[PC Game] Minecraft HF server info and game discussion

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All I did to do my custom skin was download it to my computer, then login at minecraft.net, clicked profile, then uploaded it from there.

Mind you, when minecraft.net is having connection issues, sometimes custom skins fail to load. Which has been pretty much every weekend for the last two months...
Double-checked to make sure I wasn't mistakenly correlating skin load failures with warp commands: yep, for me they both reset the skin.


Staff member
Did it happen yesterday? I saw you several times and you always had your dapper creeper skin... Maybe it only shows the default to one's self when that happens, because I know custom skins are loaded dynamically on the fly when a player comes into render range.
Added at: 12:01
Coming soon to Minecraft: Hunger.

Notch said:
For one, we decided we do want to add a food meter. You will be able to play without food if you want, but you won't be as cool if you do.
Added at: 12:04
Also, from Notch's blog (bold emphasis mine):
Most of the work I got done last week was with the new launcher, and it’s almost done now! Here’s a mostly complete summary of the changes:
* Newly designed window looks slightly prettier, and also has a nice big space to load an HTML page showing the updates in the latest patch
* If there’s a new update, the launcher asks if you wish to update. You can choose between “Not yet” and “Yes”.
* The launcher only downloads modified files
* Logging in is done over https, preventing sniffing (we even double check the certificate)
* Downloaded files are checksummed, making sure the correct file was received
* You can force a full re-download of all game files in case you suspect your local files are corrupt
* There’s a handy link to go directly to the game install folder

We have a couple of bugs left to fix, and we’re going to try adding the ability to choose what dir to save/load levels from. Playing against your dropbox dir might be fun. Once all that is done, it’ll get released!

While I was away, Jens’s been working on 1.3, which we’re aiming at releasing sometime early/mid-week next week. I’ve forgotten all the new stuff in there (it’s sunday, ok?), but my favorite two are the redstone delay/repeater blocks and the beds. We’re hoping to be able to make the beds feature complete before GDC, but it’s more important to get the 1.3 update out, so some of the functionality might be missing for a week or two.
Not sure what value is being added with a food meter. Just another thing to turn off I suppose. Get zombies working!


Staff member
Zombies are only off because they cause crippling lag... at the moment, I don't see the harm in leaving the food meter on... basically we're running in creative mode right now, which I think causes some people to lose interest when they get creator's block.
So why not fix the zombie lag instead of adding unnecessary game mechanics? I don't think anyone plays the game thinking "Man, I wish I could have to eat something every 8 hours so I didn't randomly die!". Is there going to be a pee bar too?
Hmm, not sure. I mostly use the commands if I need materials stored in my vaults, and yesterday I elected to get my sand from that nearby mountain.

Hunger: do not want.


Staff member
So why not fix the zombie lag instead of adding unnecessary game mechanics? I don't think anyone plays the game thinking "Man, I wish I could have to eat something every 8 hours so I didn't randomly die!". Is there going to be a pee bar too?
Immersion. It's supposed to be a survival experience after all.


Staff member
New non-cartograph cartograph up. Colored cloth doesn't work in it yet unfortunately, so all cloth shows up as white... like the streets in Playa del Halforum, and most colored constructions made since their introduction.
Added at: 13:34
I thought it was a Sandbox construction game with hostile NPCs. If it was a survival game, I'd have more weapons than a sword! I want catapults and trebuchets!
The current game mode is actually called "Survival." It's just behaved like a sandbox because, well, like has been said... monsters currently are turned off due to them causing gamebreaking lag. Rest assured I think we mods are in agreement to turn them back on when it can be done safely, without fear of server crashes and gamebreaking lag.


Staff member
The latest from notch on the login problems:

Server downtime, and a new Launcher

Minecraft.net is suffering some difficulties at the moment, with the database getting overloaded. We’re working hard on fixing the problem.
In the meantime, I’ve uploaded the new game launcher, which you can download from here once the servers are back up and running.
The biggest updates in there are that it shows the latest update news, logs in over https, it asks if you want to update or keep playing on the current installed version, only downloads modified files.


New non-cartograph cartograph up. Colored cloth doesn't work in it yet unfortunately, so all cloth shows up as white... like the streets in Playa del Halforum, and most colored constructions made since their introduction.
Added at: 13:34
What software did you use for that, then?
The current game mode is actually called "Survival." It's just behaved like a sandbox because, well, like has been said... monsters currently are turned off due to them causing gamebreaking lag. Rest assured I think we mods are in agreement to turn them back on when it can be done safely, without fear of server crashes and gamebreaking lag.
Agreed, yes.
What software did you use for that, then?

