Introducing your world!
Two large continents and two large islands. Eight nations with a variety of climates, riverlands, mountains, grasslands, deserts, artic wastelands and tropical paradises.
The nation of MUKI, furthest north of the civilized lands, with two large cities; Uradzaj and Vosie. It is a vast land of horses and grain.
To it's west is the nation of ZBOZZA, renowned for it's furious winds and blowing plains of wheat and corn. It has two large cities Fiermier and Avios,, the latter being a massive harbour city filled with secrets.
To the south is FORET a nation dominated by lush forests and a vast variety of wildlife. It's cities are Clairiere and Ete, renowned for their science and culture.
On they southern continent you will find the river nation of RIOS and it's twin cities of Vint and Avena. Rios is a nation of travellers and and wizards.
Splitting the southern continent in two is the great desert of COL, home the fabled city of Persolacquo, City of Lost Water in the common tongue. It is a land dominated by the mystery fey and at night said to from vampires from the sand itself.
A cousin to it's neighbours to the north is GRANO, a rich farming nation with a large commercial city in Cotone and the great mining city of Farina
Bounded by the great sailing straights are the island nations. LALAW is a tropical paradise with a mysterious mountain range filled with volcanoes and questions, it has one city Mansanas who make some of the finest ships that have ever sailed.
And central to all is the wealthy nation of KABISERA, home to the largest city in the world Kabi, the home of government for the world and the powerful merchant and sailing guilds. It has a strong religious city on it's northern shore that see proud temples from all faiths existing in a precarious harmony.