is a massive mistake.

Small businesses want MORE regulation?

Iran showed off new missile and satellite technology on Monday.

A government agency that can't get things done on time or run efficiently? Wow, I'm shocked!

Here's a look at how President Obama plays the media like a fiddle.

Who is going to jump into the 2012 race for the Republicans? So far it is only really Herman Cain.

A new video from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity gives four reasons why big government is bad fiscal policy.

Nationwide, one in seven Americans currently receives help from the government to put food on the table.

Here's a plan on how to reform Fannie and Freddie without raising mortgage costs.

Unless we expunge it from our national discourse, political correctness gets Americans killed.

There's a growing trend of Conservative Democrats switching to the GOP across the Deep South.

Barely a month into the new Congress, Democrats are mocking House Republicans for what they say is a less-than-ambitious legislative agenda.

The Obama administration is quietly seeking the power for it and other governments to veto future top-level domain names on the Internet.

You'll love this story of big oil company employees coming to the rescue of Code Pink moonbats.

How do you feel about the Patriot Act? You might want to convey that to your Congressman this week, it's up for vote.


Staff member
Spending? We can't cut spending! But we can spend $53 billion to build a high speed rail that no one will use.

Less than half of Americans believe that Barack Obama will not win re-election.

When Obama's budget plan comes to the House, Republicans are planning on blocking funding for ObamaCare.

The top five Obama regulations that American businesses hate most.

Federal regulators have proposed making top executives at large financial firms wait at least three years to be paid half of their annual bonuses.

When it comes to ObamaCare waivers, the president cannot simply decide who does and does not have to follow the law.

Many of our states are nearing bankruptcy, and you've heard talks about a federal bailout. Here's another solution: Let 'em go bankrupt so they can then renegotiate union contracts that broke them in the first place.

Here's Thomas Sowell's latest column on undermining our allies.

More from Thomas Sowell: Now that two different federal courts have declared ObamaCare unconstitutional, the administration's answer is to call the courts guilty of "judicial activism."

More investors appear to be betting that the United States' ever-rising debt load is going to get worse ...

Obama's top man at the FCC is trying to regulate the Internet.

Your tax dollars ... and government educators ... at work.

More wealthy residents in DC are registering guns.

The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that it is OK for workers to criticize their employer on Facebook.

An Alabama legislator uses the phrase "empty the clip" and Democrats go nuts .. he's using violent terms!

Extension of Patriot Act provisions fails to pass House.

Every Monday off and a week off after every two? Welcome to the House of Representatives.
That is pretty weird.. Be aware, though, that this isn't typical of all unions, just like all Iraq contractors didn't shock U.S. troops with faulty wiring in showers.
Krisken, I live in NJ, you're going to have a tough time convincing me what constitutes atypical vs typical union behavior. :p

Seriously, though, I get what you're saying, but I tend to find that the bigger a union is (just like a corporation, ironically), the more able and willing they usually are to act extremely unethically, even if not necessarily illegally.
Agreed. It's a shame that an institution that has come so far and done so much has been reduced to what a lot of unions are today.
The United States should follow the example of Japan and China and build high-speed rail, Biden said. "If we do not, you tell me how America is going to be able to lead the world in the 21st century," he said.

Damn right we should. This is one of the few times I agree with him. It's shameful how much we lack in transportation infrastructure. Our buses suck, or trains suck, and then only real way to get around is hop a pricy flight or drive, and gas isn't cheap anymore. I like how I can hop a train in China to almost anywhere and buses to other cities are plentiful. In S. Korea I went from Incheon airport in the north to Mokpo in the way south, by bus in 4 hours. In Japan you can high speed rail your way from Tokyo to Osaka in two hours and getting around the country in Korea/Japan/China is easy to the point where having a car would be nice, but by no means is it necessary. Heaven forbid I don't have a car living in the US though.
Didn't Code Pink recently talk about lynching Clarence Thomas and dueling Glenn Beck with a Glock? Surely there must be a massive uproar over that as well.
No, two random people at a rally said it after being prompted by a guy with a camera who kept saying things like "...and after they impeach him, then what? Okay, and then what? And then what?" I think it's a disgusting thing to say, but I don't think it's fair to paint the whole group with the same brush. It's the same reason it's not okay to call the whole Tea Party racist because some rednecks show up to their rally.