Agreed, yes.
*plans to mount gun turrets on the HMS Fnordia*

Im acctualy working on prototype compact fire arrow launchers in single player, once I have a good build going I will put up defensive guns....KEEP OFF MY LAWN...errr OCEAN!
*plans to mount gun turrets on the HMS Fnordia*

Im acctualy working on prototype compact fire arrow launchers in single player, once I have a good build going I will put up defensive guns....KEEP OFF MY LAWN...errr OCEAN!
*Bones sends his elite scuba commandos to take down the enemy sub off lighthouse island* :D


Staff member
Notch said:
Minecraft Beta 1.3

* Implemented a new lighting engine with the help of MrMessiahs (can be turned off)
* Changed the options around, added a new “Graphics options” button
* Added beds. If all players in a map sleeps in a bed during night, the game immediately skips until morning
* Added three new half-size blocks
* Added Delay/Repeater redstone dust blocks
* Added whitelisting to the server. To use, enter “whitelist <cmd>” where cmd is “on”, “off”, “add <player>”, “remove <player>”, “list” or “reload”
* New save file format, old maps need to be converted (that might take a while..)
* It’s now possible to have more than five save slots, and to rename saves
* Scrollbars in both the texture pack list, and in the map selection screen
* Replaced the Mojang splash image to reflect the new logo colors
* .. and a bunch of bug fixes and tweaks!
Added at: 12:27
I'll work on updating the server.
Added at: 12:31
Scratch that, I WON'T update the server yet... 1.3 currently doesn't have hmod and all its security features (to say nothing of the addons) yet.

I'm of the opinion it is important for us not to update until the security addon is also updated. Do you guys feel differently?
Added at: 12:34
In fact, it is moot. The option to update, despite their news feed to me saying it is, is not available yet.
Added at: 12:36
If you get the new launcher BEFORE YOU UPDATE, it will give you the option not to update yet and you can continue playing on 1.2.
Good decision to officially include BetterLight. It is so much more aesthetically pleasing, IMO.
Happy to see sandstone and wood half blocks... wish there were polished stone stairs, though. Lots of good stuff in this update.


Staff member
From what I hear, if there is any potential avenue of a monster getting to your bed, when you try to sleep, it will happen. So make sure you're locked up tight. (single player obviously since we have monsters off... for now)
I wonder if we sleep the nights away, do the trees still grow and fires still burn at a "real time" rate, or is it as though the night had never occurred from the sleep point to the daytime point?

I see a lot of beds being built all over creation, and people sending messages on the server asking others to go to sleep for a moment to get daylight back.

I then see people killing AFK players who don't go to sleep on time and stay logged on.

Pretty soon a curfew will be set, and a police state will emerge.


Staff member
If anybody accidentally updated to 1.3 and wants to downgrade back to 1.2 to play on the server, delete everything out of your %appdata%/.minecraft/bin folder except the "version" file and then put these files in the bin folder.

To update to 1.3 after that, just delete the version file.
Added at: 15:46
It's been confirmed that sleeping in a bed does not cause time to "fast forward" but rather just changes the clock. IE... trees don't grow faster, monsters don't disappear, etc. Also, sleeping in a bed will cause your custom skin to revert to default.


Staff member
Fnord, I'd like to request you move your pineapple, either into a lot in the Playa Del Halforums proper, or somewhere else that isn't snagging the primary scenic vista of the main area's beachfront property.
Scenic vista? I've been stripping as much sand as I can out of that mountain. You want I should move on to one of the other sandy areas?
Bleh. I have the worst luck with Minecraft.

So, I was dumb and upgraded to 1.3. However, the new launcher can't connect to Minecraft.net. So I downgrade to 1.2. That gives me an error that it's an out of date launcher. If I try to go offline and then connect to our server, it says I'm not a Premium user. BLAH!



Staff member
Bleh. I have the worst luck with Minecraft.

So, I was dumb and upgraded to 1.3. However, the new launcher can't connect to Minecraft.net. So I downgrade to 1.2. That gives me an error that it's an out of date launcher. If I try to go offline and then connect to our server, it says I'm not a Premium user. BLAH!

If anybody accidentally updated to 1.3 and wants to downgrade back to 1.2 to play on the server, delete everything out of your %appdata%/.minecraft/bin folder except the "version" file and then put these files in the bin folder.

To update to 1.3 after that, just delete the version file.
If you need the old launcher, I have that and can host it for you.
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