[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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Huh, I don't put quotes around my alt text and it still works... wonder why.

Text doesn't seem to matter, at least for me.


Staff member
Just so you guys know, the Spoiler BBCode is not native to XF and therefore is a bit buggy. XF will be adding their own in the stable release (upcoming) and should work just fine.
with that giant mural, I am trying to figure out who the two people bottom center are? i assume links parents, but I am not sure.
Horn rimmed glasses are now a hipster thing... usually with out the actual glass in the frames.

why quote a huge wall of photos to ask a brief question?
Everyone forgets Eilonwy.
And they forget Aurora's real name.
And The Road to El Dorado isn't Disney, it's Bibo Bergeron (the Ferngully guy). Still a good movie, though.
And lots of others, too. I remember seeing a 'behind the scenes' live-action video of her doing the whole dinner table fork scene, but at the time I didn't realize I was looking at Slappy.



Staff member
Everyone forgets Eilonwy.
I try to forget THAT Eilonwy. Stupid Disney with their crappy version of one of the best fantasy sagas out there, and their death grip on the rights. Way to rip the soul out of the books.


Staff member
You don't like it, Fade? Frankly, I'm surprised.
I will never understand this. In the time I posted this one dislike, I think I posted 3 'likes'. Not to mention I think I made it clear in the same post that I loved the books.
I will never understand this. In the time I posted this one dislike, I think I posted 3 'likes'. Not to mention I think I made it clear in the same post that I loved the books.
But it is so much easier to be a territorial douche by hounding some one every time they post a critique.
Besides, Fade, you have a forum "thing". Sure, it may not be true, but embrace it nonetheless. Besides, it could be worse. Look what Dave, Iaculus and Pojo got stuck with.

Poor, poor Pojo.

Plus, I enjoy the irony of you disliking the fact that people say you dislike things. It's very meta.


I'm pretty much with Fun Size on this. I'm well aware that you not Mr. 100% negativity, but it kind of your "thing" now and it's fun to poke at that.

Just look at Calleja, he may be considered a forum "ladies man" but at the same time he's called "Susan" for other reasons. It's just how you know you're actually "known" on the boards as someone with some reknown.
I will never understand this. In the time I posted this one dislike, I think I posted 3 'likes'. Not to mention I think I made it clear in the same post that I loved the books.
I can't help but get a sense of pessimism whenever I read your posts. Your "likes" seem as though they're a neutral observation, and your "dislikes" feel emphasized. Maybe that's just the way you project yourself online.


Staff member
Besides, Fade, you have a forum "thing". Sure, it may not be true, but embrace it nonetheless. Besides, it could be worse. Look what Dave, Iaculus and Pojo got stuck with.

Poor, poor Pojo.
Wait. I'm being compared to a furry and a pedophile? WTF?

Actually, I don't care about the furry thing. Pojo was cool as shit. I don't think too many of us held it against him. I think he hated the constant picking though.

Don't cry for me Ha-al-forums!
The truth is I THINK it's funny!
The flappy hooties
and all the old jokes
I 'm not offended.
So keep them coming.

If you don't know the tune you lose out on that one.
I actually had a really interesting exchange with Pojo in PM on all that stuff. Mostly he was misunderstood. Still, it was funny, and being honest, it's easy to take the obvious joke so a lot of us do it. Doesn't fully apply to Fade, as it's lacks the comic potential of, say, a "Frosty Susan", but there you go. Plus, it's just something that happens in these spaces, and frankly, it seems like being known for something might be preferred to the "who the Hell are you again" that oft occurs with the rest of us.
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